Source code for autopilot.core.gui

    Currently, the GUI code is some of the oldest code in the library --
    in particular much of it was developed before the network infrastructure was mature.
    As a result, a lot of modules are interdependent (eg. pass objects between each other).
    This will be corrected before v1.0

These classes implement the GUI used by the Terminal.

The GUI is built using `PySide2 <>`_, a Python wrapper around Qt5.

These classes are all currently used only by the :class:`~.autopilot.core.terminal.Terminal`.

If performing any GUI operations in another thread (eg. as a callback from a networking object),
the method must be decorated with `@gui_event` which will call perform the update in the main thread as required by Qt.

import sys
import os
import json
import copy
import datetime
import time
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import numpy as np
import ast
import base64
from PySide2 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
import pyqtgraph as pg
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import threading
import logging
from operator import ior

# adding autopilot parent directory to path
from autopilot.core.subject import Subject
from autopilot import tasks, prefs
from autopilot.stim.sound import sounds
from autopilot.core.networking import Net_Node
from functools import wraps
from autopilot.core.utils import InvokeEvent
from autopilot.core import styles
from autopilot.core.utils import get_invoker

[docs]def gui_event(fn): """ Wrapper/decorator around an event that posts GUI events back to the main thread that our window is running in. Args: fn (callable): a function that does something to the GUI """ @wraps(fn) def wrapper_gui_event(*args, **kwargs): # type: (object, object) -> None """ Args: *args (): **kwargs (): """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.postEvent(get_invoker(), InvokeEvent(fn, *args, **kwargs)) return wrapper_gui_event
[docs]class Control_Panel(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget` that contains the controls for all pilots. Args: subjects (dict): See :py:attr:`.Control_Panel.subjects` start_fn (:py:meth:`~autopilot.core.terminal.Terminal.toggle_start`): the Terminal's toggle_start function, propagated down to each :class:`~core.gui.Pilot_Button` pilots: Usually the Terminal's :py:attr:`~.Terminal.pilots` dict. If not passed, will try to load :py:attr:`.params.PILOT_DB` Attributes: subjects (dict): A dictionary with subject ID's as keys and :class:`core.subject.Subject` objects as values. Shared with the Terminal object to manage access conflicts. start_fn (:py:meth:`~autopilot.core.terminal.Terminal.toggle_start`): See :py:attr:`.Control_Panel.start_fn` pilots (dict): A dictionary with pilot ID's as keys and nested dictionaries containing subjects, IP, etc. as values subject_lists (dict): A dict mapping subject ID to :py:class:`.subject_List` layout (:py:class:`~QtWidgets.QGridLayout`): Layout grid for widget panels (dict): A dict mapping pilot name to the relevant :py:class:`.Pilot_Panel` Specifically, for each pilot, it contains * one :class:`subject_List`: A list of the subjects that run in each pilot. * one :class:`Pilot_Panel`: A set of button controls for starting/stopping behavior This class should not be instantiated outside the context of a :py:class:`~.terminal.Terminal` object, as they share the :py:attr:`.subjects` dictionary. """ # Hosts two nested tab widgets to select pilot and subject, # set params, run subjects, etc. def __init__(self, subjects, start_fn, pilots=None): """ """ super(Control_Panel, self).__init__() # We share a dict of subject objects with the main Terminal class to avoid access conflicts self.subjects = subjects # We get the Terminal's send_message function so we can communicate directly from here self.start_fn = start_fn if pilots: self.pilots = pilots else: try: # Try finding prefs in the encapsulating namespaces with open(prefs.get('PILOT_DB')) as pilot_file: self.pilots = json.load(pilot_file, object_pairs_hook=odict) except NameError: try: with open('/usr/autopilot/pilot_db.json') as pilot_file: self.pilots = json.load(pilot_file, object_pairs_hook=odict) except IOError: Exception('Couldnt find pilot directory!') # Make dict to store handles to subjects lists self.subject_lists = {} # Set layout for whole widget self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.panels = {} self.init_ui() self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.setStyleSheet(styles.CONTROL_PANEL)
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Called on init, creates the UI components. Specifically, for each pilot in :py:attr:`.pilots`, make a :class:`subject_List`: and :class:`Pilot_Panel`:, set size policies and connect Qt signals. """ self.layout.setColumnStretch(0, 2) self.layout.setColumnStretch(1, 2) # Iterate through pilots and subjects, making start/stop buttons for pilots and lists of subjects for i, (pilot, subjects) in enumerate(self.pilots.items()): # in pilot dict, format is {'pilot':{'subjects':['subject1',...],'ip':'',etc.}} subjects = subjects['subjects'] # Make a list of subjects subject_list = Subject_List(subjects, drop_fn = self.update_db) subject_list.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) #subject_list.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.edit_params) self.subject_lists[pilot] = subject_list # Make a panel for pilot control pilot_panel = Pilot_Panel(pilot, subject_list, self.start_fn, self.create_subject) pilot_panel.setFixedWidth(150) self.panels[pilot] = pilot_panel self.layout.addWidget(pilot_panel, i, 1, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(subject_list, i, 2, 1, 1)
[docs] def create_subject(self, pilot): """ Becomes :py:attr:`.Pilot_Panel.create_fn`. Opens a :py:class:`.New_Subject_Wizard` to create a new subject file and assign protocol. Finally, adds the new subject to the :py:attr:`~.Control_Panel.pilots` database and updates it. Args: pilot (str): Pilot name passed from :py:class:`.Pilot_Panel`, added to the created Subject object. """ new_subject_wizard = New_Subject_Wizard() new_subject_wizard.exec_() # If the wizard completed successfully, get its values if new_subject_wizard.result() == 1: biography_vals = new_subject_wizard.bio_tab.values # TODO: Make a "session" history table that stashes pilot, git hash, step, etc. for each session - subjects might run on different pilots biography_vals['pilot'] = pilot # Make a new subject object, make it temporary because we want to close it subject_obj = Subject(biography_vals['id'], new=True, biography=biography_vals) self.subjects[biography_vals['id']] = subject_obj # If a protocol was selected in the subject wizard, assign it. try: protocol_vals = new_subject_wizard.task_tab.values if 'protocol' in protocol_vals.keys() and 'step' in protocol_vals.keys(): protocol_file = os.path.join(prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR'), protocol_vals['protocol'] + '.json') subject_obj.assign_protocol(protocol_file, int(protocol_vals['step'])) except: # the wizard couldn't find the protocol dir, so no task tab was made # or no task was assigned pass # Add subject to pilots dict, update it and our tabs self.pilots[pilot]['subjects'].append(biography_vals['id']) self.subject_lists[pilot].addItem(biography_vals['id']) self.update_db()
# TODO: fix this # def edit_params(self, item): # """ # Args: # item: # """ # # edit a subject's task parameters, called when subject double-clicked # subject = item.text() # if subject not in self.subjects.keys(): # self.subjects[subject] = Subject(subject) # # if '/current' not in self.subjects[subject].h5f: # Warning("Subject {} has no protocol!".format(subject)) # return # # protocol = self.subjects[subject].current # step = self.subjects[subject].step # # protocol_edit = Protocol_Parameters_Dialogue(protocol, step) # protocol_edit.exec_() # # if protocol_edit.result() == 1: # param_changes = protocol_edit.step_changes # # iterate through steps, checking for changes # for i, step_changes in enumerate(param_changes): # # if there are any changes to this step, stash them # if step_changes: # for k, v in step_changes.items(): # self.subjects[subject].update_history('param', k, v, step=i) # #
[docs] def update_db(self, **kwargs): """ Gathers any changes in :class:`Subject_List` s and dumps :py:attr:`.pilots` to :py:attr:`.prefs.get('PILOT_DB')` Args: kwargs: Create new pilots by passing a dictionary with the structure `new={'pilot_name':'pilot_values'}` where `'pilot_values'` can be nothing, a list of subjects, or any other information included in the pilot db """ # gather subjects from lists for pilot, mlist in self.subject_lists.items(): subjects = [] for i in range(mlist.count()): subjects.append(mlist.item(i).text()) self.pilots[pilot]['subjects'] = subjects # if we were given a new pilot, add it if 'new' in kwargs.keys(): for pilot, value in kwargs['new'].items(): self.pilots[pilot] = value # strip any state that's been stored for p, val in self.pilots.items(): if 'state' in val.keys(): del val['state'] with open(prefs.get('PILOT_DB'), 'w') as pilot_file: json.dump(self.pilots, pilot_file, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
#################################### # Control Panel Widgets ###################################
[docs]class Subject_List(QtWidgets.QListWidget): """ A trivial modification of :class:`~.QtWidgets.QListWidget` that updates :py:attr:`~.Terminal.pilots` when an item in the list is dragged to another location. Should not be initialized except by :class:`.Control_Panel` . Attributes: subjects (list): A list of subjects ID's passed by :class:`.Control_Panel` drop_fn (:py:meth:`.Control_Panel.update_db`): called on a drop event """ def __init__(self, subjects=None, drop_fn=None): """ Args: subjects: see :py:attr:`~.Subject_List.subjects`. Can be `None` for an empty list drop_fn: see :py:meth:`~.Subject_List.drop_fn`. Passed from :class:`.Control_Panel` """ super(Subject_List, self).__init__() # if we are passed a list of subjects, populate if subjects: self.subjects = subjects self.populate_list() else: self.subjects = [] # make draggable self.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.setDragDropOverwriteMode(False) self.setAcceptDrops(True) # drop_fn gets called on a dropEvent (after calling the superclass method) self.drop_fn = drop_fn
[docs] def populate_list(self): """ Adds each item in :py:attr:`Subject_List.subjects` to the list. """ for m in self.subjects: self.addItem(m)
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """ A trivial redefinition of :py:meth:`.QtWidgets.QListWidget.dropEvent` that calls the parent `dropEvent` and then calls :py:attr:`~.Subject_List.drop_fn` Args: event: A :class:`.QtCore.QEvent` simply forwarded to the superclass. """ # call the parent dropEvent to make sure all the list ops happen super(Subject_List, self).dropEvent(event) # then we call the drop_fn passed to us self.drop_fn()
[docs]class Pilot_Panel(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A little panel with * the name of a pilot, * A :class:`Pilot_Button` to start and stop the task * Add and remove buttons to :py:meth:`~Pilot_Panel.create_subject` and :py:meth:`Pilot_Panel.remove_subject` Note: This class should not be instantiated except by :class:`Control_Panel` Args: pilot (str): The name of the pilot this panel controls subject_list (:py:class:`.Subject_List`): The :py:class:`.Subject_List` we control start_fn (:py:meth:`~autopilot.core.terminal.Terminal.toggle_start`): Passed by :class:`Control_Panel` create_fn (:py:meth:`Control_Panel.create_subject`): Passed by :class:`Control_Panel` Attributes: layout (:py:class:`QtWidgets.QGridLayout`): Layout for UI elements button (:class:`.Pilot_Button`): button used to control a pilot """ def __init__(self, pilot=None, subject_list=None, start_fn=None, create_fn=None): """ """ super(Pilot_Panel, self).__init__() self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.layout.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.pilot = pilot self.subject_list = subject_list self.start_fn = start_fn self.create_fn = create_fn self.button = None self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Initializes UI elements - creates widgets and adds to :py:attr:`Pilot_Panel.layout` . Called on init. """ # type: () -> None label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.pilot) label.setStyleSheet("font: bold 14pt; text-align:right") label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.button = Pilot_Button(self.pilot, self.subject_list, self.start_fn) add_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("+") add_button.clicked.connect(self.create_subject) add_button.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) remove_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("-") remove_button.clicked.connect(self.remove_subject) remove_button.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.layout.addWidget(label, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.layout.addWidget(self.button, 1, 0, 1, 2) self.layout.addWidget(add_button, 2,0,1,1) self.layout.addWidget(remove_button, 2,1,1,1) self.layout.setRowStretch(0, 3) self.layout.setRowStretch(1, 2) self.layout.setRowStretch(2, 1)
