Source code for autopilot.hardware.cameras

import threading
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys
import os
import csv
from skvideo import io
from skvideo.utils import vshape
import numpy as np
import base64
from datetime import datetime
import multiprocessing as mp
from import tqdm

import time
import traceback
import blosc
import warnings
import subprocess
import logging
from ctypes import c_char_p

# import the Queue class from Python 3
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
    from queue import Queue, Empty, Full

# otherwise, import the Queue class for Python 2.7
    from Queue import Queue, Empty, Full

    import PySpin
    PYSPIN = True
    PYSPIN = False

    import cv2
    OPENCV = True
    OPENCV = False

from autopilot import prefs
from autopilot.hardware import Hardware

OPENCV_LAST_INIT_TIME = mp.Value('d', 0.0)
Time the last OpenCV camera was initialized (seconds, from time.time()).

v4l2 has an extraordinarily obnoxious ...feature -- 
if you try to initialize two cameras at ~the same time,
you will get a neverending stream of informative error messages: ``VIDIOC_QBUF: Invalid argument``

The workaround seems to be relatively simple, we just wait ~2 seconds if another camera was just initialized.
LAST_INIT_LOCK = mp.Lock()

[docs]class Camera(Hardware): """ Metaclass for Camera objects. Should not be instantiated on its own. Arguments: fps (int): Framerate of video capture timed (bool, int, float): If False (default), camera captures indefinitely. If int or float, captures for this many seconds **kwargs: Arguments to :meth:``, :meth:`~Camera.write`, and :meth:`~Camera.queue` can be passed as dictionaries, eg.:: stream={'to':'T', 'ip':'localhost'} When the camera is instantiated and :meth:`~.Camera.capture` is called, the class uses a series of methods that should be overwritten in subclasses. Further details for each can be found in the relevant method documentation. It is highly recommended to instantiate Cameras with a :attr:``, as it is used in :attr:`.output_filename` and to identify the network stream Three methods are required to be overwritten by all subclasses: * :meth:`~.Camera.init_cam` - **required** - used by :attr:``, instantiating the camera object so that it can be queried and configured * :meth:`~.Camera._grab` - **required** - grab a frame from the :attr:`` * :meth:`~.Camera._timestamp` - **required** - get a timestamp for the frame The other methods are optional and depend on the particular camera: * :meth:`~.Camera.capture_init` - *optional* - any required routine to prepare the camera after it is instantiated but before it begins to capture * :meth:`~.Camera._process` - *optional* - the wrapper around a full acquisition cycle, including streaming, writing, and queueing frames * :meth:`~.Camera._write_frame` - *optional* - how to write an individual frame to disk * :meth:`~.Camera._write_deinit` - *optional* - any required routine to finish writing to disk after acquisition * :meth:`~.Camera.capture_deinit` - *optional* - any required routine to stop acquisition but not release the camera instance. Attributes: frame (tuple): The current captured frame as a tuple (timestamp, frame). shape (tuple): Shape of captured frames (height, width, channels) blosc (bool): If True (default), use blosc compression when cam: The object used to interact with the camera fps (int): Framerate of video capture timed (bool, int, float): If False (default), camera captures indefinitely. If int or float, captures for this many seconds q (Queue): Queue that allows frames to be pulled by other objects queue_size (int): How many frames should be buffered in the queue. initialized (threading.Event): Called in :meth:`~.init_cam` to indicate the camera has been initialized stopping (threading.Event): Called to signal that capturing should stop. when set, ends the threaded capture loop capturing (threading.Event): Set when camera is actively capturing streaming (threading.Event): Set to indicate that the camera is streaming data over the network writing (threading.Event): Set to indicate that the camera is writing video locally queueing (threading.Event): Indicates whether frames are being put into :attr:`~.Camera.q` indicating (threading.Event): Set to indicate that capture progress is being indicated in stdout by :class:`~tqdm.tqdm` """ input = True #: test documenting input type = "CAMERA" #: (str): what are we anyway? trigger = False def __init__(self, fps=None, timed=False, crop=None, **kwargs): """ Args: fps: timed: crop (tuple): (x, y of top left corner, width, height) **kwargs: """ super(Camera, self).__init__(**kwargs) # internal attributes self._cam = None #: camera subobject test self._output_filename = None self._capture_thread = None self._writer = None self._write_q = None self._stream_q = None self._indicator = None self.frame = None self.shape = None self.frame_n = 0 self.crop = crop self.blosc = True #self.fps = fps self.timed = timed self.q = None self.queue_size = None self.initialized = threading.Event() self.initialized.clear() # event to end acquisition self.stopping = threading.Event() self.stopping.clear() self.capturing = threading.Event() self.capturing.clear() self.streaming = threading.Event() self.streaming.clear() self.writing = threading.Event() self.writing.clear() self.queueing = threading.Event() self.queueing.clear() self.indicating = threading.Event() self.indicating.clear() # initialize args passed by kwargs if 'stream' in kwargs.keys():**kwargs['stream']) if 'write' in kwargs.keys(): self.write(**kwargs['write']) if 'queue' in kwargs.keys(): self.queue(**kwargs['queue'])
