Source code for autopilot.core.plots

Classes to plot data in the GUI.

.. todo::

    Add all possible plot objects and options in list.

    Plot objects need to be added to :data:`~.plots.PLOT_LIST` in order to be reachable.


# Classes for plots
import sys
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import PySide2 # have to import to tell pyqtgraph to use it
#import PySide
import pandas as pd
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtOpenGL
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import pyqtgraph as pg
from time import time, sleep
from itertools import count
from functools import wraps
from threading import Event, Thread
import multiprocessing as mp
import pdb
from queue import Queue, Empty, Full
#import cv2
# from pyqtgraph.widgets.RawImageWidget import RawImageWidget, RawImageGLWidget

from autopilot import tasks, prefs
from autopilot.core import styles
from .utils import InvokeEvent, Invoker
from autopilot.core.networking import Net_Node

# Plot list at the bottom!

[docs]def gui_event(fn): """ Wrapper/decorator around an event that posts GUI events back to the main thread that our window is running in. Args: fn (callable): a function that does something to the GUI """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper_gui_event(*args, **kwargs): # type: (object, object) -> None """ Args: *args (): **kwargs (): """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.postEvent(prefs.INVOKER, InvokeEvent(fn, *args, **kwargs)) return wrapper_gui_event
[docs]class Plot_Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Main plot widget that holds plots for all pilots Essentially just a container to give plots a layout and handle any logic that should apply to all plots. Attributes: logger (`logging.Logger`): The 'main' logger plots (dict): mapping from pilot name to :class:`.Plot` """ # Widget that frames multiple plots def __init__(self): # type: () -> None QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger('main') # We should get passed a list of pilots to keep ourselves in order after initing self.pilots = None # Dict to store handles to plot windows by pilot self.plots = {} # Main Layout self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.layout.setSpacing(0) # Plot Selection Buttons # TODO: Each plot bar should have an option panel, because different tasks have different plots #self.plot_select = self.create_plot_buttons() # Create empty plot container self.plot_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # Assemble buttons and plots #self.layout.addWidget(self.plot_select) self.layout.addLayout(self.plot_layout) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def init_plots(self, pilot_list): """ For each pilot, instantiate a :class:`.Plot` and add to layout. Args: pilot_list (list): the keys from :attr:`.Terminal.pilots` """ self.pilots = pilot_list # Make a plot for each pilot. for p in self.pilots: plot = Plot(pilot=p, parent=self) self.plot_layout.addWidget(plot) self.plot_layout.addWidget(HLine()) self.plots[p] = plot
[docs]class Plot(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Widget that hosts a :class:`pyqtgraph.PlotWidget` and manages graphical objects for one pilot depending on the task. **listens** +-------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ | Key | Method | Description | +=============+========================+=========================+ | **'START'** | :meth:`~.Plot.l_start` | starting a new task | +-------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ | **'DATA'** | :meth:`~.Plot.l_data` | getting a new datapoint | +-------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ | **'STOP'** | :meth:`~.Plot.l_stop` | stop the task | +-------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ | **'PARAM'** | :meth:`~.Plot.l_param` | change some parameter | +-------------+------------------------+-------------------------+ **Plot Parameters** The plot is built from the ``PLOT={data:plot_element}`` mappings described in the :class:`~autopilot.tasks.task.Task` class. Additional parameters can be specified in the ``PLOT`` dictionary. Currently: * **continuous** (bool): whether the data should be plotted against the trial number (False or NA) or against time (True) * **chance_bar** (bool): Whether to draw a red horizontal line at chance level (default: 0.5) * **chance_level** (float): The position in the y-axis at which the ``chance_bar`` should be drawn * **roll_window** (int): The number of trials :class:`~.Roll_Mean` take the average over. Attributes: pilot (str): The name of our pilot, used to set the identity of our socket, specifically:: 'P_{pilot}' infobox (:class:`QtWidgets.QFormLayout`): Box to