[docs] def remove_subject(self): """ Remove the currently selected subject in :py:attr:`Pilot_Panel.subject_list`, and calls the :py:meth:`Control_Panel.update_db` method. """ current_subject = self.subject_list.currentItem().text() msgbox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgbox.setText("\n(only removes from pilot_db.json, data will not be deleted)".format(current_subject)) msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Are you sure you would like to remove {}?".format(current_subject)) msgBox.setInformativeText("'Yes' only removes from pilot_db.json, data will not be deleted") msgBox.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self.subject_list.takeItem(self.subject_list.currentRow()) # the drop fn updates the db self.subject_list.drop_fn()
[docs] def create_subject(self): """ Just calls :py:meth:`Control_Panel.create_subject` with our `pilot` as the argument """ self.create_fn(self.pilot)
[docs]class Pilot_Button(QtWidgets.QPushButton): def __init__(self, pilot=None, subject_list=None, start_fn=None): """ A subclass of (toggled) :class:`QtWidgets.QPushButton` that incorporates the style logic of a start/stop button - ie. color, text. Starts grayed out, turns green if contact with a pilot is made. Args: pilot (str): The ID of the pilot that this button controls subject_list (:py:class:`.Subject_List`): The Subject list used to determine which subject is starting/stopping start_fn (:py:meth:`~autopilot.core.terminal.Terminal.toggle_start`): The final resting place of the toggle_start method Attributes: state (str): The state of our pilot, reflected in our graphical properties. Mirrors :attr:`~.pilot.Pilot.state` , with an additional "DISCONNECTED" state for before contact is made with the pilot. """ super(Pilot_Button, self).__init__() ## GUI Settings self.setCheckable(True) self.setChecked(False) self.setEnabled(False) self.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {color:white; background-color: green}" "QPushButton:checked {color:white; background-color: red}" "QPushButton:disabled {color:black; background-color: gray}") # at start, set our text to no pilot and wait for the signal self.setText("?") # keep track of our visual and functional state. self.state = "DISCONNECTED" # Normally buttons only expand horizontally, but these big ole ones.... self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) # What's yr name anyway? self.pilot = pilot # What subjects do we know about? self.subject_list = subject_list # Passed a function to toggle start from the control panel self.start_fn = start_fn # toggle_start has a little sugar on it before sending to control panel # use the clicked rather than toggled signal, clicked only triggers on user # interaction, toggle is whenever the state is toggled - so programmatically # toggling the button - ie. responding to pilot state changes - double triggers. self.clicked.connect(self.toggle_start)
[docs] def toggle_start(self): """ Minor window dressing to call the :py:meth:`~.Pilot_Button.start_fn` with the appropriate pilot, subject, and whether the task is starting or stopping """ # If we're stopped, start, and vice versa... current_subject = self.subject_list.currentItem().text() if current_subject is None: Warning("Start button clicked, but no subject selected.") return toggled = self.isChecked() if toggled is True: # ie button is already down, already running. self.setText("STOP") self.start_fn(True, self.pilot, current_subject) else: self.setText("START") self.start_fn(False, self.pilot, current_subject)
[docs] @gui_event def set_state(self, state): """ Set the button's appearance and state Args: state (str): one of ``('IDLE', 'RUNNING', 'STOPPING', 'DISCONNECTED') .. todo:: There is some logic duplication in this class, ie. if the button state is changed it also emits a start/stop signal to the pi, which is undesirable. This class needs to be reworked. Returns: """ # if we're good, do nothing. if state == self.state: return if state == "IDLE": # responsive and waiting self.setEnabled(True) self.setText('START') self.setChecked(False) elif state == "RUNNING": # running a task self.setEnabled(True) self.setText('STOP') self.setChecked(True) elif state == "STOPPING": # stopping self.setEnabled(False) self.setText("STOPPING") self.setChecked(False) elif state == "DISCONNECTED": # contact w the pi is missing or lost self.setEnabled(False) self.setText("DISCONNECTED") self.setChecked(False) if self.isChecked(): self.setText("STOP") else: self.setText("START") self.state = state
################################## # Wizard Widgets ################################3# # TODO: Change these classes to use the update params windows
[docs]class New_Subject_Wizard(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ A popup that prompts you to define variables for a new :class:`.subject.Subject` object Called by :py:meth:`.Control_Panel.create_subject` , which handles actually creating the subject file and updating the :py:attr:`.Terminal.pilots` dict and file. Contains two tabs - :class:`~.New_Subject_Wizard.Biography_Tab` - to set basic biographical information about a subject - :class:`~.New_Subject_Wizard.Task_Tab` - to set the protocol and step to start the subject on Attributes: protocol_dir (str): A full path to where protocols are stored, received from :py:const:`.prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')` bio_tab (:class:`~.New_Subject_Wizard.Biography_Tab`): Sub-object to set and store biographical variables task_tab (:class:`~.New_Subject_Wizard.Task_Tab`): Sub-object to set and store protocol and step assignment """ def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) self.protocol_dir = prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR') tabWidget = QtWidgets.QTabWidget() self.bio_tab = self.Biography_Tab() tabWidget.addTab(self.bio_tab, "Biography") if self.protocol_dir: self.task_tab = self.Task_Tab() tabWidget.addTab(self.task_tab, "Protocol") buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) mainLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(tabWidget) mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.setWindowTitle("Setup New Subject")
[docs] class Biography_Tab(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A widget that allows defining basic biographical attributes about a subject Creates a set of widgets connected to :py:meth:`~.Biography_Tab.update_return_dict` that stores the parameters. Warning: The below attributes are **not** the object attributes, but are descriptions of the parameters available in the values dictionary. The attributes themselves are PySide Widgets that set the values. Attributes: id (str): A Subject's ID or name start_date (str): The date the subject started the task. Automatically filled by :py:meth:`` blmass (float): The subject's baseline mass minmass_pct (int): The percentage of baseline mass that a water restricted subject is allowed to reach minmass (float): The subject's minimum mass, automatically calculated `blmass * (minmass_pct / 100.)` genotype (str): A string describing the subject's genotype expt (str): A tag to describe what experiment this subject is a part of """ def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) # Input Labels ID_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("ID:") start_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Start Date:") blmass_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Baseline Mass:") minmasspct_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("% of Baseline Mass:") minmass_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Minimum Mass:") genotype_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Genotype:") expt_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Experiment Tag:") # Input widgets = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.start_date = QtWidgets.QLineEdit( self.blmass = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.blmass.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0, 30.0, 1, self.blmass)) self.minmass_pct = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() self.minmass_pct.setRange(0,100) self.minmass_pct.setSingleStep(5) self.minmass_pct.setSuffix('%') self.minmass_pct.setValue(80) self.minmass = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.minmass.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0, 30.0, 1, self.minmass)) self.genotype = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.expt = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # Set return dictionary signals self.update_return_dict('id', self.start_date.editingFinished.connect(lambda: self.update_return_dict('start_date', self.start_date.text())) self.blmass.editingFinished.connect(lambda: self.update_return_dict('baseline_mass', self.blmass.text())) self.minmass.editingFinished.connect(lambda: self.update_return_dict('min_mass', self.minmass.text())) self.genotype.editingFinished.connect(lambda: self.update_return_dict('genotype', self.genotype.text())) self.expt.editingFinished.connect(lambda: self.update_return_dict('experiment', self.expt.text())) # Set update minmass signals self.blmass.editingFinished.connect(self.calc_minmass) self.minmass_pct.valueChanged.connect(self.calc_minmass) # Setup Layout mainLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(ID_label) mainLayout.addWidget( mainLayout.addWidget(start_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.start_date) mainLayout.addWidget(blmass_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.blmass) mainLayout.addWidget(minmasspct_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.minmass_pct) mainLayout.addWidget(minmass_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.minmass) mainLayout.addWidget(genotype_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.genotype) mainLayout.addWidget(expt_label) mainLayout.addWidget(self.expt) mainLayout.addStretch(1) self.setLayout(mainLayout) # Dictionary to return values self.values = {}
[docs] def update_return_dict(self, key, val): """ Called by lambda functions by the widgets, eg.:: self.update_return_dict('id', Args: key (str): The key of the value being stored val: The value being stored. """ self.values[key] = val
# When values changed, update return dict
[docs] def calc_minmass(self): """ Calculates the minimum mass for a subject based on its baseline mass and the allowable percentage of that baseline """ # minimum mass automatically from % and baseline baseline = float(self.blmass.text()) pct = float(self.minmass_pct.text()[:-1])/100 self.minmass.setText(str(baseline*pct))
[docs] class Task_Tab(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A tab for selecting a task and step to assign to the subject. Reads available tasks from `prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')` , lists them, and creates a spinbox to select from the available steps. Warning: Like :class:`.Biography_Tab` , these are not the actual instance attributes. Values are stored in a `values` dictionary. Attributes: protocol (str): the name of the assigned protocol, filename without .json extension step (int): current step to assign. """ def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.protocol_dir = prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR') topLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("Protocols:") # List available protocols protocol_list = os.listdir(self.protocol_dir) protocol_list = [os.path.splitext(p)[0] for p in protocol_list] self.protocol_listbox = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.protocol_listbox.insertItems(0, protocol_list) self.protocol_listbox.currentItemChanged.connect(self.protocol_changed) # Make Step combobox self.step_selection = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.step_selection.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.step_changed) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(topLabel) layout.addWidget(self.protocol_listbox) layout.addWidget(self.step_selection) self.setLayout(layout) # Dict to return values self.values = {}