[docs] def capture(self, timed = None): """ Spawn a thread to begin capturing. Args: timed (None, int, float): if None, record according to :attr:`.timed` (default). If numeric, record for ``timed`` seconds. """ if self.capturing.is_set(): self.logger.warning("Already Capturing!") return if timed: self.timed = timed self.frame_n = 0 self._capture_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._capture) self._capture_thread.setDaemon(True) self._capture_thread.start()
[docs] def _capture(self): """ Threaded capture method started by :meth:`.capture`. Captures until :attr:`.stopping` is set. Calls capture methods, in order: * :meth:`~.Camera.capture_init` - any required routine to prepare the camera after it is instantiated but before it begins to capture * :meth:`~.Camera._process` - the wrapper around a full acquisition cycle, including streaming, writing, and queueing frames * :meth:`~.Camera._grab` - grab a frame from the :attr:`` * :meth:`~.Camera._timestamp` - get a timestamp for the frame * :meth:`~.Camera._write_frame` - how to write an individual frame to disk * :meth:`~.Camera._write_deinit` - any required routine to finish writing to disk after acquisition * :meth:`~.Camera.capture_deinit` - any required routine to stop acquisition but not release the camera instance. Returns: """ self.capturing.set() self.stopping.clear() self.capture_init() if self.streaming.is_set(): self.node.send(key='STATE', value='CAPTURING') try: self._process() if isinstance(self.timed, int) or isinstance(self.timed, float): if self.timed > 0: start_time = time.time() end_time = start_time + self.timed while not self.stopping.is_set(): self._process() if self.timed: if time.time() >= end_time: self.stopping.set() self.frame_n += 1 finally:'Capture Ending') try: if self.streaming.is_set(): self.node.send(key='STATE', value='STOPPING') self._stream_q.put('END') except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('Failed to end stream, error message: {}'.format(e)) try: if self.writing.is_set(): self._write_deinit() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('Failed to end writer, error message: {}'.format(e)) if self.indicating.is_set(): try: self._indicator.close() except: pass self.capturing.clear() self.capture_deinit()
#self.release()'Camera Released')
[docs] def _process(self): """ A full frame capture cycle. :meth:`~Camera._grab`s the :attr:`.frame`, then handles streaming, writing, queueing, and indicating according to :meth:``, :meth:`~Camera.write`, :meth:`~Camera.queue`, and :attr:`~Camera.indicating`, respectively. """ try: self.frame = self._grab() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) if self.streaming.is_set(): self._stream_q.put_nowait({'timestamp': self.frame[0], : self.frame[1]}) if self.writing.is_set(): self._write_frame() if self.queueing.is_set(): self.q.put_nowait(self.frame) if self.indicating.is_set(): if not self._indicator: self._indicator = tqdm() self._indicator.update()
[docs] def stream(self, to='T', ip=None, port=None, min_size=5, **kwargs): """ Enable streaming frames on capture. Spawns a :class:`~.networking.Net_Node` with :meth:`.Hardware.init_networking`, and creates a streaming queue with :meth:`.Net_Node.get_stream` according to args. Sets :attr:`.Camera.streaming` Args: to (str): ID of the recipient. Default 'T' for Terminal. ip (str): IP of recipient. If None (default), 'localhost'. If None and ``to`` is 'T', ``prefs.get('TERMINALIP')`` port (int, str): Port of recipient socket. If None (default), ``prefs.get('MSGPORT')``. If None and ``to`` is 'T', ``prefs.get('TERMINALPORT')``. **kwargs: passed to :meth:`.Hardware.init_networking` and thus to :class:`.Net_Node` """ if to=='T': if not ip: ip = prefs.get('TERMINALIP') if not port: port = prefs.get('TERMINALPORT') else: if not ip: self.logger.warning('ip not passed, using localhost as default') ip = 'localhost' if not port: self.logger.warning('port not passed, using prefs.get(\'MSGPORT\')') port = prefs.get('MSGPORT') self.listens = { 'START': self.l_start, 'STOP': self.l_stop } self.init_networking(listens=self.listens, **kwargs) if prefs.get( 'SUBJECT'): subject = prefs.get('SUBJECT') else: self.logger.warning('nothing found for prefs.get(\'SUBJECT\'), probably running outside of task context') subject = None self._stream_q = self.node.get_stream( 'stream', 'CONTINUOUS', upstream=to, ip=ip, port=port, subject=subject, min_size=min_size ) self.streaming.set()