plot basic task information like trial number, etc. info (dict): Widgets in infobox: * 'N Trials': :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel`, * 'Runtime' : :class:`.Timer`, * 'Session' : :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel`, * 'Protocol': :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel`, * 'Step' : :class:`QtWidgets.QLabel` plot (:class:`pyqtgraph.PlotWidget`): The widget where we draw our plots plot_params (dict): A dictionary of plot parameters we receive from the Task class data (dict): A dictionary of the data we've received plots (dict): The collection of plots we instantiate based on `plot_params` node (:class:`.Net_Node`): Our local net node where we listen for data. state (str): state of the pilot, used to keep plot synchronized. """ def __init__(self, pilot, x_width=50, parent=None): """ Args: pilot (str): The name of our pilot x_width (int): How many trials in the past should we plot? """ #super(Plot, self).__init__(QtOpenGL.QGLFormat(QtOpenGL.QGL.SampleBuffers), parent) super(Plot, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('main') self.parent = parent self.layout = None self.infobox = None self.n_trials = None self.session_trials = 0 = {} self.plot = None self.xrange = None self.plot_params = {} = {} # Keep a dict of the data we are keeping track of, will be instantiated on start self.plots = {} self.state = "IDLE" self.continuous = False self.last_time = 0 = None self.videos = [] self.invoker = prefs.INVOKER # The name of our pilot, used to listen for events self.pilot = pilot # Set initial x-value, will update when data starts coming in self.x_width = x_width self.last_trial = self.x_width # Inits the basic widget settings self.init_plots() ## Station # Start the listener, subscribes to terminal_networking that will broadcast data self.listens = { 'START' : self.l_start, # Receiving a new task 'DATA' : self.l_data, # Receiving a new datapoint 'CONTINUOUS': self.l_data, 'STOP' : self.l_stop, 'PARAM': self.l_param, # changing some param 'STATE': self.l_state } self.node = Net_Node(id='P_{}'.format(self.pilot), upstream="T", port=prefs.MSGPORT, listens=self.listens, instance=True)
[docs] @gui_event def init_plots(self): """ Make pre-task GUI objects and set basic visual parameters of `self.plot` """ # This is called to make the basic plot window, # each task started should then send us params to populate afterwards #self.getPlotItem().hideAxis('bottom') self.layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2) self.setLayout(self.layout) # A little infobox to keep track of running time, trials, etc. self.infobox = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.n_trials = count() self.session_trials = 0 = { 'N Trials': QtWidgets.QLabel(), 'Runtime' : Timer(), 'Session' : QtWidgets.QLabel(), 'Protocol': QtWidgets.QLabel(), 'Step' : QtWidgets.QLabel() } for k, v in self.infobox.addRow(k, v) #self.infobox.setS self.layout.addLayout(self.infobox, 2) # The plot that we own :) self.plot = pg.PlotWidget() self.plot.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.layout.addWidget(self.plot, 8) self.xrange = range(self.last_trial - self.x_width + 1, self.last_trial + 1) self.plot.setXRange(self.xrange[0], self.xrange[-1]) self.plot.getPlotItem().hideAxis('left') self.plot.setBackground(None) self.plot.getPlotItem().getAxis('bottom').setPen({'color':'k'}) self.plot.getPlotItem().getAxis('bottom').setTickFont('FreeMono') self.plot.setXRange(self.xrange[0], self.xrange[1]) self.plot.enableAutoRange(y=True)
# self.plot # self.plot.setYRange(0, 1)
[docs] @gui_event def l_start(self, value): """ Starting a task, initialize task-specific plot objects described in the :attr:`.Task.PLOT` attribute. Matches the data field name (keys of :attr:`.Task.PLOT` ) to the plot object that represents it, eg, to make the standard nafc plot:: {'target' : 'point', 'response' : 'segment', 'correct' : 'rollmean'} Args: value (dict): The same parameter dictionary sent by :meth:`.Terminal.toggle_start`, including * current_trial * step * session * step_name * task_type """ if self.state in ("RUNNING", "INITIALIZING"): return self.state = "INITIALIZING" # We're sent a task dict, we extract the plot params and send them to the plot object self.plot_params = tasks.TASK_LIST[value['task_type']].PLOT if 'continuous' in self.plot_params.keys(): if self.plot_params['continuous']: self.continuous = True else: self.continuous = False else: self.continuous = False # set infobox stuff self.n_trials = count() self.session_trials = 0['N Trials'].setText(str(value['current_trial']))['Runtime'].start_timer()['Step'].setText(str(value['step']))['Session'].setText(str(value['session']))['Protocol'].setText(value['step_name']) # TODO: Make this more general, make cases for each non-'data' key try: if self.plot_params['chance_bar']: if self.plot_params['chance_level']: try: chance_level = float(self.plot_params['chance_level']) except ValueError: chance_level = 0.5 # TODO: Log this. self.plot.getPlotItem().addLine(y=chance_level, pen=(255, 0, 0)) else: self.plot.getPlotItem().addLine(y=0.5, pen=(255, 0, 0)) except KeyError: # No big deal, chance bar wasn't set pass # Make plot items for each data type for data, plot in self.plot_params['data'].items(): # TODO: Better way of doing params for plots, redo when params are refactored if plot == 'rollmean' and 'roll_window' in self.plot_params.keys(): self.plots[data] = Roll_Mean(winsize=self.plot_params['roll_window']) self.plot.addItem(self.plots[data])[data] = np.zeros((0,2), dtype=np.float) else: self.plots[data] = PLOT_LIST[plot](continuous=self.continuous) self.plot.addItem(self.plots[data])[data] = np.zeros((0,2), dtype=np.float) if 'video' in self.plot_params.keys(): self.videos = self.plot_params['video'] = Video(self.plot_params['video']) self.state = 'RUNNING'
[docs] @gui_event def l_data(self, value): """ Receive some data, if we were told to plot it, stash the data and update the assigned plot. Args: value (dict): Value field of a data message sent during a task. """ if self.state == "INITIALIZING": return #pdb.set_trace() if 'trial_num' in value.keys(): v = value.pop('trial_num') if v >= self.last_trial: self.session_trials = next(self.n_trials) elif v < self.last_trial: self.logger.exception('Shouldnt be going back in time!') self.last_trial = v # self.last_trial = v['N Trials'].setText("{}/{}".format(self.session_trials, v)) if not self.continuous: self.xrange = range(v - self.x_width + 1, v + 1) self.plot.setXRange(self.xrange[0], self.xrange[-1]) if 't' in value.keys(): self.last_time = value.pop('t') if self.continuous: self.plot.setXRange(self.last_time-self.x_width, self.last_time+1) if self.continuous: x_val = self.last_time else: x_val = self.last_trial for k, v in value.items(): if k in[k] = np.vstack(([k], (x_val, v))) # gui_event_fn(self.plots[k].update, *([k],)) self.plots[k].update([k]) elif k in self.videos:, v)
[docs] @gui_event def l_stop(self, value): """ Clean up the plot objects. Args: value (dict): if "graduation" is a key, don't stop the timer. """ = {} self.plots = {} self.plot.clear() try: if isinstance(value, str) or ('graduation' not in value.keys()):['Runtime'].stop_timer() except:['Runtime'].stop_timer()['N Trials'].setText('')['Step'].setText('')['Session'].setText('')['Protocol'].setText('') if is not None: del del self.videos = None self.videos = [] self.state = 'IDLE'
[docs] def l_param(self, value): """ Warning: Not implemented Args: value: """ pass
[docs] def l_state(self, value): """ Pilot letting us know its state has changed. Mostly for the case where we think we're running but the pi doesn't. Args: value (:attr:`.Pilot.state`): the state of our pilot """ if (value in ('STOPPING', 'IDLE')) and self.state == 'RUNNING': #self.l_stop({}) pass
################################### # Curve subclasses
[docs]class Point(pg.PlotDataItem): """ A simple point. Attributes: brush (:class:`QtWidgets.QBrush`) pen (:class:`QtWidgets.QPen`) """ def __init__(self, color=(0,0,0), size=5, **kwargs): """ Args: color (tuple): RGB color of points size (int): width in px. """ super(Point, self).__init__() self.continuous = False if 'continuous' in kwargs.keys(): self.continuous = kwargs['continuous'] self.brush = pg.mkBrush(color) self.pen = pg.mkPen(color, width=size) self.size = size
[docs] def update(self, data): """ Args: data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an x_width x 2 array where column 0 is trial number and column 1 is the value, where value can be "L", "C", "R" or a float. """ # data should come in as an n x 2 array, # 0th column - trial number (x), 1st - (y) value data[data=="R"] = 1 data[data=="C"] = 0.5 data[data=="L"] = 0 data = data.astype(np.float) self.scatter.setData(x=data[...,0], y=data[...,1], size=self.size, brush=self.brush, symbol='o', pen=self.pen)
[docs]class Line(pg.PlotDataItem): """ A simple line """ def __init__(self, color=(0,0,0), size=1, **kwargs): super(Line, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.brush = pg.mkBrush(color) self.pen = pg.mkPen(color, width=size) self.size = size
[docs] def update(self, data): data[data=="R"] = 1 data[data=="L"] = 0 data[data=="C"] = 0.5 data = data.astype(np.float) self.curve.setData(data[...,0], data[...,1])