[docs] def update_step_box(self): """ Clears any steps that might be in the step selection box, loads the protocol file and repopulates it. """ # Clear box while self.step_selection.count(): self.step_selection.removeItem(0) # Load the protocol and parse its steps protocol_str = self.protocol_listbox.currentItem().text() protocol_file = os.path.join(self.protocol_dir,protocol_str + '.json') with open(protocol_file) as protocol_file_open: protocol = json.load(protocol_file_open) step_list = [] self.step_ind = {} for i, s in enumerate(protocol): step_list.append(s['step_name']) self.step_ind[s['step_name']] = i self.step_selection.insertItems(0, step_list) self.step_selection.setCurrentIndex(0)
[docs] def protocol_changed(self): """ When the protocol is changed, save the value and call :py:meth:`.update_step_box`. """ self.values['protocol'] = self.protocol_listbox.currentItem().text() self.update_step_box()
[docs] def step_changed(self): """ When the step is changed, save it. """ current_step = self.step_selection.currentText() # Check that we have selected a step... if current_step != '': self.values['step'] = self.step_ind[current_step]
[docs]class Protocol_Wizard(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ A dialog window to create a new protocol. Warning: This is a heavily overloaded class, and will be split into separate objects to handle parameters separately. For now this is what we got though and it works. Protocols are collections of multiple tasks (steps) with some graduation criterion for moving between them. This widget is composed of three windows: * **left**: possible task types from :py:data:`.tasks.TASK_LIST` * **center**: current steps in task * **right**: :class:`.Parameters` for currently selected step. The parameters that are used are of the form used by :py:attr:`.Task.PARAMS` (see :py:attr:`.Nafc.PARAMS` for an example). TODO: Make specific parameter class so this definition is less squishy its general structure is:: {'parameter_key': {'tag':'Human Readable Name', 'type':'param_type'}} while some parameter types have extra items, eg.:: {'list_param': {'tag':'Select from a List of Parameters', 'type': 'list', 'values': {'First Option':0, 'Second Option':1}} where k:v pairs are still used with lists to allow parameter values (0, 1) be human readable. The available types include: * **int** - integer * **float** - floating point number * **bool** - boolean boolbox * **list** - a list of `values` to choose from * **sounds** - a :class:`.Sound_Widget` that allows sounds to be defined. * **graduation** - a :class:`.Graduation_Widget` that allows graduation criteria to be defined Attributes: task_list (:class:`QtWidgets.QListWidget`): The leftmost window, lists available tasks step_list (:class:`QtWidgets.QListWidget`): The center window, lists tasks currently in protocol param_layout (:class:`QtWidgets.QFormLayout`): The right window, allows changing available parameters for currently selected step. steps (list): A list of dictionaries defining the protocol. """ def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) # Left Task List/Add Step Box addstep_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Add Step") addstep_label.setFixedHeight(40) self.task_list = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.task_list.insertItems(0, tasks.TASK_LIST.keys()) self.add_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("+") self.add_button.setFixedHeight(40) self.add_button.clicked.connect(self.add_step) addstep_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() addstep_layout.addWidget(addstep_label) addstep_layout.addWidget(self.task_list) addstep_layout.addWidget(self.add_button) # Center Step List Box steplist_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Step List") steplist_label.setFixedHeight(40) self.step_list = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.step_list.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.step_list.selectionMode = QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection self.step_list.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.populate_params) self.list_model = self.step_list.model() self.list_model.rowsMoved.connect(self.reorder_steps) self.remove_step_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('-') self.remove_step_button.setFixedHeight(40) self.remove_step_button.clicked.connect(self.remove_step) steplist_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() steplist_layout.addWidget(steplist_label) steplist_layout.addWidget(self.step_list) steplist_layout.addWidget(self.remove_step_button) # Right Parameter Definition Window param_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Step Parameters") param_label.setFixedHeight(40) self.param_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() param_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() param_frame.setLayout(self.param_layout) param_box_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() param_box_layout.addWidget(param_label) param_box_layout.addWidget(param_frame) # Main Layout frame_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() frame_layout.addLayout(addstep_layout, stretch=1) frame_layout.addLayout(steplist_layout, stretch=1) frame_layout.addLayout(param_box_layout, stretch=3) buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(frame_layout) main_layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(main_layout) self.setWindowTitle("Make New Protocol") # List to store dicts of steps and params self.steps = []
[docs] def add_step(self): """ Loads `PARAMS` from task object, adds base parameters to :py:attr:`.steps` list """ task_type = self.task_list.currentItem().text() new_item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem() new_item.setText(task_type) task_params = copy.deepcopy(tasks.TASK_LIST[task_type].PARAMS) # Add params that are non-task specific # Name of task type task_params['task_type'] = {'type':'label','value':task_type} # Prepend name of step shittily task_params_temp = odict() task_params_temp['step_name'] = {'type':'str', 'tag':'Step Name', 'value':task_type} task_params_temp.update(task_params) task_params.clear() task_params.update(task_params_temp) # add graduation field task_params['graduation'] = {'type':'graduation', 'tag':'Graduation Criterion', 'value':{}} self.steps.append(task_params) self.step_list.addItem(new_item) self.step_list.setCurrentItem(new_item)
[docs] def rename_step(self): """ When the step name widget's text is changed, fire this function to update :py:attr:`.step_list` which updates :py:attr:`.steps` """ sender = self.sender() sender_text = sender.text() current_step = self.step_list.item(self.step_list.currentRow()) current_step.setText(sender_text)
[docs] def remove_step(self): """ Remove step from :py:attr:`.step_list` and :py:attr:`.steps` """ step_index = self.step_list.currentRow() del self.steps[step_index] self.step_list.takeItem(step_index)
[docs] def populate_params(self): """ Calls :py:meth:`.clear_params` and then creates widgets to edit parameter values. Returns: """ # type: () -> None self.clear_params() # Get current item index step_index = self.step_list.currentRow() step_dict = self.steps[step_index] # Iterate through params to make input widgets for k, v in step_dict.items(): # Make Input Widget depending on type # Each Input type needs a different widget type, # and each widget type has different methods to get/change values, so we have to do this ugly if v['type'] == 'int' or v['type'] == 'str' or v['type'] == 'float': rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) input_widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() input_widget.setObjectName(k) if v['type'] == 'int': input_widget.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) elif v['type'] == 'float': input_widget.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) input_widget.editingFinished.connect(self.set_param) if 'value' in v.keys(): input_widget.setText(v['value']) elif v['type'] == 'str': self.steps[step_index][k]['value'] = '' self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag,input_widget) elif v['type'] == 'bool': rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) input_widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() input_widget.setObjectName(k) input_widget.stateChanged.connect(self.set_param) if 'value' in v.keys(): input_widget.setChecked(v['value']) else: self.steps[step_index][k]['value'] = False self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag, input_widget) elif v['type'] == 'list': rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) input_widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget() input_widget.setObjectName(k) sorted_values = sorted(v['values'], key=v['values'].get) input_widget.insertItems(0, sorted_values) input_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.set_param) if 'value' in v.keys(): select_item = input_widget.item(v['value']) input_widget.setCurrentItem(select_item) else: self.steps[step_index][k]['value'] = sorted_values[0] self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag, input_widget) self.steps[step_index][k]['value'] = False elif v['type'] == 'sounds': self.sound_widget = Sound_Widget() self.sound_widget.setObjectName(k) self.sound_widget.pass_set_param_function(self.set_sounds) self.param_layout.addRow(self.sound_widget) self.steps[step_index][k]['sounds'] = {} if 'value' in v.keys(): self.sound_widget.populate_lists(v['value']) elif v['type'] == 'graduation': self.grad_widget = Graduation_Widget() self.grad_widget.setObjectName(k) self.grad_widget.set_graduation = self.set_graduation self.param_layout.addRow(self.grad_widget) if 'type' in v['value'].keys(): combo_index = self.grad_widget.type_selection.findText(v['value']['type']) self.grad_widget.type_selection.setCurrentIndex(combo_index) self.grad_widget.populate_params(v['value']['value']) elif v['type'] == 'label': # This is a .json label not for display pass # Step name needs to be hooked up to the step list text if k == 'step_name': input_widget.editingFinished.connect(self.rename_step)
# TODO: Implement dependencies between parameters
[docs] def clear_params(self): """ Clears widgets from parameter window """ while self.param_layout.count(): child = self.param_layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater()
[docs] def reorder_steps(self, *args): """ When steps are dragged into a different order, update the step dictionary Args: *args: Input from our :py:attr:`.step_list` 's :class:`.QtWidgets.QListModel` 's reorder signal. """ # arg positions 1 and 4 are starting and ending positions in the list, respectively # We reorder our step list so the params line up. before = args[1] after = args[4] self.steps.insert(after, self.steps.pop(before))
[docs] def set_param(self): """ Callback function connected to the signal each widget uses to signal it has changed. Identifies the param that was changed, gets the current value, and updates `self.steps` """ sender = self.sender() param_name = sender.objectName() current_step = self.step_list.currentRow() sender_type = self.steps[current_step][param_name]['type'] if sender_type == 'bool': self.steps[current_step][param_name]['value'] = sender.isChecked() elif sender_type == 'list': list_text = sender.currentItem().text() #list_value = self.steps[current_step][param_name]['values'][list_text] self.steps[current_step][param_name]['value'] = list_text elif sender_type == 'sounds': self.steps[current_step][param_name]['value'] = self.sound_widget.sound_dict else: try: sender_text = ast.literal_eval(sender.text()) except: sender_text = sender.text() self.steps[current_step][param_name]['value'] = sender_text
[docs] def set_sounds(self): """ Stores parameters that define sounds. Sound parameters work a bit differently, specifically we have to retrieve :py:attr:`.Sound_Widget.sound_dict`. """ current_step = self.step_list.currentRow() #if 'sounds' in self.steps[current_step]['stim'].keys(): # self.steps[current_step][param_name]['sounds']['value'].update(self.sound_widget.sound_dict) #else: self.steps[current_step]['stim']['sounds'] = self.sound_widget.sound_dict