[docs] def l_start(self, val): """ Begin capturing by calling :meth:`Camera.capture` Args: val: unused """ self.capture()
[docs] def l_stop(self, val): """ Stop capture by calling :meth:`Camera.release` Args: val: unused """ self.release()
[docs] def write(self, output_filename = None, timestamps=True, blosc=True): """ Enable writing frames locally on capture Spawns a :class:`.Video_Writer` to encode video, sets :attr:`.writing` Args: output_filename (str): path and filename of the output video. extension should be ``.mp4``, as videos are encoded with libx264 by default. timestamps (bool): if True, (timestamp, frame) tuples will be put in the :attr:`._write_q`. if False, timestamps will be generated by :class:`.Video_Writer` (not recommended at all). blosc (bool): if true, compress frames with :func:`blosc.pack_array` before putting in :attr:`._write_q`. """ if not output_filename: output_filename = self.output_filename else: self._output_filename = output_filename self.blosc = blosc self._write_q = mp.Queue() self.writer = Video_Writer(self._write_q, output_filename, self.fps, timestamps=timestamps, blosc=blosc) self.writer.start() self.writing.set()'Writing initialized, writing to {}'.format(output_filename))
[docs] def _write_frame(self): """ Put :attr:`.frame` into the :attr:`._write_q`, optionally compressing it with :func:`blosc.pack_array` """ try: if self.blosc: self._write_q.put_nowait((self.frame[0], blosc.pack_array(self.frame[1]))) else: self._write_q.put_nowait(self.frame) except Full: self.logger.exception('Frame {} could not be written, queue full'.format(self.frame_n))
[docs] def _write_deinit(self): """ End the :class:`.Video_Writer`. Blocks until the :attr:`._write_q` is empty, holding the release of the object. """ self._write_q.put_nowait('END') checked_empty = False while not self._write_q.empty(): if not checked_empty: self.logger.warning( 'Writer still has ~{} frames, waiting on it to finish'.format(self._write_q.qsize())) checked_empty = True time.sleep(0.1)'Writer finished, closing')
[docs] def queue(self, queue_size = 128): """ Enable stashing frames in a queue for a local consumer. Other objects can get frames as they are acquired from :attr:`.q` Args: queue_size (int): max number of frames that can be held in :attr:`~Camera.q` """ self.queue_size = queue_size self.q = Queue(maxsize=self.queue_size) self.queueing.set()'Queueing initialized, queue size {}'.format(queue_size))
@property def cam(self): """ Camera object. If :attr:`._cam` hasn't been initialized yet, use :meth:`.init_cam` to do so Returns: Camera object, different for each camera. """ if not self._cam: self._cam = self.init_cam() return self._cam @property def output_filename(self): """ Filename given to video writer. If explicitly set, returns as expected. If None, or path already exists while the camera isn't capturing, a new filename is generated in the user directory. Returns: (str) :attr:`._output_filename` """ # TODO: choose output directory new = False if self._output_filename is None: new = True elif os.path.exists(self._output_filename) and not self.capturing.is_set(): new = True if new: user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') self._output_filename = os.path.join(user_dir, "capture_{}_{}.mp4".format(, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S"))) return self._output_filename @output_filename.setter def output_filename(self, output_filename): self._output_filename = output_filename
[docs] def _grab(self): """ Capture a frame and timestamp. Method must be overridden by subclass Returns: (str, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) Tuple of isoformatted (str) or numeric timestamp returned by :meth:`._timestamp`, and captured frame """ raise Exception("internal _grab method must be overwritten by camera subclass!!")
[docs] def _timestamp(self, frame=None): """ Generate a timestamp for each :meth:`~Camera._grab` Must be overridden by subclass Args: frame: If needed by camera subclass, pass the frame or image object to get timestamp Returns: (str, int, float) Either an isoformatted (str) or numeric timestamp """ raise Exception("internal _timestamp method must be overwritten by camera subclass!!")
[docs] def init_cam(self): """ Method to initialize camera object Must be overridden by camera subclass Returns: camera object """ raise Exception('init_cam must be overwritten by camera subclass!!')
[docs] def capture_init(self): """ Optional: Prepare :attr:`.cam` after initialization, but before capture Returns: None """ pass
[docs] def capture_deinit(self): """ Optional: Return :attr:`.cam` to an idle state after capturing, but before releasing Returns: None """
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop capture by setting :attr:`.stopping` """ self.stopping.set()
[docs] def release(self): """ Release resources held by Camera. Must be overridden by subclass. Does not raise exception in case some general camera release logic should be put here... """ pass