[docs]class Segment(pg.PlotDataItem): """ A line segment that draws from 0.5 to some endpoint. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: () -> None super(Segment, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, data): """ data is doubled and then every other value is set to 0.5, then :meth:`~pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem.curve.setData` is used with `connect='pairs'` to make line segments. Args: data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an x_width x 2 array where column 0 is trial number and column 1 is the value, where value can be "L", "C", "R" or a float. """ # data should come in as an n x 2 array, # 0th column - trial number (x), 1st - (y) value data[data=="R"] = 1 data[data=="L"] = 0 data[data=="C"] = 0.5 data = data.astype(np.float) xs = np.repeat(data[...,0],2) ys = np.repeat(data[...,1],2) ys[::2] = 0.5 self.curve.setData(xs, ys, connect='pairs', pen='k')
[docs]class Roll_Mean(pg.PlotDataItem): """ Shaded area underneath a rolling average. Typically used as a rolling mean of corrects, so area above and below 0.5 is drawn. """ def __init__(self, winsize=10, **kwargs): # type: (int) -> None """ Args: winsize (int): number of trials in the past to take a rolling mean of """ super(Roll_Mean, self).__init__() self.winsize = winsize self.setFillLevel(0.5) self.series = pd.Series() self.brush = pg.mkBrush((0,0,0,100)) self.setBrush(self.brush)
[docs] def update(self, data): """ Args: data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an x_width x 2 array where column 0 is trial number and column 1 is the value. """ # data should come in as an n x 2 array, # 0th column - trial number (x), 1st - (y) value data = data.astype(np.float) self.series = pd.Series(data[...,1]) ys = self.series.rolling(self.winsize, min_periods=0).mean().to_numpy() #print(ys) self.curve.setData(data[...,0], ys, fillLevel=0.5)
[docs]class Shaded(pg.PlotDataItem): """ Shaded area for a continuous plot """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Shaded, self).__init__() #self.dur = float(dur) # duration of time to display points in seconds self.setFillLevel(0) self.series = pd.Series() self.getBoundingParents() self.brush = pg.mkBrush((0,0,0,100)) self.setBrush(self.brush) self.max_num = 0
[docs] def update(self, data): """ Args: data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): an x_width x 2 array where column 0 is time and column 1 is the value. """ # data should come in as an n x 2 array, # 0th column - trial number (x), 1st - (y) value data = data.astype(np.float) self.max_num = float(np.abs(np.max(data[:,1]))) if self.max_num > 1.0: data[:,1] = (data[:,1]/(self.max_num*2.0))+0.5 #print(ys) self.curve.setData(data[...,0], data[...,1], fillLevel=0)
[docs]class Timer(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ A simple timer that counts... time... Uses a :class:`QtCore.QTimer` connected to :meth:`.Timer.update_time` . """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None super(Timer, self).__init__() self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_time) self.start_time = None
[docs] def start_timer(self, update_interval=1000): """ Args: update_interval (float): How often (in ms) the timer should be updated. """ self.start_time = time() self.timer.start(update_interval)
[docs] def stop_timer(self): """ you can read the sign ya punk """ self.timer.stop() self.setText("")
[docs] def update_time(self): """ Called every (update_interval) milliseconds to set the text of the timer. """ secs_elapsed = int(np.floor(time()-self.start_time)) self.setText("{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(int(secs_elapsed/3600), int((secs_elapsed/60))%60, secs_elapsed%60))
[docs]class Video(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, videos, fps=None): """ Display Video data as it is collected. Uses the :class:`ImageItem_TimedUpdate` class to do timed frame updates. Args: videos (list, tuple): Names of video streams that will be displayed fps (int): if None, draw according to ``prefs.DRAWFPS``. Otherwise frequency of widget update Attributes: videos (list, tuple): Names of video streams that will be displayed fps (int): if None, draw according to ``prefs.DRAWFPS``. Otherwise frequency of widget update ifps (int): 1/fps, duration of frame in s qs (dict): Dictionary of :class:`~queue.Queue`s in which frames will be dumped quitting (:class:`threading.Event`): Signal to quit drawing update_thread (:class:`threading.Thread`): Thread with target=:meth:`~.Video._update_frame` layout (:class:`PySide2.QtWidgets.QGridLayout`): Widget layout vid_widgets (dict): dict containing widgets for each of the individual video streams. """ super(Video, self).__init__() self.videos = videos if fps is None: if hasattr(prefs, 'DRAWFPS'): self.fps = prefs.DRAWFPS else: self.fps = 10 else: self.fps = fps self.ifps = 1.0/self.fps self.layout = None self.vid_widgets = {} #self.q = Queue(maxsize=1) self.qs = {} self.quitting = Event() self.quitting.clear() self.init_gui() self.update_thread = Thread(target=self._update_frame) self.update_thread.setDaemon(True) self.update_thread.start()