[docs] def set_graduation(self): """ Stores parameters that define graduation criteria in `self.steps` Graduation parameters work a bit differently, specifically we have to retrieve :py:attr:`.Graduation_Widget.param_dict`. """ current_step = self.step_list.currentRow() grad_type = self.grad_widget.type grad_params = self.grad_widget.param_dict self.steps[current_step]['graduation']['value'] = {'type':grad_type,'value':grad_params}
[docs] def check_depends(self): """ Handle dependencies between parameters, eg. if "correction trials" are unchecked, the box that defines the correction trial percentage should be grayed out. TODO: Not implemented. """ # TODO: Make dependent fields unavailable if dependencies unmet # I mean if it really matters pass
[docs]class Graduation_Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A widget used in :class:`.Protocol_Wizard` to define graduation parameters. See :py:mod:`.tasks.graduation` . A protocol is composed of multiple tasks (steps), and graduation criteria define when a subject should progress through those steps. eg. a subject should graduate one stage after 300 trials, or after it reaches 75% accuracy over the last 500 trials. Attributes: type_selection (:class:`QtWidgets.QComboBox`): A box to select from the available graduation types listed in :py:data:`.tasks.GRAD_LIST` . Has its `currentIndexChanged` signal connected to :py:meth:`.Graduation_Widget.populate_params` param_dict (dict): Stores the type of graduation and the relevant params, fetched by :class:`.Protocol_Wizard` when defining a protocol. set_graduation (:py:meth:`.Protocol_Wizard.set_graduation`): Passed to us after we're inited. """ def __init__(self): super(Graduation_Widget, self).__init__() # Grad type dropdown type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Graduation Criterion:") self.type_selection = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.type_selection.insertItems(0, tasks.GRAD_LIST.keys()) self.type_selection.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.populate_params) # Param form self.param_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(type_label) layout.addWidget(self.type_selection) layout.addLayout(self.param_layout) self.setLayout(layout) self.param_dict = {} self.type = "" self.set_graduation = None self.populate_params()
[docs] def populate_params(self, params=None): """ Repopulate the widget with fields to edit graduation parameters, fill fields if we are passed `params`. Each :class:`QtWidgets.QLineEdit` 's :py:meth:`.QLineEdit.editingFinished` signal is connected to :py:meth:`.Graduation_Widget.store_param` . TODO: For now we assume all parameters are defined with a text edit box, so it's not clear how we'd do boolean parameters for example. This will be fixed with refactoring the parameter scheme. Args: params (dict): In the case that :class:`.Protocol_Wizard` switches us back to a step where we have already defined graduation parameters, it will pass them so we can repopulate the relevant widgets with them. """ self.clear_params() self.type = self.type_selection.currentText() self.param_dict['type'] = self.type for k in tasks.GRAD_LIST[self.type].PARAMS: edit_box = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() edit_box.setObjectName(k) edit_box.editingFinished.connect(self.store_param) if isinstance(params, dict): if k in params.keys(): edit_box.setText(params[k]) self.param_layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel(k), edit_box)
[docs] def clear_params(self): """ Clear any parameter widgets we have. """ while self.param_layout.count(): child = self.param_layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater()
[docs] def store_param(self): """ When a parameter is edited, save it in our param_dict, and also call our `set_graduation` method, which should be :py:meth:`.Protocol_Wizard.set_graduation` passed to us after instantiation. If we were not passed `set_graduation`, just saves in `param_dict`. """ sender = self.sender() name = sender.objectName() self.param_dict[name] = sender.text() if not callable(self.set_graduation): Warning("Stored Graduation parameters in our param_dict, but wasn't passed a set_graduation method!") return self.set_graduation()
[docs]class Drag_List(QtWidgets.QListWidget): """ A :class:`QtWidgets.QListWidget` that is capable of having files dragged & dropped. copied with much gratitude from `stackoverflow <>`_ Primarily used in :class:`.Sound_Widget` to be able to drop sound files. To use: connect `fileDropped` to a method, that method will receive a list of files dragged onto this widget. Attributes: fileDropped (:class:`QtCore.Signal`): A Qt signal that takes a list """ fileDropped = QtCore.Signal(list) def __init__(self): # type: () -> None super(Drag_List, self).__init__() self.setAcceptDrops(True)
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, e): """ When files are dragged over us, if they have paths in them, accept the event. Args: e (:class:`QtCore.QEvent`): containing the drag information. """ if e.mimeData().hasUrls: e.accept() else: e.ignore()
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, event): """ If the `dragEnterEvent` was accepted, while the drag is being moved within us, `setDropAction` to :class:`.QtCore.Qt.CopyAction` Args: event (:class:`QtCore.QEvent`): containing the drag information. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls: event.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """ When the files are finally dropped, if they contain paths, emit the list of paths through the `fileDropped` signal. Args: event (:class:`QtCore.QEvent`): containing the drag information. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls: event.setDropAction(QtCore.Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() links = [] for url in event.mimeData().urls(): links.append(str(url.toLocalFile())) self.fileDropped.emit(links) else: event.ignore()
[docs]class Sound_Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A widget that allows sounds to be parameterized. Used in :class:`.Protocol_Wizard` . Has two :class:`.Drag_List` s for left and right sounds (for a 2afc task), given Buttons beneath them allow adding and removing sounds. Adding a sound will open a :class:`.Add_SoundDialog` TODO: Sounds will eventually be more elegantly managed by a ... sound manager.. For now sound managers are rudimentary and only support random presentation with correction trials and bias correction. Attributes: sound_dict (dict): Dictionary with the structure:: {'L': [{'param_1':'param_1', ... }], 'R': [...]} where multiple sounds can be present in either 'L' or 'R' list. """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.sounddir = prefs.get('SOUNDDIR') self.set_sounds = None # Left sounds left_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Left Sounds") left_label.setFixedHeight(30) self.left_list = Drag_List() self.left_list.fileDropped.connect(self.files_dropped) self.left_list.setObjectName("L") self.add_left_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("+") self.add_left_button.setFixedHeight(30) self.add_left_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.add_sound('L')) self.remove_left_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("-") self.remove_left_button.setFixedHeight(30) self.remove_left_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.remove_sound('L')) left_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() left_button_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() left_button_layout.addWidget(self.add_left_button) left_button_layout.addWidget(self.remove_left_button) left_layout.addWidget(left_label) left_layout.addWidget(self.left_list) left_layout.addLayout(left_button_layout) # Right sounds right_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Right Sounds") right_label.setFixedHeight(30) self.right_list = Drag_List() self.right_list.fileDropped.connect(self.files_dropped) self.right_list.setObjectName("R") self.add_right_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("+") self.add_right_button.setFixedHeight(30) self.add_right_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.add_sound('R')) self.remove_right_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("-") self.remove_right_button.setFixedHeight(30) self.remove_right_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.remove_sound('R')) right_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() right_button_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() right_button_layout.addWidget(self.add_right_button) right_button_layout.addWidget(self.remove_right_button) right_layout.addWidget(right_label) right_layout.addWidget(self.right_list) right_layout.addLayout(right_button_layout) self.sound_dict = {'L': [], 'R': []} main_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(left_layout) main_layout.addLayout(right_layout) self.setLayout(main_layout) # TODO:Add drag and drop for files
[docs] def pass_set_param_function(self, set_param_fnxn): """ Receives :py:meth:`.Protocol_Wizard.set_sounds` Args: set_param_fnxn (:py:meth:`.Protocol_Wizard.set_sounds`): Called when sounds are changed. """ self.set_sounds = set_param_fnxn
[docs] def add_sound(self, side): """ When the "+" button on either side is pressed, open an :class:`.Add_Sound_Dialog`. Args: side (str): The buttons are connected with a lambda function, this will be either 'L' or 'R'. Used to add sounds to the `sound_dict` """ new_sound = self.Add_Sound_Dialog() new_sound.exec_() if new_sound.result() == 1: self.sound_dict[side].append(new_sound.param_dict) if side == 'L': self.left_list.addItem(new_sound.param_dict['type']) elif side == 'R': self.right_list.addItem(new_sound.param_dict['type']) self.set_sounds()
[docs] def remove_sound(self, side): """ When the "-" button is pressed, remove the currently highlighted sound. Args: side (str): The buttons are connected with a lambda function, this will be either 'L' or 'R'. Selects that list so we can remove the currently selected row. """ if side == 'L': current_sound = self.left_list.currentRow() del self.sound_dict['L'][current_sound] self.left_list.takeItem(current_sound) elif side == 'R': current_sound = self.right_list.currentRow() del self.sound_dict['R'][current_sound] self.right_list.takeItem(current_sound) self.set_sounds()
[docs] def populate_lists(self, sound_dict): """ Populates the sound lists after re-selecting a step. Args: sound_dict (dict): passed to us by :class:`.Protocol_Wizard` upon reselecting a step. """ # Populate the sound lists after re-selecting a step self.sound_dict = sound_dict for k in self.sound_dict['L']: self.left_list.addItem(k['type']) for k in self.sound_dict['R']: self.right_list.addItem(k['type'])
[docs] def files_dropped(self, files): """ Warning: This was programmed hastily and is pretty idiosyncratic to my use. It does work for general files but has some extra logic built in to handle my stimuli. To be made more general in v0.3 Note: Sounds must be in the folder specified in `prefs.get('SOUNDDIR')`. When files are dropped on the lists, strips `prefs.get('SOUNDDIR')` from them to make them relative paths, adds them to the `sound_dict` Args: files (list): List of absolute paths. """ # TODO: Make this more general... msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setText("Are these Speech sounds in the format '/speaker/cv/cv_#.wav'?") msg.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) ret = msg.exec_() sender = self.sender() side = sender.objectName() if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: for f in files: f = f.strip(self.sounddir) self.sound_dict[side].append({'type':'File', 'path':f}) if side == 'L': self.left_list.addItem(f) elif side == 'R': self.right_list.addItem(f) elif ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: for f in files: f = f.strip(self.sounddir) f_split = f.split(os.sep) speaker = f_split[0] cv = f_split[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[0] consonant = cv[0] vowel = cv[1:] token = f_split[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[1] param_dict = {'type':'Speech','path':f, 'speaker':speaker,'consonant':consonant, 'vowel':vowel,'token':token} self.sound_dict[side].append(param_dict) if side == 'L': self.left_list.addItem(f) elif side == 'R': self.right_list.addItem(f) self.set_sounds()