# raise Exception('release must be overwritten by camera subclass!!')
[docs]class Camera_CV(Camera): def __init__(self, camera_idx = 0, **kwargs): """ Capture Video from a webcam with OpenCV By default, OpenCV will select a suitable backend for the indicated camera. Some backends have difficulty operating multiple cameras at once, so the performance of this class will be variable depending on camera type. Args: camera_idx (int): The index of the desired camera **kwargs: Passed to the :class:`.Camera` metaclass. Attributes: camera_idx (int): The index of the desired camera last_opencv_init (float): See :data:`~cameras.OPENCV_LAST_INIT_TIME` last_init_lock (:class:`threading.Lock`): Lock for setting :attr:`.last_opencv_init` .. note:: OpenCV must be installed to use this class! A Prebuilt opencv binary is available for the raspberry pi, but it doesn't take advantage of some performance-enhancements available to OpenCV. Use the ```` script in the setup directory to compile OpenCV with these enhancements. If your camera isn't working, to print debugging information you can run:: echo 3 > /sys/class/video4linux/videox/dev_debug # check logs dmesg """ if not globals()['OPENCV']: ImportError('opencv was not imported, and is required for Camera_CV') super(Camera_CV, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._v4l_info = None self.last_opencv_init = globals()['OPENCV_LAST_INIT_TIME'] self.last_init_lock = globals()['LAST_INIT_LOCK'] self.camera_idx = camera_idx @property def fps(self): """ Attempts to get FPS with ``cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS``, uses 30fps as a default Returns: int: framerate """ fps = if fps == 0: fps = 30 warnings.warn('Couldnt get fps from camera, using {} as default'.format(fps)) return fps @property def shape(self): """ Attempts to get image shape from ``cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH`` and ``HEIGHT`` Returns: tuple: (width, height) """ if self.crop: return (self.crop[2], self.crop[3]) else: return (, @shape.setter def shape(self, shape): """ Do nothing """ pass
[docs] def _grab(self): """ Reads a frame with :meth:`` Returns: tuple: (timestamp, frame) """ ret, frame = if not ret: return False, False ts = self._timestamp() if self.crop: frame = frame[self.crop[1]:self.crop[1]+self.crop[3], self.crop[0]:self.crop[0]+self.crop[2]] return (ts, frame)
[docs] def _timestamp(self, frame=None): """ Attempts to get timestamp with ``cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC``. Frame does not need to be passed to this method, as timestamps are retrieved from :attr:`.cam` .. todo:: Convert this float timestamp to an isoformatted system timestamp Returns: float: milliseconds since capture start """ return
@property def backend(self): """ capture backend used by OpenCV for this camera Returns: str: name of capture backend used by OpenCV for this camera """ return
[docs] def init_cam(self): """ Initializes OpenCV Camera To avoid overlapping resource allocation requests, checks the last time any :class:`.Camera_CV` object was instantiated and makes sure it has been at least 2 seconds since then. Returns: :class:`cv2.VideoCapture`: camera object """ self.initialized.set() with self.last_init_lock: time_since_last_init = time.time() - self.last_opencv_init.value if time_since_last_init < 2.: time.sleep(2.0 - time_since_last_init) vid = cv2.VideoCapture(self.camera_idx) self.last_opencv_init.value = time.time()"Camera Initialized") return vid
[docs] def release(self): self.stop() self._cam = None self.initialized.clear() super(Camera_CV, self).release()
@property def v4l_info(self): """ Device information from ``v4l2-ctl`` Returns: dict: Information for all devices available through v4l2 """ if not self._v4l_info: # query v4l device info cmd = ["/usr/bin/v4l2-ctl", '-D'] out, err = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() out, err = out.strip(), err.strip() # split by \n to get lines, then group by \t out = out.split('\n') out_dict = {} vals = {} key = '' n_indents = 0 for l in out: # if we're a sublist, but not a subsublist, split and strip, make a subdictionary if l.startswith('\t') and not l.startswith('\t\t'): this_list = [k.strip() for k in l.strip('\t').split(':')] subkey, subval = this_list[0], this_list[1] vals[subkey] = subval # but if we're a subsublist... shouldn't have a dictionary elif l.startswith('\t\t'): if not isinstance(vals[subkey], list): # catch the previously assined value from the top level of the subdictionary vals[subkey] = [vals[subkey]] vals[subkey].append(l.strip('\t')) else: # otherwise if we're at the bottom level, stash the key and any value dictioanry we've gathered before key = l.strip(':') if vals: out_dict[key] = vals vals = {} # get the last one out_dict[key] = vals self._v4l_info = out_dict return self._v4l_info