[docs] def init_gui(self): self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.vid_widgets = {} for i, vid in enumerate(self.videos): vid_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(vid) # graphicsView= pg.GraphicsView(self) vb = pg.ViewBox() graphicsView.setCentralItem(vb) vb.setAspectLocked() #img = pg.ImageItem() img = ImageItem_TimedUpdate() vb.addItem(img) self.vid_widgets[vid] = (graphicsView, vb, img) # 3 videos in a row row = np.floor(i/3.)*2 col = i%3 self.layout.addWidget(vid_label, row,col, 1,1) self.layout.addWidget(self.vid_widgets[vid][0],row+1,col,5,1) # make queue for vid self.qs[vid] = Queue(maxsize=1) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.resize(600,700)
[docs] def _update_frame(self): """ Pulls frames from :attr:`.Video.qs` and feeds them to the video widgets. Internal method, run in thread. """ last_time = 0 this_time = 0 while not self.quitting.is_set(): for vid, q in self.qs.items(): data = None try: data = q.get_nowait() self.vid_widgets[vid][2].setImage(data) except Empty: pass except KeyError: pass this_time = time() sleep(max(self.ifps-(this_time-last_time), 0)) last_time = this_time
[docs] def update_frame(self, video, data): """ Put a frame for a video stream into its queue. If there is a waiting frame, pull it from the queue first -- it's old now. Args: video (str): name of video stream data (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): video frame """ #pdb.set_trace() # cur_time = time() try: # if there's a waiting frame, it's old now so pull it. _ = self.qs[video].get_nowait() except Empty: pass try: # put the new frame in there. self.qs[video].put_nowait(data) except Full: return except KeyError: return
[docs] def release(self): self.quitting.set()
# # class VideoCV(mp.Process): # def __init__(self, videos, fps=30, parent=None): # super(VideoCV, self).__init__() # self.videos = videos # # self.last_update = 0 # self.fps = fps # self.ifps = 1.0/fps # # # #self.q = Queue(maxsize=1) # self.qs = {} # for vid in self.videos: # self.qs[vid] = mp.Queue(maxsize=1) # # self.positions = {} # n_rows = 0 # n_cols = 0 # for i, vid in enumerate(sorted(self.videos)): # # 3 videos to a row # row = np.floor(i/3.)*2 # col = i%3 # if row>n_rows: # n_rows = row # if col>n_cols: # n_cols = col # self.positions[vid] = (row, col) # # self.n_rows = n_rows+1 # self.n_cols = n_cols+1 # # # # # computed as we receive images # self.sizes = {} # self.resize_factors = {} # # self.quitting = mp.Event() # self.quitting.clear() # # def run(self): # # win = cv2.namedWindow('vid', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # max_width = 0 # max_height = 0 # # img_array = None # while not self.quitting.is_set(): # pdb.set_trace() # for vid, q in self.qs.items(): # try: # data = q.get_nowait() # except Empty: # continue # # if vid not in self.sizes.keys(): # self.sizes[vid] = (data.shape[0], data.shape[1]) # max_width, max_height = self.calc_resize() # img_array = np.zeros((max_height*self.n_rows, max_width*self.n_cols)) # # data = cv2.resize(data, self.resize_factors[vid]) # top = self.positions[vid][0] * max_height # left = self.positions[vid][1] * max_width # img_array[top:top+data.shape[0], left:left+data.shape[1]] = data # # cv2.imshow('vid', img_array) # cv2.waitKey(0) # # # # def calc_resize(self): # max_width = 0 # max_height = 0 # for vid, size in self.sizes: # if size[1]>max_width: # # set both so we don't split # max_width = size[1] # max_height = size[0] # elif size[0]>max_height: # max_width = size[1] # max_height=size[0] # # for vid, size in self.sizes: # self.resize_factors[vid] = (float(max_width)/size[0], float(max_height)/size[1]) # # return max_width, max_height # # # def update_frame(self, video, data): # #pdb.set_trace() # # cur_time = time() # # try: # # if there's a waiting frame, it's old now so pull it. # _ = self.qs[video].get_nowait() # except Empty: # pass # # try: # # put the new frame in there. # self.qs[video].put_nowait(data) # except Full: # return # except KeyError: # return # # if (cur_time-self.last_update)>self.ifps: # # try: # # self.vid_widgets[video].setImage(data) # # #self.vid_widgets[video].update() # # except KeyError: # # return # # self.last_update = cur_time # #self.update() # # # def close(self): # self.quitting.set() # class Highlight(): # # TODO Implement me # def __init__(self): # pass # # pass
[docs]class HLine(QtWidgets.QFrame): """ A Horizontal line. """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None super(HLine, self).__init__() self.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken)