[docs] class Add_Sound_Dialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ Presents a dialog to define a new sound. Makes a selection box to choose the sound type from :py:data:`.sounds.SOUND_LIST` , and then populates edit boxes so we can fill in its `PARAMS` . Attributes: type_selection (:class:`QtWidgets.QComboBox`): Select from a list of available sounds param_dict (dict): Parameters that are retreived by the calling :class:`.Sound_Widget`. """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) # Sound type dropdown type_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Sound Type:") self.type_selection = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.type_selection.insertItems(0, sounds.SOUND_LIST.keys()) self.type_selection.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.populate_params) # Param form self.param_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() # Button box buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) # Layout layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(type_label) layout.addWidget(self.type_selection) layout.addLayout(self.param_layout) layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(layout) # dict for storing params self.param_dict = {} # do initial population self.populate_params()
[docs] def populate_params(self): """ When a sound type is selected, make a :class:`.QtWidgets.QLineEdit` for each `PARAM` in its definition. """ self.clear_params() self.type = self.type_selection.currentText() self.param_dict['type'] = self.type for k in sounds.SOUND_LIST[self.type].PARAMS: edit_box = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() edit_box.setObjectName(k) edit_box.editingFinished.connect(self.store_param) self.param_layout.addRow(QtWidgets.QLabel(k), edit_box)
[docs] def clear_params(self): """ Clear all current widgets """ while self.param_layout.count(): child = self.param_layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater()
[docs] def store_param(self): """ When one of our edit boxes is edited, stash the parameter in `param_dict` """ # type: () -> None sender = self.sender() name = sender.objectName() self.param_dict[name] = sender.text()
###################################3 # Tools ######################################
[docs]class Bandwidth_Test(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ Test the limits of the rate of messaging from the connected Pilots. Asks pilots to send messages at varying rates and with varying payload sizes, and with messages with/without receipts. Measures drop rates and message latency Attributes: rate_list (list): List of rates (Hz) to test payload_list (list): List of payload sizes (KB) to test messages (list): list of messages received during test """ def __init__(self, pilots): super(Bandwidth_Test, self).__init__() self.pilots = pilots self.rate_list = [] self.payload_list = [] self.test_pilots = [] self.finished_pilots = [] self.messages = [] self.results = [] self.delays = [] self.drops = [] self.speeds = [] self.rates =[] self.end_test = threading.Event() self.end_test.clear() self.listens = { 'BANDWIDTH_MSG': self.register_msg } self.node = Net_Node(id="bandwidth", upstream='T', port = prefs.get('MSGPORT'), listens=self.listens) self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Look we're just making the stuff in the window over here alright? relax. """ # two panes: left selects the pilots and sets params of the test, # right plots outcomes # main layout l/r self.layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # left layout for settings self.settings = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.n_messages = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('1000') self.n_messages.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) self.receipts = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Get receipts?') self.receipts.setChecked(True) self.rates = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('50') self.rates.setObjectName('rates') self.rates.editingFinished.connect(self.validate_list) self.rate_list = [50] self.payloads = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('0') self.payloads.setObjectName('payloads') self.payloads.editingFinished.connect(self.validate_list) self.payload_list = [0] # checkboxes for which pis to include in test self.pilot_box = QtWidgets.QGroupBox('Pilots') self.pilot_checks = {} self.pilot_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() for p in self.pilots.keys(): cb = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(p) cb.setChecked(True) self.pilot_checks[p] = cb self.pilot_layout.addWidget(cb) # gotta have progress bars self.all_pbar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() self.this_pbar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() # buttons to start test/save results self.start_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Start Test') self.start_btn.clicked.connect(self.start) self.save_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Save Results') self.save_btn.setEnabled(False) self.save_btn.clicked.connect( # combine settings self.settings.addRow('N messages per test', self.n_messages) self.settings.addRow('Confirm sent messages?', self.receipts) self.settings.addRow('Message Rates per Pilot \n(in Hz, list of integers like "[1, 2, 3]")', self.rates) self.settings.addRow('Payload sizes per message \n(in KB, list of integers like "[32, 64, 128]")', self.payloads) self.settings.addRow('Which Pilots to include in test', self.pilot_layout) self.settings.addRow('Progress: All tests', self.all_pbar) self.settings.addRow('Progress: This test', self.this_pbar) self.settings.addRow(self.start_btn, self.save_btn) ########### # plotting widget self.drop_plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Message Drop Rate') self.delay_plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Mean Delay') self.speed_plot = pg.PlotWidget(title='Requested vs. Actual speed') # the actual graphical objects that draw stuff for us self.drop_line = self.drop_plot.plot(symbol='t', symbolBrush=(100, 100, 255, 50)) self.delay_line = self.delay_plot.plot(symbol='t', symbolBrush=(100, 100, 255, 50)) self.speed_line = self.speed_plot.plot(symbol='t', symbolBrush=(100, 100, 255, 50)) self.drop_line.setPen((255,0,0)) self.delay_line.setPen((255,0,0)) self.speed_line.setPen((255,0,0)) self.plot_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.drop_plot) self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.delay_plot) self.plot_layout.addWidget(self.speed_plot) # add panes self.layout.addLayout(self.settings, 1) self.layout.addLayout(self.plot_layout, 1) self.setLayout(self.layout)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the test!!! """ # lists to store our results for plotting and etc. self.results = [] self.delays = [] self.drops = [] self.speeds = [] self.rates =[] # first make sure we got everything we need if len(self.rate_list) == 0: warning_msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, "No rates to test!", "Couldn't find a list of rates to test, did you enter one?") warning_msg.exec_() return if len(self.payload_list) ==0 : warning_msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, "No payloads to test!", "Couldn't find a list of payloads to test, did you enter one?") warning_msg.exec_() return # get list of checked pis test_pilots = [] for pilot, p_box in self.pilot_checks.items(): if p_box.isChecked(): test_pilots.append(pilot) self.test_pilots = test_pilots # stash some run parameters get_receipts = self.receipts.isChecked() n_messages = self.n_messages.text() # 'n messages for this test' in case user changes it during run self.n_messages_test = int(n_messages) self.save_btn.setEnabled(False) self.start_btn.setEnabled(False) # set pbars if len(self.payload_list) == 0: payload_len = 1 else: payload_len = len(self.payload_list) self.all_pbar.setMaximum(len(self.rate_list)*payload_len) self.this_pbar.setMaximum(self.n_messages_test*len(test_pilots)) self.all_pbar.reset() # save tests to do, disable play button, and get to doing it self.tests_todo = [x for x in itertools.product(self.rate_list, self.payload_list, [self.n_messages_test], [get_receipts])] # used to update pbar self.test_counter = itertools.count() self.current_test = self.tests_todo.pop() self.send_test(*self.current_test)
# # start a timer that continues the test if messages are dropped # try: # self.repeat_timer.cancel() # except: # pass # # self.repeat_timer = threading.Timer(self.current_test[0] * self.current_test[2] * 20, # self.process_test, args=self.current_test) # self.repeat_timer.daemon = True # self.repeat_timer.start()
[docs] def send_test(self, rate, payload, n_msg, confirm): """ Send a message describing the test to each of the pilots in :attr:`Bandwidth_Test.test_pilots` Args: rate (int): Rate of message sending in Hz payload (int): Size of message payload in bytes n_msg (int): Number of messages to send confirm (bool): If True, use message confirmation, if False no confirmation. Returns: """ self.finished_pilots = [] self.messages = [] msg = {'rate': rate, 'payload': payload, 'n_msg': n_msg, 'confirm': confirm} self.end_test.clear() self.this_pbar.reset() self.msg_counter = itertools.count() for p in self.test_pilots: self.node.send(to=p, key="BANDWIDTH", value=msg)
[docs] @gui_event def process_test(self, rate, n_msg, confirm): """ Process the results of the test and update the plot window. Reads message results from :attr:`~Bandwidth_Test.messages`, appends computed results to :attr:`~Bandwidth_Test.results`, and starts the next test if any remain. Args: rate (int): Rate of current test in Hz n_msg (int): Number of expected messages in this test confirm (bool): Whether message confirmations were enabled for this test. """ # start a timer that continues the test if messages are dropped try: self.repeat_timer.cancel() except: pass # process messages msg_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.messages, columns=['pilot', 'n_msg', 'timestamp_sent', 'timestamp_rcvd', 'payload_size', 'message_size']) msg_df = msg_df.astype({'timestamp_sent':'datetime64', 'timestamp_rcvd':'datetime64'}) # compute summary try: mean_delay = np.mean(msg_df['timestamp_rcvd'] - msg_df['timestamp_sent']).total_seconds() except AttributeError: mean_delay = np.mean(msg_df['timestamp_rcvd'] - msg_df['timestamp_sent']) try: send_jitter = np.std(msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_sent.diff()).total_seconds() except AttributeError: print(np.std(msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_sent.diff())) send_jitter = np.std(msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_sent.diff()) try: delay_jitter = np.std(msg_df['timestamp_rcvd'] - msg_df['timestamp_sent']).total_seconds() except AttributeError: delay_jitter = np.std(msg_df['timestamp_rcvd'] - msg_df['timestamp_sent']) drop_rate = np.mean(1.0-(msg_df.groupby('pilot').n_msg.count() / float(n_msg))) try: mean_speed = 1.0/msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_rcvd.diff().mean().total_seconds() except AttributeError: mean_speed = 1.0/msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_rcvd.diff().mean() mean_payload = msg_df.payload_size.mean() mean_message = msg_df.message_size.mean() #print(msg_df.groupby('pilot').timestamp_rcvd.diff()) # plot self.rates.append(rate) self.drops.append(drop_rate) self.delays.append(mean_delay) self.speeds.append(mean_speed) self.results.append((rate, mean_payload, mean_message, n_msg, confirm, len(self.test_pilots), mean_delay, drop_rate, mean_speed, send_jitter, delay_jitter)) self.delay_line.setData(x=self.rates, y=self.delays) self.drop_line.setData(x=self.rates, y=self.drops) self.speed_line.setData(x=self.rates, y=self.speeds) # self.drop_plot.setYRange(np.min(self.drops), np.max(self.drops), # padding=(np.max(self.drops) - np.min(self.drops)) * .1) # self.delay_plot.setYRange(np.min(self.delays), np.max(self.delays), # padding=(np.max(self.delays) - np.min(self.delays)) * .1) # self.speed_plot.setYRange(np.min(self.speeds), np.max(self.speeds)) self.all_pbar.setValue(next(self.test_counter) + 1) if len(self.tests_todo) == 0: self.save_btn.setEnabled(True) self.start_btn.setEnabled(True) else: time.sleep(2.5) self.current_test = self.tests_todo.pop() self.send_test(*self.current_test) # self.repeat_timer = threading.Timer(self.current_test[0]*self.current_test[2]*10, # self.process_test, args=self.current_test) # self.repeat_timer.daemon = True # self.repeat_timer.start() self.repaint()