[docs]class Camera_Spinnaker(Camera): type="CAMERA_SPIN" # only create class attributes if pyspin is detected, # otherwise can't import this module without having pyspin ATTR_TYPES = {} #: Conversion from data types to pointer types ATTR_TYPE_NAMES = {} #: Conversion from data types to human-readable names RW_MODES = {} #: Conversion from read/write mode to {'read':bool, 'write':bool} descriptor if PYSPIN: ATTR_TYPES = { PySpin.intfIFloat : PySpin.CFloatPtr, PySpin.intfIBoolean : PySpin.CBooleanPtr, PySpin.intfIInteger : PySpin.CIntegerPtr, PySpin.intfIEnumeration: PySpin.CEnumerationPtr, PySpin.intfIString : PySpin.CStringPtr, } ATTR_TYPE_NAMES = { PySpin.intfIFloat : 'float', PySpin.intfIBoolean : 'bool', PySpin.intfIInteger : 'int', PySpin.intfIEnumeration: 'enum', PySpin.intfIString : 'string', PySpin.intfICommand : 'command', } RW_MODES = { PySpin.RO: {'read':True, 'write': False}, PySpin.RW: {'read': True, 'write': False}, PySpin.WO: {'read': False, 'write': False}, PySpin.NA: {'read': False, 'write': False} } def __init__(self, serial=None, camera_idx=None, **kwargs): """ Capture video from a FLIR brand camera with the Spinnaker SDK. Args: serial (str): Serial number of desired camera camera_idx (int): If no serial provided, select camera by index. Using ``serial`` is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. **kwargs: passed to :class:`.Camera` metaclass .. note:: PySpin and the Spinnaker SDK must be installed to use this class. Please use the ```` script in ``setup`` See the documentation for the Spinnaker SDK and PySpin here: `<>`_ Attributes: serial (str): Serial number of desired camera camera_idx (int): If no serial provided, select camera by index. Using ``serial`` is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. system (:class:`PySpin.System`): The PySpin System object cam_list (:class:`PySpin.CameraList`): The list of PySpin Cameras available to the system nmap: A reference to the nodemap from the GenICam XML description of the device base_path (str): The directory and base filename that images will be written to if object is :attr:`.writing`. eg:: base_path = '/home/user/capture_directory/capture_' image_path = base_path + 'image1.png' img_opts (:class:`PySpin.PNGOption`): Options for saving .png images, made by :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker.write` """ if not PYSPIN: raise ImportError('PySpin was not imported, and is required for Camera_Spinnaker') self.system = None #spinnaker system self.cam_list = None self.nmap = None self.base_path = None self.img_opts = None # internal variables self._bin = None self._exposure = None self._fps = None self._frame_trigger = None self._pixel_format = None self._acquisition_mode = None self._camera_attributes = {} self._camera_methods = {} self._camera_node_types = {} self._readable_attributes = {} self._writable_attributes = {} self._timestamps = [] super(Camera_Spinnaker, self).__init__(**kwargs) if serial and camera_idx: self.logger.warning("serial and camera_idx were both passed, defaulting to serial") camera_idx = None if isinstance(serial, float) or isinstance(serial, int): serial = str(serial) self.serial = serial self.camera_idx = camera_idx # set passed parameters # has to be done in a specific order, as they are mutually dependent. # eg. exposure depends on fps, which depends on bin, etc. if 'pixel_format' in kwargs.keys(): self.set('PixelFormat', kwargs['pixel_format']) else: try: self.set('PixelFormat', PySpin.PixelFormat_Mono8) except: pass if 'bin' in kwargs.keys(): self.bin = kwargs['bin'] if 'fps' in kwargs.keys(): self.fps = kwargs['fps'] if 'acquisition_mode' in kwargs.keys(): self.set('AcquisitionMode', kwargs['acquisition_mode']) else: self.acquisition_mode = 'continuous'
[docs] def init_cam(self): """ Initialize the Spinnaker Camera Initializes the camera, system, cam_list, node map, and the camera methods and attributes used by :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker.get` and :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker.set` Returns: :class:`PySpin.Camera`: The Spinnaker camera object """ # find our camera! # get the spinnaker system handle self.system = PySpin.System.GetInstance() # need to hang on to camera list for some reason, could be cargo cult code self.cam_list = self.system.GetCameras() if self.serial: cam = self.cam_list.GetBySerial(self.serial) elif self.camera_idx: self.logger.warning( 'No camera serial number provided. \nAddressing cameras by serial number is STRONGLY recommended to avoid randomly using the wrong one') self.serial = 'noserial' cam = self.cam_list.GetByIndex(self.camera_idx) else: self.logger.warning( 'No camera serial number OR camera index provided. Trying to use the first camera. This is a really bad way to call this object' ) cam = self.cam_list.GetByIndex(0) # initialize the cam - need to do this before messing w the values cam.Init() # TODO: Document what a nodemap is... self.nmap = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap() # get list of camera methods and attributes for use with 'get' and 'set' methods for node in cam.GetNodeMap().GetNodes(): pit = node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() name = node.GetName() self._camera_node_types[name] = self.ATTR_TYPE_NAMES.get(pit, pit) if pit == PySpin.intfICommand: self._camera_methods[name] = PySpin.CCommandPtr(node) if pit in self.ATTR_TYPES: self._camera_attributes[name] = self.ATTR_TYPES[pit](node) return cam
[docs] def capture_init(self): """ Prepare the camera for acquisition calls the camera's ``BeginAcquisition`` method and populate :attr:`.shape` """ self.frame = self._grab() # FIXME: I think this will break single-shot or multishot modes. self.shape = self.frame[1].GetNDArray().shape
[docs] def capture_deinit(self): """ De-initializes the camera after acquisition """