[docs]class ImageItem_TimedUpdate(pg.ImageItem): """ Reclass of :class:`pyqtgraph.ImageItem` to update with a fixed fps. Rather than calling :meth:`~pyqtgraph.ImageItem.update` every time a frame is updated, call it according to the timer. fps is set according to ``prefs.DRAWFPS``, if not available, draw at 10fps Attributes: timer (:class:`~PySide2.QtCore.QTimer`): Timer held in ``globals()`` that synchronizes frame updates across image items """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ImageItem_TimedUpdate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if globals()['VIDEO_TIMER'] is None: globals()['VIDEO_TIMER'] = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer = globals()['VIDEO_TIMER'] self.timer.stop() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_img) if hasattr(prefs, 'DRAWFPS'): self.fps = prefs.DRAWFPS else: self.fps = 10. self.timer.start(1./self.fps)
[docs] def setImage(self, image=None, autoLevels=None, **kargs): """ Update the image displayed by this item. For more information on how the image is processed before displaying, see :func:`makeARGB <pyqtgraph.makeARGB>` ================= ========================================================================= **Arguments:** image (numpy array) Specifies the image data. May be 2D (width, height) or 3D (width, height, RGBa). The array dtype must be integer or floating point of any bit depth. For 3D arrays, the third dimension must be of length 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA). See *notes* below. autoLevels (bool) If True, this forces the image to automatically select levels based on the maximum and minimum values in the data. By default, this argument is true unless the levels argument is given. lut (numpy array) The color lookup table to use when displaying the image. See :func:`setLookupTable <pyqtgraph.ImageItem.setLookupTable>`. levels (min, max) The minimum and maximum values to use when rescaling the image data. By default, this will be set to the minimum and maximum values in the image. If the image array has dtype uint8, no rescaling is necessary. opacity (float 0.0-1.0) compositionMode See :func:`setCompositionMode <pyqtgraph.ImageItem.setCompositionMode>` border Sets the pen used when drawing the image border. Default is None. autoDownsample (bool) If True, the image is automatically downsampled to match the screen resolution. This improves performance for large images and reduces aliasing. If autoDownsample is not specified, then ImageItem will choose whether to downsample the image based on its size. ================= ========================================================================= **Notes:** For backward compatibility, image data is assumed to be in column-major order (column, row). However, most image data is stored in row-major order (row, column) and will need to be transposed before calling setImage():: imageitem.setImage(imagedata.T) This requirement can be changed by calling ``image.setOpts(axisOrder='row-major')`` or by changing the ``imageAxisOrder`` :ref:`global configuration option <apiref_config>`. """ #profile = debug.Profiler() gotNewData = False if image is None: if self.image is None: return else: gotNewData = True shapeChanged = (self.image is None or image.shape != self.image.shape) image = image.view(np.ndarray) if self.image is None or image.dtype != self.image.dtype: self._effectiveLut = None self.image = image if self.image.shape[0] > 2 ** 15 - 1 or self.image.shape[1] > 2 ** 15 - 1: if 'autoDownsample' not in kargs: kargs['autoDownsample'] = True if shapeChanged: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.informViewBoundsChanged() #profile() if autoLevels is None: if 'levels' in kargs: autoLevels = False else: autoLevels = True if autoLevels: img = self.image while img.size > 2 ** 16: img = img[::2, ::2] mn, mx = np.nanmin(img), np.nanmax(img) # mn and mx can still be NaN if the data is all-NaN if mn == mx or np.isnan(mn) or np.isnan(mx): mn = 0 mx = 255 kargs['levels'] = [mn, mx] self.setOpts(update=False, **kargs) self.qimage = None if gotNewData: self.sigImageChanged.emit()
[docs] def update_img(self): """ Call :meth:`~ImageItem_TimedUpdate.update` """ self.update()
def __del__(self): super(ImageItem_TimedUpdate,self).__del__() self.timer.stop()
PLOT_LIST = { 'point':Point, 'segment':Segment, 'rollmean':Roll_Mean, 'shaded':Shaded, 'line': Line # 'highlight':Highlight } """ A dictionary connecting plot keys to objects. TODO: Just reference the plot objects. """