[docs] @gui_event def save(self): """ Select save file location for test results (csv) and then save them there """ fileName, filtr = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Where should we save these results?", prefs.get('DATADIR'), "CSV files (*.csv)", "") # make and save results df try: res_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(self.results, columns=['rate', 'payload_size', 'message_size', 'n_messages', 'confirm', 'n_pilots', 'mean_delay', 'drop_rate', 'actual_rate', 'send_jitter', 'delay_jitter']) res_df.to_csv(fileName) reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Results saved!", "Results saved to {}".format(fileName)) except Exception as e: reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error saving", "Error while saving your results:\n{}".format(e))
[docs] def register_msg(self, value): """ Receive message from pilot, stash timestamp, number and pilot Args: value (dict): Value should contain * Pilot * Timestamp * Message number * Payload """ # have to iterate over contents to get true size, # and then add size of container itself. # payload size is distinct from the serialized message size, this is the end size # as it ends up on the disk of the receiver # pdb.set_trace() # payload_size = np.sum([sys.getsizeof(v) for k, v in value.items()]) + sys.getsizeof(value) if 'test_end' in value.keys(): self.finished_pilots.append(value['pilot']) if len(self.finished_pilots) == len(self.test_pilots): self.process_test(value['rate'], value['n_msg'], value['confirm']) return payload_size = value['payload_size'] #payload_size = np.frombuffer(base64.b64decode(value['payload']),dtype=np.bool).nbytes self.messages.append((value['pilot'], int(value['n_msg']), value['timestamp'],, payload_size, value['message_size'])) msgs_rcvd = next(self.msg_counter) if msgs_rcvd % float(round(self.n_messages_test/100.0)) < 1.0: self.update_pbar(msgs_rcvd+1)
[docs] @gui_event def update_pbar(self, val): self.this_pbar.setValue(val+1)
[docs] def validate_list(self): """ Checks that the entries in :py:attr:`Bandwidth_Test.rates` and :py:attr:`Bandwidth_Test.payloads` are well formed. ie. that they are of the form 'integer, integer, integer'... pops a window that warns about ill formed entry and clears line edit if badly formed If the list validates, stored as either :py:attr:`Bandwidth_Test.rate_list` or :py:attr:`Bandwidth_Test.payload_list` """ # pdb.set_trace() sender = self.sender() text = sender.text() # user doesn't have to add open/close brackets in input, make sure if not text.startswith('['): text = '[ ' + text if not text.endswith(']'): text = text + ' ]' # validate form of string try: a_list = ast.literal_eval(text) except SyntaxError: warning_msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, "Improperly formatted list!", "The input received wasn't a properly formatted list of integers. Make sure your input is of the form '1, 2, 3' or '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'\ninstead got : {}".format(text)) sender.setText('') warning_msg.exec_() return # validate integers for i in a_list: if not isinstance (i, int): warning_msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Warning, "Improperly formatted list!", "The input received wasn't a properly formatted list of integers. Make sure your input is of the form '1, 2, 3' or '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'\ninstead got : {}".format( text)) sender.setText('') warning_msg.exec_() return # if passes our validation, set list if sender.objectName() == 'rates': self.rate_list = a_list elif sender.objectName() == 'payloads': self.payload_list = a_list else: Warning('Not sure what list this is, object name is: {}'.format(sender.objectName()))
[docs]class Calibrate_Water(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ A window to calibrate the volume of water dispensed per ms. """ def __init__(self, pilots): """ Args: pilots (:py:attr:`.Terminal.pilots`): A dictionary of pilots message_fn (:py:meth:`.Net_Node.send`): The method the Terminal uses to send messages via its net node. """ super(Calibrate_Water, self).__init__() self.pilots = pilots self.pilot_widgets = {} self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # Container Widget self.container = QtWidgets.QWidget() # Layout of Container Widget self.container_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.container.setLayout(self.container_layout) screen_geom = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry() # get max pixel value for each subwidget widget_height = np.floor(screen_geom.height()-50/float(len(self.pilots))) for p in self.pilots: self.pilot_widgets[p] = Pilot_Ports(p) self.pilot_widgets[p].setMaximumHeight(widget_height) self.pilot_widgets[p].setMaximumWidth(screen_geom.width()) self.pilot_widgets[p].setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.container_layout.addWidget(self.pilot_widgets[p]) # Scroll Area Properties self.scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.scroll.setWidgetResizable(False) self.scroll.setWidget(self.container) self.layout.addWidget(self.scroll) # ok/cancel buttons buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(self.layout) # prevent from expanding # set max size to screen size self.setMaximumHeight(screen_geom.height()) self.setMaximumWidth(screen_geom.width()) self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Maximum) self.scrollArea = QtWidgets.QScrollArea(self) self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True)
[docs]class Pilot_Ports(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Created by :class:`.Calibrate_Water`, Each pilot's ports and buttons to control repeated release. """ def __init__(self, pilot, n_clicks=1000, click_dur=30): """ Args: pilot (str): name of pilot to calibrate n_clicks (int): number of times to open the port during calibration click_dur (int): how long to open the port (in ms) """ super(Pilot_Ports, self).__init__() self.pilot = pilot # when starting, stash the duration sent to the pi in case it's changed during. self.open_params = {} # store volumes per dispense here. self.volumes = {} self.listens = { 'CAL_PROGRESS': self.l_progress } self.node = Net_Node(id="Cal_{}".format(self.pilot), upstream="T", port=prefs.get('MSGPORT'), listens=self.listens) self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Init the layout for one pilot's ports: * pilot name * port buttons * 3 times and vol dispersed :return: """ layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() pilot_lab = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.pilot) pilot_font = QtWidgets.QFont() pilot_font.setBold(True) pilot_font.setPointSize(14) pilot_lab.setFont(pilot_font) pilot_lab.setStyleSheet('border: 1px solid black') layout.addWidget(pilot_lab) # make param setting boxes param_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.n_clicks = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(1000)) self.n_clicks.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.n_clicks.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) self.interclick_interval = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(50)) self.interclick_interval.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.interclick_interval.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) param_layout.addRow("n clicks", self.n_clicks) param_layout.addRow("interclick (ms)", self.interclick_interval) layout.addLayout(param_layout) # buttons and fields for each port #button_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vol_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.dur_boxes = {} self.vol_boxes = {} self.pbars = {} self.flowrates = {} for i, port in enumerate(['L', 'C', 'R']): # init empty dict to store volumes and params later self.volumes[port] = {} # button to start calibration port_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(port) port_button.setObjectName(port) port_button.clicked.connect(self.start_calibration) vol_layout.addWidget(port_button, i, 0) # set click duration dur_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Click dur (ms)") self.dur_boxes[port] = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(20)) self.dur_boxes[port].setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.dur_boxes[port].setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) vol_layout.addWidget(dur_label, i, 1) vol_layout.addWidget(self.dur_boxes[port], i, 2) # Divider divider = QtWidgets.QFrame() divider.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.VLine) vol_layout.addWidget(divider, i, 3) # input dispensed volume vol_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Dispensed volume (mL)") self.vol_boxes[port] = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.vol_boxes[port].setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.vol_boxes[port].setObjectName(port) self.vol_boxes[port].setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator()) self.vol_boxes[port].textEdited.connect(self.update_volumes) vol_layout.addWidget(vol_label, i, 4) vol_layout.addWidget(self.vol_boxes[port], i, 5) self.pbars[port] = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() vol_layout.addWidget(self.pbars[port], i, 6) # display flow rate #self.flowrates[port] = QtWidgets.QLabel('?uL/ms') #self.flowrates[port].setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Fixed) #vol_layout.addWidget(self.flowrates[port], i, 7) layout.addLayout(vol_layout) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def update_volumes(self): """ Store the result of a volume calibration test in :attr:`~Pilot_Ports.volumes` """ port = self.sender().objectName() if port in self.open_params.keys(): open_dur = self.open_params[port]['dur'] n_clicks = self.open_params[port]['n_clicks'] click_iti = self.open_params[port]['click_iti'] else: Warning('Volume can only be updated after a calibration has been run') return vol = float(self.vol_boxes[port].text()) self.volumes[port][open_dur] = { 'vol': vol, 'n_clicks': n_clicks, 'click_iti': click_iti, 'timestamp': }
# set flowrate label #flowrate = ((vol * 1000.0) / n_clicks) / open_dur #frame_geom = self.flowrates[port].frameGeometry() #self.flowrates[port].setMaximumHeight(frame_geom.height()) #self.flowrates[port].setText("{} uL/ms".format(flowrate))
[docs] def start_calibration(self): """ Send the calibration test parameters to the :class:`.Pilot` Sends a message with a ``'CALIBRATE_PORT'`` key, which is handled by :meth:`.Pilot.l_cal_port` """ port = self.sender().objectName() # stash params at the time of starting calibration self.open_params[port] = { 'dur':int(self.dur_boxes[port].text()), 'n_clicks': int(self.n_clicks.text()), 'click_iti': int(self.interclick_interval.text()) } self.pbars[port].setMaximum(self.open_params[port]['n_clicks']) self.pbars[port].setValue(0) msg = self.open_params[port] msg.update({'port':port}) self.node.send(to=self.pilot, key="CALIBRATE_PORT", value=msg)
[docs] @gui_event def l_progress(self, value): """ Value should contain * Pilot * Port * Current Click (click_num) :param value: :return: """ self.pbars[value['port']].setValue(int(value['click_num']))