[docs] def _process(self): """ Modification of the :meth:`.Camera._process` method for Spinnaker cameras Because the objects returned from the :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker._grab` method are image *pointers* rather than :class:`numpy.ndarray`s, they need to be handled differently. More details on the differences are given in the :meth:`_write_frame`, """ frame_array = None try: self.frame = self._grab() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) #self._frame[:] = self.frame[1].GetNDArray() if self.writing.is_set(): self._write_frame() if self.streaming.is_set(): if not frame_array: frame_array = self.frame[1].GetNDArray() self._stream_q.put_nowait({'timestamp': self.frame[0], : frame_array}) if self.queueing.is_set(): if not frame_array: frame_array = self.frame[1].GetNDArray() self.q.put_nowait((self.frame[0], frame_array)) if self.indicating.is_set(): if self._indicator is None: self._indicator = tqdm() self._indicator.update() self.frame[1].Release()
[docs] def _grab(self): """ Get next timestamp and PySpin Image Returns: tuple: (timestamp, :class:`PySpin.Image`) """ img = return (self._timestamp(img), img)
[docs] def _timestamp(self, frame=None): """ Get the timestamp from the passed image Args: frame (:class:`PySpin.Image`): Currently grabbed image Returns: float: PySpin timestamp """ return frame.GetTimeStamp()
[docs] def write(self, output_filename = None, timestamps=True, blosc=True): """ Sets camera to save acquired images to a directory for later encoding. For performance, rather than encoding during acquisition, save each image as a (lossless) .png image in a directory generated by :attr:`.output_filename`. After capturing is complete, a :class:`.Directory_Writer` encodes the images to an x264 encoded .mp4 video. Args: output_filename (str): Directory to write images to. If None (default), generated by :attr:`.output_filename` timestamps (bool): Not used, timestamps are always appended to filenames. blosc (bool): Not used, images are directly saved. """ if not output_filename: output_filename = self.output_filename else: self.output_filename = output_filename # PNG images are losslessly compressed self.img_opts = PySpin.PNGOption() self.img_opts.compressionLevel = 1 # make directory output_dir = os.path.splitext(self.output_filename)[0] os.makedirs(output_dir) # create base_path for output images self.base_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "capture_{}__".format( self.writing.set()
[docs] def _write_frame(self): """ Write frame to :attr:`.base_path` + timestamp + '.png' with :meth:`PySpin.Image.Save` """ self.frame[1].Save(self.base_path+str(self.frame[0])+'.png', self.img_opts)
[docs] def _write_deinit(self): """ After capture, write images in :attr:`.base_path` to video with :class:`.Directory_Writer` Camera object will remain open until writer has finished. """'Writing images in {} to {}'.format(self.base_path, self.base_path + '.mp4')) self.writer = Directory_Writer(self.base_path, fps=self.fps) self.writer.encode()
@property def bin(self): """ Camera Binning. Attempts to bin on-device, and use averaging if possible. If averaging not available, uses summation. Args: tuple: tuple of integers, (Horizontal, Vertical binning) Returns: tuple: (Horizontal, Vertical binning) """ return (int(, int( @bin.setter def bin(self, bin): try: except PySpin.SpinnakerException: self.logger.warning('Average binning not supported, using sum')[0]))[1])) @property def exposure(self): """ Set Exposure of camera Can be set with * ``'auto'`` - automatic exposure control. note that this will limit framerate * ``float`` from 0-1 - exposure duration proportional to fps. eg. if fps = 10, setting exposure = 0.5 means exposure will be set as 50ms * ``float`` or ``int`` >1 - absolute exposure time in microseconds Returns: str, float: If exposure has been set, return set value. Otherwise return ``.get('ExposureTime')`` """ if not self._exposure: self._exposure = self.get('ExposureTime') return self._exposure @exposure.setter def exposure(self, exposure): if exposure == 'auto': self._exposure = 'auto' elif isinstance(exposure, int) or isinstance(exposure, float): if exposure < 1: # proportional to fps exposure = (1.0 / self.fps) * exposure * 1e6 try: self.set('GainAuto', 'Off') self.set('Gain', 1) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) # self._exposure = exposure else: self.logger.exception('Dont know how to set exposure {}'.format(exposure)) @property def fps(self): """ Acquisition Framerate Set with integer. If set with None, ignored (superclass sets FPS to None on init) Returns: int: from ``cam.AcquisitionFrameRate.GetValue()`` """ return @fps.setter def fps(self, fps): if isinstance(fps, int): self.set('AcquisitionFrameRateAuto', 'Off') self.set('AcquisitionFrameRateEnable',True) self.set('AcquisitionFrameRate',fps) elif fps is None: # initially set to None on superclass init pass else: self.logger.exception('Need to set FPS with an integer') @property def frame_trigger(self): """ Set camera to lead or follow hardware triggers If ``'lead'``, Camera will send TTL pulses from Line 2. If ``'follow'``, Camera will follow triggers from Line 3. .. seealso:: * `<>`_ * `<>`_ """ return self._frame_trigger @frame_trigger.setter def frame_trigger(self, frame_trigger): # if we're generating the triggers... if frame_trigger == "lead": elif frame_trigger == "follow": # this article says that setting triggeroverlap is necessary, but not sure what it does # # In continuous mode, each trigger captures one frame8 self._frame_trigger = frame_trigger @property def acquisition_mode(self): """ Image acquisition mode One of * ``'continuous'`` - continuously acquire frame camera * ``'single'`` - acquire a single frame * ``'multi'`` - acquire a finite number of frames. .. warning:: Only ``'continuous'`` has been tested. """ return @acquisition_mode.setter def acquisition_mode(self, acquisition_mode): if acquisition_mode == 'continuous': elif acquisition_mode.startwsith("single"): elif acquisition_mode.startswith("multi"): else: self.logger.exception('Acquisition mode must be continuous, single, or multi') @property def readable_attributes(self): """ All device attributes that are currently readable with :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker.get` Returns: dict: A dictionary of attributes that are readable and their current values """ if not self._readable_attributes: for k, v in self._camera_attributes.items(): if '_' in k: continue if PySpin.IsReadable(v): self._readable_attributes[k] = self.get(k) return self._readable_attributes @property def writable_attributes(self): """ All device attributes that are currently writeable wth :meth:`~Camera_Spinnaker.set` Returns: dict: A dictionary of attributes that are writeable and their current values """ if not self._writable_attributes: for k, v in self._camera_attributes.items(): if '_' in k: continue if PySpin.IsWritable(v): self._writable_attributes[k] = self.get(k) return self._writable_attributes
[docs] def get(self, attr): """ Get a camera attribute. Any value in :attr:`.readable_attributes` can be read. Attempts to get numeric values with ``.GetValue``, otherwise gets a string with ``.ToString``, so be cautious with types. If ``attr`` is a method (ie. in ``._camera_methods``, execute the method and return the value Args: attr (str): Name of a readable attribute or executable method Returns: float, int, str: Value of ``attr`` """ if attr in self._camera_attributes: prop = self._camera_attributes[attr] if not PySpin.IsReadable(prop): self.logger.exception("Camera property '%s' is not readable" % attr) if hasattr(prop, "GetValue"): return prop.GetValue() elif hasattr(prop, "ToString"): return prop.ToString() else: self.logger.exception("Camera property '%s' is not readable" % attr) elif attr in self._camera_methods: return self._camera_methods[attr].Execute else: raise AttributeError(attr)
[docs] def set(self, attr, val): """ Set a camera attribute Any value in :attr:`.writeable_attributes` can be set. If attribute has a ``.SetValue`` method, (ie. accepts numeric values), attempt to use it, otherwise use ``.FromString``. Args: attr (str): Name of attribute to be set val (str, int, float): Value to set attribute """ if # checking ensures we have camera initialized if attr in self._camera_attributes: prop = self._camera_attributes[attr] if not PySpin.IsWritable(prop): self.logger.exception("Property '%s' is not currently writable!" % attr) if hasattr(prop, 'SetValue'): prop.SetValue(val) else: prop.FromString(val) elif attr in self._camera_methods: self.logger.exception("Camera method '%s' is a function -- you can't assign it a value!" % attr) else: self.logger.exception('Not sure what to do with attr: {}, value: {}'.format(attr, val))
# else: # # self.__setattr__(attr, val)
[docs] def list_options(self, name): """ List the possible values of a camera attribute. Args: name (str): name of attribute to query Returns: dict: Dictionary with {available options: descriptions} """ entries = {} if name in self._camera_attributes: node = self._camera_attributes[name] elif name in self._camera_methods: node = self._camera_methods[name] else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a camera method or attribute" % name) access = False if hasattr(node, 'GetAccessMode'): access = node.GetAccessMode() # print(info) if access: if hasattr(node, 'GetEntries'): for entry in node.GetEntries(): entries[entry.GetName().lstrip('EnumEntry_')] = entry.GetDescription().strip() else: self.logger.exception("Couldn't access attribute {}".format(name)) return entries
@property def device_info(self): """ Get all information about the camera Note that this is distinct from camera *attributes* like fps, instead this is information like serial number, version, firmware revision, etc. Returns: dict: {feature name: feature value} """ device_info = PySpin.CCategoryPtr(self.nmap.GetNode('DeviceInformation')) features = device_info.GetFeatures() # save information to a dictionary info_dict = {} for feature in features: node_feature = PySpin.CValuePtr(feature) info_dict[node_feature.GetName()] = node_feature.ToString() return info_dict
[docs] def release(self): """ Release all PySpin objects and wait on writer, if still active. """ super(Camera_Spinnaker, self).release() self.stopping.set() self._camera_attributes = {} self._camera_methods = {} self._camera_node_types = {} if self.node: self.node.release() try: except Exception as e: print(e) try: except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) try: del self._cam except AttributeError as e: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) try: self.cam_list.Clear() del self.cam_list except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) try: del self.nmap except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) try: self.system.ReleaseInstance() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) if self.writing.is_set(): self.writer.wait()
