Source code for autopilot.gui.widgets.input

Widgets for representing input widgets for different types.

The metaclass {class}`.Input` represents the basic structure, which each of the inheriting classes
override. Subclasses can be retrieved and instantiated with the overloaded :meth:`.from_type` method::

    # retrieve the class
    int_input_class = Input.from_type(int)
    # instantiate the class -- some subtypes (see :class:`.LiteralInput` ) need arguments on instantiation.
    int_input = int_input_class()

and can then be used to make and manipulate Qt Widgets::

    # make the literal ``QWidget`` to be used
    widget = int_input.make()
    # get/set the value of the created widget
    value = int_input.value()

This allows the :class:`ModelWidget` class to provide a uniform interface to fill end edit models.


import typing
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime
from typing import ClassVar, Type, Optional, List, Tuple, Union, overload, Literal

from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtGui
from PySide2.QtCore import QDateTime, Qt
from pydantic import Field, PrivateAttr

from autopilot.utils.loggers import init_logger

[docs]class Input(ABC): """ Metaclass to parametrically spawn a Qt Input widget for a given type. Primarily for the purpose of making a unified widget creation and value retreival syntax within the :class:`ModelWidget` class """ # class variables set by subtypes widget: ClassVar[Type[QtWidgets.QWidget]] = None """The widget that is made with the :meth:`.make` method""" validator: ClassVar[Optional[Type[QtGui.QValidator]]] = None """The validator applied to the input widget""" method_calls: ClassVar[Optional[List[Tuple[str, typing.List]]]] = None """Names of methods to call after instantiation, passed as a tuple of (method_name, [method_args])""" python_type: ClassVar[Union[Type]] """The python type that this input provides interface for""" permissiveness: ClassVar[int] = 0 """ When a type is annotated with a Union, the more permissive (higher number) one will be chosen. Arbitrary units. """ # Instance attributes args: Optional[list] = Field(default_factory=list) """Args to pass to the widget on creation""" kwargs: Optional[dict] = Field(default_factory=dict) """Kwargs to pass to the widget on creation""" range: Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]] = None """Limit numerical types to a specific range""" _widget: Optional[QtWidgets.QWidget] = PrivateAttr(None) """After creation, keep track of this to be able to get """ def __init__(self, args:Optional[list]=None, kwargs:Optional[dict]=None, range:Optional[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]=None, ): if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.range = range self.logger = init_logger(self) @overload def from_type(cls, type_:Type[bool]) -> Type['BoolInput']: ... @overload def from_type(cls, type_:Type[int]) -> Type['IntInput']: ... @overload def from_type(cls, type_:Type[float]) -> Type['FloatInput']: ... @overload def from_type(cls, type_:Type[str]) -> Type['StrInput']: ... @overload @classmethod def from_type(cls, type_:Type[datetime]) -> Type['DatetimeInput']: ... @overload def from_type(cls, type_:Type[list]) -> Type['ListInput']: ...
[docs] @classmethod def from_type(cls, type_:type) -> Type['Input']: """ Get a subclass of ``Input`` that represents a given type. Args: type_ (:class:`typing.Type`): The type (eg. ``float``, ``int``) to be represented Returns: An appropriate ``Input`` subclass Raises: :class:`ValueError` if either no or more than 1 subclass has been declared for the given type. """ subclass = [c for c in cls.__subclasses__() if c.python_type is type_] if len(subclass) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No Input widget has been defined for type_ {type_}") elif len(subclass) > 1: raise ValueError(f"More than one Input subclass defined for type_ {type_}") else: return subclass[0]
[docs] @abstractmethod def setValue(self, value:typing.Any): """ Set a value in the created widget After the :meth:`Input.make` method is called, returning a widget, the Input instance will store a reference to it. This method then allows its value to be set, doing appropriate type conversions and invoking the correct methods. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def value(self) -> typing.Any: """ Retrieve the value from the widget! After the :meth:`Input.make` method is called, returning a widget, the Input instance will store a reference to it. This method then returns the value, doing appropriate type conversion. """