[docs]class Reassign(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ A dialog that lets subjects be batch reassigned to new protocols or steps. """ def __init__(self, subjects, protocols): """ Args: subjects (dict): A dictionary that contains each subject's protocol and step, ie.:: {'subject_id':['protocol_name', step_int], ... } protocols (list): list of protocol files in the `prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')`. Not entirely sure why we don't just list them ourselves here. """ super(Reassign, self).__init__() self.subjects = subjects self.protocols = protocols self.protocol_dir = prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR') self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Initializes graphical elements. Makes a row for each subject where its protocol and step can be changed. """ self.grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.subject_objects = {} for i, (subject, protocol) in zip(range(len(self.subjects)), self.subjects.items()): subject_name = copy.deepcopy(subject) step = protocol[1] protocol = protocol[0] # subject label subject_lab = QtWidgets.QLabel(subject) self.subject_objects[subject] = [QtWidgets.QComboBox(), QtWidgets.QComboBox()] protocol_box = self.subject_objects[subject][0] protocol_box.setObjectName(subject_name) protocol_box.insertItems(0, self.protocols) # set current item if subject has matching protocol protocol_bool = [protocol == p for p in self.protocols] if any(protocol_bool): protocol_ind = np.where(protocol_bool)[0][0] protocol_box.setCurrentIndex(protocol_ind) protocol_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_protocol) step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] step_box.setObjectName(subject_name) self.populate_steps(subject_name) step_box.setCurrentIndex(step) step_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_step) # add to layout self.grid.addWidget(subject_lab, i%25, 0+(np.floor(i/25))*3) self.grid.addWidget(protocol_box, i%25, 1+(np.floor(i/25))*3) self.grid.addWidget(step_box, i%25, 2+(np.floor(i/25))*3) buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(self.grid) main_layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs] def populate_steps(self, subject): """ When a protocol is selected, populate the selection box with the steps that can be chosen. Args: subject (str): ID of subject whose steps are being populated """ protocol_box = self.subject_objects[subject][0] step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] while step_box.count(): step_box.removeItem(0) # Load the protocol and parse its steps protocol_str = protocol_box.currentText() protocol_file = os.path.join(self.protocol_dir, protocol_str + '.json') with open(protocol_file) as protocol_file_open: protocol = json.load(protocol_file_open) step_list = [] for i, s in enumerate(protocol): step_list.append(s['step_name']) step_box.insertItems(0, step_list)
[docs] def set_protocol(self): """ When the protocol is changed, stash that and call :py:meth:`.Reassign.populate_steps` . Returns: """ subject = self.sender().objectName() protocol_box = self.subject_objects[subject][0] step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] self.subjects[subject][0] = protocol_box.currentText() self.subjects[subject][1] = 0 self.populate_steps(subject)
[docs] def set_step(self): """ When the step is changed, stash that. """ subject = self.sender().objectName() protocol_box = self.subject_objects[subject][0] step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] self.subjects[subject][1] = step_box.currentIndex()
[docs]class Weights(QtWidgets.QTableWidget): """ A table for viewing and editing the most recent subject weights. """ def __init__(self, subject_weights, subjects): """ Args: subject_weights (list): a list of weights of the format returned by :py:meth:`.Subject.get_weight(baseline=True)`. subjects (dict): the Terminal's :py:attr:`.Terminal.subjects` dictionary of :class:`.Subject` objects. """ super(Weights, self).__init__() self.subject_weights = subject_weights self.subjects = subjects # subject objects from terminal self.colnames = odict() self.colnames['subject'] = "Subject" self.colnames['date'] = "Date" self.colnames['baseline_mass'] = "Baseline" self.colnames['minimum_mass'] = "Minimum" self.colnames['start'] = 'Starting Mass' self.colnames['stop'] = 'Stopping Mass' self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.init_ui() self.cellChanged.connect(self.set_weight) self.changed_cells = [] # if we change cells, store the row, column and value so terminal can update
[docs] def init_ui(self): """ Initialized graphical elements. Literally just filling a table. """ # set shape (rows by cols self.shape = (len(self.subject_weights), len(self.colnames.keys())) self.setRowCount(self.shape[0]) self.setColumnCount(self.shape[1]) for row in range(self.shape[0]): for j, col in enumerate(self.colnames.keys()): try: if col == "date": format_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.subject_weights[row][col], '%y%m%d-%H%M%S') format_date = format_date.strftime('%b %d') item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(format_date) elif col == "stop": stop_wt = str(self.subject_weights[row][col]) minimum = float(self.subject_weights[row]['minimum_mass']) item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(stop_wt) if float(stop_wt) < minimum: item.setBackground(QtWidgets.QColor(255,0,0)) else: item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(self.subject_weights[row][col])) except: item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(self.subject_weights[row][col])) self.setItem(row, j, item) # make headers self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.colnames.values()) self.resizeColumnsToContents() self.updateGeometry() self.adjustSize() self.sortItems(0)
[docs] def set_weight(self, row, column): """ Updates the most recent weights in :attr:`.gui.Weights.subjects` objects. Note: Only the daily weight measurements can be changed this way - not subject name, baseline weight, etc. Args: row (int): row of table column (int): column of table """ if column > 3: # if this is one of the daily weights new_val = self.item(row, column).text() try: new_val = float(new_val) except ValueError: ValueError("New value must be able to be coerced to a float! input: {}".format(new_val)) return # get subject, date and column name subject_name = self.item(row, 0).text() date = self.subject_weights[row]['date'] column_name = self.colnames.keys()[column] # recall colnames is an ordered dictionary self.subjects[subject_name].set_weight(date, column_name, new_val)
##################################################### # Custom Autopilot Qt Style # # class Autopilot_Style(QtGui.QPlastiqueStyle): # # def __init__(self): # super(Autopilot_Style, self).__init__()
[docs]class Psychometric(QtGui.QDialog): """ A Dialog to select subjects, steps, and variables to use in a psychometric curve plot. See :meth:`.Terminal.plot_psychometric` Args: subjects_protocols (dict): The Terminals :attr:`.Terminal.subjects_protocols` dict Attributes: plot_params (list): A list of tuples, each consisting of (subject_id, step, variable) to be given to :func:`.viz.plot_psychometric` """ def __init__(self, subjects_protocols): super(Psychometric, self).__init__() self.subjects = subjects_protocols # self.protocols = protocols # self.protocol_dir = prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR') self.subject_objects = {} self.init_ui()
[docs] def init_ui(self): self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() # top row just has checkbox for select all check_all = QtGui.QCheckBox() check_all.stateChanged.connect(self.check_all) self.grid.addWidget(check_all, 0,0) self.grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel('Check All'), 0, 1) # identical to Reassign, above for i, (subject, protocol) in zip(xrange(len(self.subjects)), self.subjects.items()): subject_name = copy.deepcopy(subject) step = protocol[1] # container for each subject's GUI object # checkbox, step, variable self.subject_objects[subject] = [QtGui.QCheckBox(), QtGui.QComboBox(), QtGui.QComboBox(), QtGui.QLineEdit()] # include checkbox checkbox = self.subject_objects[subject][0] checkbox.setObjectName(subject_name) # checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.select_subject) # self.checks.append(this_checkbox) # subject label subject_lab = QtGui.QLabel(subject_name) # protocol_box = self.subject_objects[subject][0] # protocol_box.setObjectName(subject_name) # protocol_box.insertItems(0, self.protocols) # # set current item if subject has matching protocol # protocol_bool = [protocol == p for p in self.protocols] # if any(protocol_bool): # protocol_ind = np.where(protocol_bool)[0][0] # protocol_box.setCurrentIndex(protocol_ind) # protocol_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_protocol) self.populate_steps(subject_name) step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] step_box.setObjectName(subject_name) step_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.populate_variables) # variable box var_box = self.subject_objects[subject][2] var_box.setObjectName(subject_name) # n most recent trials n_trials_box = self.subject_objects[subject][3] # verify that an int is given n_trials_box.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) n_trials_box.setText("-1") # set index of current step to populate variables step_box.setCurrentIndex(step) # add layout self.grid.addWidget(checkbox, i+1, 0) self.grid.addWidget(subject_lab, i+1, 1) self.grid.addWidget(step_box, i+1, 2) self.grid.addWidget(var_box, i+1, 3) self.grid.addWidget(n_trials_box, i+1, 4) # finish layout buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addLayout(self.grid) main_layout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(main_layout)
[docs] def populate_steps(self, subject): """ When a protocol is selected, populate the selection box with the steps that can be chosen. Args: subject (str): ID of subject whose steps are being populated """ # protocol_str = self.subjects[subject][0] step_box = self.subject_objects[subject][1] while step_box.count(): step_box.removeItem(0) # open the subject file and use 'current' to get step names asub = Subject(subject) step_list = [] for s in asub.current: step_list.append(s['step_name']) step_box.insertItems(0, step_list)
[docs] def populate_variables(self): """ Fill selection boxes with step and variable names """ # get step number from step box subject = self.sender().objectName() step_ind = self.subject_objects[subject][1].currentIndex() # the variables box var_box = self.subject_objects[subject][2] while var_box.count(): var_box.removeItem(0) # open the subjet's file and get a description of the data for this this_subject = Subject(subject) step_data = this_subject.get_trial_data(step=step_ind, what="variables") # should only have one step, so denest step_data = step_data[step_data.keys()[0]] # iterate through variables, only keeping numerics add_vars = [] for col_name, col_type in step_data.items(): if issubclass(col_type.dtype.type, np.integer) or issubclass(col_type.dtype.type, np.floating): add_vars.append(col_name) var_box.insertItems(0, add_vars)
[docs] def check_all(self): """ Toggle all checkboxes on or off """ # check states to know if we're toggling everything on or off check_states = [objs[0].checkState() for objs in self.subject_objects.values()] toggle_on = True if all(check_states): toggle_on = False for objs in self.subject_objects.values(): if toggle_on: objs[0].setCheckState(True) else: objs[0].setCheckState(False)
@property def plot_params(self): """ Generate parameters for plot to be passed to :func:`.viz.plot_psychometric` Returns: tuple: (subject_name, step_name, x_var_name, n_trials_back) """ _plot_params = [] for sub_name, objs in self.subject_objects.items(): if objs[0].checkState(): _plot_params.append(( sub_name, objs[1].currentText(), objs[2].currentText(), int(objs[3].text()) )) return _plot_params
[docs]def pop_dialog(message, msg_type="info", details="", buttons=['Ok']): """Convenience function to pop a :class:`.QtGui.QDialog window to display a message. Args: details: message (str): message to be displayed msg_type (str): "info" (default), "question", "warning", or "error" to use :meth:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.information`, :meth:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.question`, :meth:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.warning`, or :meth:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.error`, respectively buttons (list): A list specifying which :class:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton` s to display. Use a string matching the button name, eg. "Ok" gives :class:`.QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok` Returns: result (bool, str): The result of the dialog. If Ok/Cancel, boolean True/False, otherwise a string matching the button type """ msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() # set text msgBox.setText(message) if details: msgBox.setInformativeText(details) # add buttons button_objs = [getattr(QtGui.QMessageBox, button) for button in buttons] # bitwise or to add them to the dialog box # bitwise_buttons = reduce(ior, button_objs) msgBox.setStandardButtons(bitwise_buttons) if 'Ok' in buttons: msgBox.setDefaultButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) icon = None if msg_type == "info": icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Information elif msg_type == "question" or msg_type.startswith('q'): icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Question elif msg_type == "warning": icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning elif msg_type == "error": icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical if icon: msgBox.setIcon(icon) ret = msgBox.exec_() # pdb.set_trace() # get message box name # for but in QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton for but in button_objs: print( if ret == but: ret = if ret in ("Ok", "Yes"): ret = True elif ret in ('Cancel', 'No'): ret = False return ret