# # class Camera_Picam(Camera): # """ # also can be used w/ picapture # # """ # pass # # class FastWriter(io.FFmpegWriter): # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(FastWriter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # # def writeFrame(self, im): # """Sends ndarray frames to FFmpeg # """ # vid = vshape(im) # # if not self.warmStarted: # T, M, N, C = vid.shape # self._warmStart(M, N, C, im.dtype) # # #vid = vid.clip(0, (1 << (self.dtype.itemsize << 3)) - 1).astype(self.dtype) # # try: # self._proc.stdin.write(vid.tostring()) # except IOError as e: # # Show the command and stderr from pipe # msg = '{0:}\n\nFFMPEG COMMAND:\n{1:}\n\nFFMPEG STDERR ' \ # 'OUTPUT:\n'.format(e, self._cmd) # raise IOError(msg) class Directory_Writer(object): IMG_EXTS = ('.png', '.jpg') def __init__(self, dir, fps, ext='.png', ffmpeg_bin='ffmpeg'): """ Encode a directory of images to video with ffmpeg Images should be named such that they are machine-orderable, eg.:: # this img-001.png, img-002.png, ... img-010.png # not this img-1.png, img-2.png, ... img-10.png Encoding settings are: * ``pix_fmt``: ``yuv420p`` * ``vcodec`` : ``libx264`` * ``preset``: ``veryfast`` .. note:: ffmpeg must be installed to use this object Args: dir (str): directory of images to encode fps (int): framerate of output video ext (str): extension of input images ffmpeg_bin (str): ffmpeg binary to use, default is to use ffmpeg in ``$PATH``, otherwise specific binary can be specified. """ self.dir = dir self.fps = fps self.ext = ext self.ffmpeg_bin = ffmpeg_bin self.encode_thread = None def encode(self): """ Begin encoding. calls :meth:`._encode` in a thread. Encoding calls ffmpeg with a glob string like:: self.dir + '*' + self.ext """ self.encode_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._encode) self.encode_thread.start() def _encode(self): glob_str = os.path.join(self.dir.rstrip(os.sep)+ '*'+self.ext) ffmpeg_cmd = [self.ffmpeg_bin, "-y", '-r', str(self.fps), '-pattern_type', 'glob', '-i', glob_str, '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-r', str(self.fps), '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-preset', 'veryfast', self.dir.rstrip(os.sep).rstrip('__')+'.mp4'] result = return result def wait(self): """ ``.join`` the encoding thread. """ if self.encode_thread: self.encode_thread.join()
[docs]class Video_Writer(mp.Process): def __init__(self, q, path, fps=None, timestamps=True, blosc=True): """ Encode frames as they are acquired in a separate process. Must call :meth:`~Video_Writer.start` after initialization to begin encoding. Encoding continues until 'END' is put in :attr:`~Video_Writer.q`. Timestamps are saved in a .csv file with the same path as the video. Args: q (:class:`~queue.Queue`): Queue into which frames will be dumped path (str): output path of video fps (int): framerate of output video timestamps (bool): if True (default), input will be of form (timestamp, frame). if False, input will just be frames and timestamps will be generated as the frame is encoded (**not recommended**) blosc (bool): if True, frames in the :attr:`~Video_Writer.q` will be compresed with blosc. if False, uncompressed Attributes: timestamps (list): Timestamps for frames, written to .csv on completion of encoding """ super(Video_Writer, self).__init__() self.q = q self.path = path self.fps = fps self.given_timestamps = timestamps self.timestamps = [] self.blosc = blosc if fps is None: warnings.warn('No FPS given, using 30fps by default') self.fps = 30
[docs] def run(self): """ Open a :class:`` and begin processing frames from :attr:`~Video_Writer.q` Should not be called by itself, overwrites the :meth:`` method, so should call :meth:`Video_Writer.start` Continue encoding until 'END' put in queue. """ self.timestamps = [] out_vid_fn = self.path vid_out = io.FFmpegWriter(out_vid_fn, #vid_out = FastWriter(out_vid_fn, inputdict={ '-r': str(self.fps), }, outputdict={ '-vcodec': 'libx264', '-pix_fmt': 'yuv420p', '-r': str(self.fps), '-preset': 'ultrafast', }, verbosity=1 ) try: for input in iter(self.q.get, 'END'): try: if self.given_timestamps: self.timestamps.append(input[0]) if self.blosc: vid_out.writeFrame(blosc.unpack_array(input[1])) else: vid_out.writeFrame(input[1]) else: self.timestamps.append( if self.blosc: vid_out.writeFrame(blosc.unpack_array(input)) else: vid_out.writeFrame(input) except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_tb() # TODO: Too general break finally: # save timestamps as .csv ts_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] + '.csv' with open(ts_path, 'w') as ts_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(ts_file) for ts in self.timestamps: csv_writer.writerow([ts]) vid_out.close()
[docs]def list_spinnaker_cameras(): """ List all available Spinnaker cameras and their ``DeviceInformation`` Returns: list: list of dictionaries of device information for each camera. """ system = PySpin.System.GetInstance() cam_list = system.GetCameras() cam_info = [] for cam in cam_list: nmap = cam.GetTLDeviceNodeMap() device_info = PySpin.CCategoryPtr(nmap.GetNode('DeviceInformation')) features = device_info.GetFeatures() # save information to a dictionary info_dict = {} for feature in features: node_feature = PySpin.CValuePtr(feature) info_dict[node_feature.GetName()] = node_feature.ToString() cam_info.append(info_dict) del cam cam_list.Clear() system.ReleaseInstance() return cam_info