[docs] def make(self, widget_kwargs:Optional[dict]=None, validator_kwargs:Optional[dict]=None) -> QtWidgets.QWidget: """ Make the appropriate widget for this input. Stores the made widget in the private :attr:`._widget` attr, which is then used in subsequent :meth:`.Input.value` and :meth:`.Input.setValue` calls. Args: widget_kwargs (dict): Optional: kwargs given to the widget on instantiation validator_kwargs (dict): Optional: kwargs given to the validator on instantiation Returns: :class:`PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget`: Subclass of QWidget according to Input type """ if widget_kwargs is not None: kwargs = widget_kwargs else: kwargs = self.kwargs if validator_kwargs is not None: v_kwargs = validator_kwargs else: v_kwargs = {} widget = self.widget(*self.args, **kwargs) if self.validator: validator = self.validator(**v_kwargs) widget.setValidator(validator) if self.method_calls is not None: for methname, meth_args in self.method_calls: getattr(widget, methname)(*meth_args) self._widget = widget return widget
# class Config: # arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs]class BoolInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox python_type = bool _widget: QtWidgets.QCheckBox
[docs] def setValue(self, value:bool): self._widget.setChecked(value)
[docs] def value(self) -> bool: return self._widget.isChecked()
[docs]class IntInput(Input): widget=QtWidgets.QLineEdit validator = QtGui.QIntValidator permissiveness = 1 python_type = int _widget: QtWidgets.QLineEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value:int): self._widget.setText(str(value))
[docs] def value(self) -> Optional[int]: if self._widget.text() == '': return None else: return int(self._widget.text())
[docs]class FloatInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit validator = QtGui.QIntValidator permissiveness = 2, python_type = float _widget: QtWidgets.QLineEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value: float): self._widget.setText(str(value))
[docs] def value(self) -> Optional[float]: if self._widget.text() == '': return None else: return float(self._widget.text())
[docs]class StrInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit permissiveness = 3 python_type = str _widget: QtWidgets.QLineEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value: str): self._widget.setText(str(value))
[docs] def value(self) -> str: return str(self._widget.text())
[docs]class DatetimeInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QDateTimeEdit method_calls = [('setCalendarPopup', [True])] python_type = datetime _widget: QtWidgets.QDateTimeEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value:datetime): dt = QDateTime.fromString(value.isoformat(), Qt.ISODate) self._widget.setDateTime(dt)
[docs] def value(self) -> datetime: return self._widget.dateTime().toPython()
[docs]class ListInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit python_type = list _widget: QtWidgets.QLineEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value: list): self._widget.setText(str(value))
[docs] def value(self) -> list: if self._widget.text() == '': return [] else: try: val = literal_eval(self._widget.text()) return val except ValueError as e: self.logger.exception(f"Expected input to be list-like, eg '[1,2,3]', but instead got input: \n{self._widget.text()}") raise e
[docs]class DictInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit python_type = dict _widget: QtWidgets.QLineEdit
[docs] def setValue(self, value: dict): self._widget.setText(str(value))
[docs] def value(self) -> dict: if self._widget.text() == '': return {} else: try: val = literal_eval(self._widget.text()) return val except ValueError as e: self.logger.exception(f"Expected input to be dict-like, eg \"{{'key': 'val', 'key2': 'val2'}}\", but instead got input: \n{self._widget.text()}") raise e
[docs]class LiteralInput(Input): widget = QtWidgets.QComboBox python_type: ClassVar[Type] = typing.Literal choices: list """Args are not optional for literal input types""" default: Optional[typing.Any] = None """ If one of the entries in the literal type should be default, set this on widget creation """ _widget: QtWidgets.QComboBox def __init__(self, choices:list,default:Optional[typing.Any]=None, **kwargs): super(LiteralInput, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.choices = choices self.default = default
[docs] def make(self, widget_kwargs:Optional[dict]=None, validator_kwargs:Optional[dict]=None) -> QtWidgets.QComboBox: """ Call the superclass make method, but then set the options for the combobox based on our :attr:`LiteralInput.args` attribute. Args: widget_kwargs (dict): Optional: kwargs given to the widget on instantiation validator_kwargs (dict): Optional: kwargs given to the validator on instantiation Returns: :class:`PySide2.QtWidgets.QComboBox` """ widget = super(LiteralInput, self).make(widget_kwargs=widget_kwargs, validator_kwargs=validator_kwargs) # type: QtWidgets.QComboBox widget.addItems(self.choices) if self.default is not None: self.setValue(self.default) return widget
[docs] def setValue(self, value: typing.Any): idx = self._widget.findText(value) self._widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] def value(self) -> typing.Any: return self._widget.currentText()