############### # don't remove these - will be used to replace Protocol Wizard eventually ###################################3 # Parameter setting widgets ###################################### # # class Parameters(QtWidgets.QWidget): # """ # A :class:`QtWidgets.QWidget` used to display and edit task parameters. # # This class is typically instantiated by :class:`Protocol_Parameters` # as a display window for a single step's parameters. # # Attributes: # param_layout (:class:`QtWidgets.QFormLayout`): Holds param tags and values # param_changes (dict): Stores any changes made to protocol parameters, # used to update the protocol stored in the :class:`~.subject.Subject` object. # """ # # Superclass to embed wherever needed # # Subclasses will implement use as standalong dialog and as step selector # # Reads and edits tasks parameters from a subject's protocol # def __init__(self, params=None, stash_changes=False): # """ # Args: # params (str, collections.OrderedDict): If a string, the name of a task in :py:data:`.tasks.TASK_LIST` # # If an odict, an odict of the form used by # :py:attr:`.Task.PARAMS` (see :py:attr:`.Nafc.PARAMS` for an example). # # we use an OrderedDict to preserve the order of some parameters that should appear together # # its general structure is:: # # {'parameter_key': {'tag':'Human Readable Name', # 'type':'param_type'}} # # while some parameter types have extra items, eg.:: # # {'list_param': {'tag':'Select from a List of Parameters', # 'type': 'list', # 'values': {'First Option':0, 'Second Option':1}} # # where k:v pairs are still used with lists to allow parameter values (0, 1) be human readable. # # The available types include: # - **int** - integer # - **bool** - boolean boolbox # - **list** - a list of `values` to choose from # - **sounds** - a :class:`Sound_Widget` that allows sounds to be defined. # # stash_changes (bool): Should changes to parameters be stored in :py:attr:`Parameters.param_changes` ? # """ # super(Parameters, self).__init__() # # # We're just a simple label and a populateable form layout # self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # self.setLayout(self.layout) # # label = QtWidgets.QLabel("Parameters") # label.setFixedHeight(40) # # self.param_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() # # self.layout.addWidget(label) # self.layout.addLayout(self.param_layout) # # # sometimes we only are interested in the changes - like editing params # # when that's the case, we keep a log of it # self.stash_changes = stash_changes # if self.stash_changes: # self.param_changes = {} # # # # If we were initialized with params, populate them now # self.params = None # if params: # self.populate_params(params) # # def populate_params(self, params): # """ # Calls :py:meth:`clear_layout` and then creates widgets to edit parameter values. # # Args: # params (str, collections.OrderedDict): see `params` in the class instantiation arguments. # """ # # We want to hang on to the protocol and step # # because they are direct references to the subject file, # # but we don't need to have them passed every time # # self.clear_layout(self.param_layout) # # if isinstance(params, basestring): # # we are filling an empty parameter set # self.params = {} # task_type = params # else: # # we are populating an existing parameter set (ie. the fields already have values) # self.params = params # task_type = params['task_type'] # # self.param_layout.addRow("Task Type:", QtWidgets.QLabel(task_type)) # # # we need to load the task class to get the types of our parameters, # self.task_params = copy.deepcopy(tasks.TASK_LIST[task_type].PARAMS) # # # Make parameter widgets depending on type and populate with current values # for k, v in self.task_params.items(): # if v['type'] == 'int' or v['type'] == 'str': # rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) # input_widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # input_widget.setObjectName(k) # if v['type'] == 'int': # input_widget.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) # input_widget.textEdited.connect(self.set_param) # if k in self.params.keys(): # input_widget.setText(self.params[k]) # self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag,input_widget) # elif v['type'] == 'bool': # rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) # input_widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() # input_widget.setObjectName(k) # input_widget.stateChanged.connect(self.set_param) # if k in self.params.keys(): # input_widget.setChecked(self.params[k]) # self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag, input_widget) # elif v['type'] == 'list': # rowtag = QtWidgets.QLabel(v['tag']) # input_widget = QtWidgets.QListWidget() # input_widget.setObjectName(k) # input_widget.insertItems(0, sorted(v['values'], key=v['values'].get)) # input_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.set_param) # if k in self.params.keys(): # select_item = input_widget.item(self.params[k]) # input_widget.setCurrentItem(select_item) # self.param_layout.addRow(rowtag, input_widget) # elif v['type'] == 'sounds': # self.sound_widget = Sound_Widget() # self.sound_widget.setObjectName(k) # self.sound_widget.pass_set_param_function(self.set_sounds) # self.param_layout.addRow(self.sound_widget) # if k in self.params.keys(): # self.sound_widget.populate_lists(self.params[k]['sounds']) # elif v['type'] == 'label': # # This is a .json label not for display # pass # # def clear_layout(self, layout=None): # """ # Clears widgets from current layout # # Args: # layout (:class:`QtWidgets.QLayout`): optional. if `None`, clears `param_layout`, # otherwise clears the passed layout. # """ # if not layout: # layout = self.param_layout # while layout.count(): # child = layout.takeAt(0) # if child.widget(): # child.widget().deleteLater() # # def set_param(self): # """ # Callback function connected to the signal each widget uses to signal it has changed. # # Identifies the param that was changed, gets the current value, updates `self.param` and # `self.param_changes` if `stash_changes` is True. # """ # # A param was changed in the window, update our values here and in the subject object # sender = self.sender() # param_name = sender.objectName() # sender_type = self.task_params[param_name]['type'] # # if sender_type == 'int' or sender_type == 'str': # new_val = sender.text() # elif sender_type == 'bool': # new_val = sender.isChecked() # elif sender_type == 'list': # list_text = sender.currentItem().text() # new_val = self.task_params[param_name]['values'][list_text] # elif sender_type == 'sounds': # new_val = self.sound_widget.sound_dict # # self.params[param_name] = new_val # if self.stash_changes: # self.param_changes[param_name] = new_val # # def set_sounds(self): # """ # Stores parameters that define sounds. # # Sound parameters work a bit differently, speficically we have to retrieve # :py:attr:`.Sound_Widget.sound_dict`. # """ # # Have to handle sounds slightly differently # # because the sound widget updates its own parameters # self.params[self.step]['sounds'] = self.sound_widget.sound_dict # # class Protocol_Parameters(QtWidgets.QWidget): # """ # Allows the creation of multi-step protocols. # # Composed of three windows: # - **left**: possible task types from :py:data:`.tasks.TASK_LIST` # - **center**: current steps in task # - **right**: :class:`.Parameters` for currently selected step. # # Attributes: # protocol (dict) # """ # # def __init__(self, protocol, step, protocol_name=None): # """ # Args: # protocol: # step: # protocol_name: # """ # super(Protocol_Parameters, self).__init__() # # self.protocol = protocol # self.step = step # # # We're just a Parameters window with a combobox that lets us change step # self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # self.setLayout(self.layout) # # if protocol_name: # label = QtWidgets.QLabel(protocol_name) # else: # label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Protocol Parameters') # # label.setFixedHeight(20) # # # Make a combobox, we'll populate it in a second. # self.step_selection = QtWidgets.QComboBox() # self.step_selection.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.step_changed) # # # And the rest of our body is the params window # self.params_widget = Parameters(stash_changes=True) # self.step_changes = [] # # # Add everything to the layout # self.layout.addWidget(label) # self.layout.addWidget(self.step_selection) # self.layout.addWidget(self.params_widget) # # # and populate # self.populate_protocol(self.protocol, self.step) # # # def populate_protocol(self, protocol, step=0): # """ # Args: # protocol: # step: # """ # # clean up first # self.clear() # # # store in case things have changed since init # self.protocol = protocol # self.step = step # # if isinstance(self.protocol, basestring): # # If we were passed a string, we're being passed a path to a protocol # with open(self.protocol, 'r') as protocol_file: # self.protocol = json.load(protocol_file) # # # Get step list and a dict to convert names back to ints # self.step_list = [] # self.step_ind = {} # for i, s in enumerate(self.protocol): # self.step_list.append(s['step_name']) # self.step_ind[s['step_name']] = i # # fill step_changes with empty dicts to be able to assign later # self.step_changes = [{} for i in range(len(self.protocol))] # # # # Add steps to combobox # # disconnect indexChanged trigger first so we don't fire a billion times # self.step_selection.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.step_changed) # self.step_selection.insertItems(0, self.step_list) # self.step_selection.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.step_changed) # # # setting the current index should trigger the params window to refresh # self.step_selection.setCurrentIndex(self.step) # self.params_widget.populate_params(self.protocol[self.step]) # # # def clear(self): # while self.step_selection.count(): # self.step_selection.removeItem(0) # # self.params_widget.clear_layout() # # def step_changed(self): # # save any changes to last step # if self.params_widget.params: # self.protocol[self.step] = self.params_widget.params # if self.params_widget.stash_changes: # self.step_changes[self.step].update(self.params_widget.param_changes) # # # the step was changed! Change our parameters here and update the subject object # self.step = self.step_selection.currentIndex() # # self.params_widget.populate_params(self.protocol[self.step]) # # # class Protocol_Parameters_Dialogue(QtWidgets.QDialog): # def __init__(self, protocol, step): # """ # Args: # protocol: # step: # """ # super(Protocol_Parameters_Dialogue, self).__init__() # # # Dialogue wrapper for Protocol_Parameters # # self.protocol = protocol # self.step = step # # # Since we share self.protocol, updates in the widget should propagate to us # self.protocol_widget = Protocol_Parameters(self.protocol, self.step) # # # We stash changes in the protocol widget and recover them on close # self.step_changes = None # # # ok/cancel buttons # buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) # buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) # buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) # # self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # self.layout.addWidget(self.protocol_widget) # self.layout.addWidget(buttonBox) # self.setLayout(self.layout) # # self.setWindowTitle("Edit Protocol Parameters") # # def accept(self): # # Get the changes from the currently open params window # self.step_changes = self.protocol_widget.step_changes # # And any since the last time the qcombobox was changed # self.step_changes[self.protocol_widget.step].update(self.protocol_widget.params_widget.param_changes) # # # call the rest of the accept method # super(Protocol_Parameters_Dialogue, self).accept() # # # class Popup(QtWidgets.QDialog): # def __init__(self, message): # """ # Args: # message: # """ # super(Popup, self,).__init__() # self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # self.text = QtWidgets.QLabel(message) # self.layout.addWidget(self.text) # self.setLayout(self.layout)