Source code for autopilot.hardware.i2c

import os
import typing
import sys
import warnings
from autopilot import prefs
from autopilot.networking import Net_Node
from autopilot.hardware import Hardware
from autopilot.hardware.cameras import Camera
from autopilot.transform.geometry import IMU_Orientation, Spheroid
from autopilot import external

import threading
import time
import struct
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from queue import Queue, Empty

# if prefs.get('AGENT') in ['pilot']:
#     import pigpio

    import pigpio
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('pigpio could not be imported, GPIO devices cannot be used!')

    import MLX90640 as mlx_cam
    MLX90640_LIB = True
except ImportError:
    MLX90640_LIB = False

[docs]class I2C_9DOF(Hardware): """ A `Sparkfun 9DOF <>`_ combined accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. **Sensor Datasheet**: **Hardware Datasheet**: **Documentation on calculating position values**: This device uses I2C, so must be connected accordingly: - VCC: 3.3V (pin 2) - Ground: (any ground pin - SDA: I2C.1 SDA (pin 3) - SCL: I2C.1 SCL (pin 5) This class uses code from the `Adafruit Circuitfun <>`_ library, modified to use pigpio .. note:: use this for processing?? Args: accel (bool): Whether the accelerometer should be made active (default: True) gyro (bool): Whether the gyroscope should be made active (default: True) -- accel must be true if gyro is true mag (bool): Whether the magnetomete should be made active (default: True) gyro_hpf (int, float): Highpass filter cutoff for onboard gyroscope filter. One of :attr:`.GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF` (default: 4), or ``False`` to disable kalman_mode ('both', 'accel', None): Whether to use a kalman filter that integrates accelerometer and gyro readings ('both', default), a kalman filter with just the accelerometer values ('accel'), or just return the raw calculated orientation values from :attr:`.rotation` invert_gyro (list, tuple): """ # Internal constants and register values: _ADDRESS_ACCELGYRO = 0x6B _ADDRESS_MAG = 0x1E _XG_ID = 0b01101000 _MAG_ID = 0b00111101 # Linear Acceleration: mg per LSB _ACCEL_MG_LSB_2G = 0.061 _ACCEL_MG_LSB_4G = 0.122 _ACCEL_MG_LSB_8G = 0.244 _ACCEL_MG_LSB_16G = 0.732 # Magnetic Field Strength: gauss range _MAG_MGAUSS_4GAUSS = 0.14 _MAG_MGAUSS_8GAUSS = 0.29 _MAG_MGAUSS_12GAUSS = 0.43 _MAG_MGAUSS_16GAUSS = 0.58 # Angular Rate: dps per LSB _GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_245DPS = 0.00875 _GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_500DPS = 0.01750 _GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_2000DPS = 0.07000 # Temperature: LSB per degree celsius _TEMP_LSB_DEGREE_CELSIUS = 8 # 1C = 8, 25 = 200, etc. # Register mapping for accelerometer/gyroscope component _REGISTER_WHO_AM_I_XG = 0x0F _REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G = 0x10 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_G = 0x11 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_G = 0x12 _REGISTER_TEMP_OUT_L = 0x15 _REGISTER_TEMP_OUT_H = 0x16 _REGISTER_STATUS_REG = 0x17 _REGISTER_OUT_X_L_G = 0x18 _REGISTER_OUT_X_H_G = 0x19 _REGISTER_OUT_Y_L_G = 0x1A _REGISTER_OUT_Y_H_G = 0x1B _REGISTER_OUT_Z_L_G = 0x1C _REGISTER_OUT_Z_H_G = 0x1D _REGISTER_CTRL_REG4 = 0x1E _REGISTER_CTRL_REG5_XL = 0x1F _REGISTER_CTRL_REG6_XL = 0x20 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG7_XL = 0x21 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG8 = 0x22 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG9 = 0x23 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG10 = 0x24 _REGISTER_OUT_X_L_XL = 0x28 _REGISTER_OUT_X_H_XL = 0x29 _REGISTER_OUT_Y_L_XL = 0x2A _REGISTER_OUT_Y_H_XL = 0x2B _REGISTER_OUT_Z_L_XL = 0x2C _REGISTER_OUT_Z_H_XL = 0x2D _REGISTER_FIFO_CTRL = 0b101110 _REGISTER_FIFO_SRC = 0b101111 _REGISTER_ORIENT_CFG_G = 0b10011 _REGISTER_WHO_AM_I_M = 0x0F _REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_M = 0x20 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_M = 0x21 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_M = 0x22 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG4_M = 0x23 _REGISTER_CTRL_REG5_M = 0x24 _REGISTER_STATUS_REG_M = 0x27 _REGISTER_OUT_X_L_M = 0x28 _REGISTER_OUT_X_H_M = 0x29 _REGISTER_OUT_Y_L_M = 0x2A _REGISTER_OUT_Y_H_M = 0x2B _REGISTER_OUT_Z_L_M = 0x2C _REGISTER_OUT_Z_H_M = 0x2D _REGISTER_CFG_M = 0x30 _REGISTER_INT_SRC_M = 0x31 _MAGTYPE = True _XGTYPE = False _SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD = 9.80665 # User facing constants/module globals. ACCELRANGE_2G = (0b00 << 3) ACCELRANGE_16G = (0b01 << 3) ACCELRANGE_4G = (0b10 << 3) ACCELRANGE_8G = (0b11 << 3) MAGGAIN_4GAUSS = (0b00 << 5) # +/- 4 gauss MAGGAIN_8GAUSS = (0b01 << 5) # +/- 8 gauss MAGGAIN_12GAUSS = (0b10 << 5) # +/- 12 gauss MAGGAIN_16GAUSS = (0b11 << 5) # +/- 16 gauss GYROSCALE_245DPS = (0b00 << 3) # +/- 245 degrees/s rotation GYROSCALE_500DPS = (0b01 << 3) # +/- 500 degrees/s rotation GYROSCALE_2000DPS = (0b11 << 3) # +/- 2000 degrees/s rotation GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF = { 57: 0b0, 30: 0b1, 15: 0b10, 8: 0b11, 4: 0b100, 2: 0b101, 1: 0b110, 0.5: 0b111, 0.2: 0b1000, 0.1: 0b1001 } """ Highpass-filter cutoff frequencies (keys, in Hz) mapped to binary flag. .. note:: the frequency of a given binary flag is dependent on the output frequency (952Hz by default, changing frequency is not currently exposed in this object). See Table 52 of `the sensor datasheet <>`_ for more. """ def __init__(self, accel:bool=True, gyro:bool=True, mag:bool=True, gyro_hpf: float = 0.2, accel_range = ACCELRANGE_4G, kalman_mode:str='both', invert_gyro = False, *args, **kwargs): super(I2C_9DOF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not any((accel, gyro, mag)): self.logger.exception('All sensors were indicated as off! need to measure something!') return # init private attributes self._accel_mg_lsb = None self._mag_mgauss_lsb = None self._gyro_dps_digit = None self._gyro_filter = False self._sphere = None # make empty arrays self._acceleration = np.zeros((3), float) self._gyro = np.zeros((3), float) self._mag = np.zeros((3), float) # Initialize the pigpio connection self.pigpiod = external.start_pigpiod() self.pig = pigpio.pi() # Open I2C buses self.accel = self.pig.i2c_open(1, self._ADDRESS_ACCELGYRO) self.magnet = self.pig.i2c_open(1, self._ADDRESS_MAG) # soft reset & reboot accel/gyro and magnet self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG8, 0x05) self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.magnet, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_M, 0x0C) ## enable hardware devices # gyro if gyro: self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G, 0xC0) # accelerometer must be turned on if gyro is accel = True # invert gyro if requested if invert_gyro: self.gyro_polarity = invert_gyro else: self._gyro_polarity = None # accelerometer if accel: self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG5_XL, 0x38) self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG6_XL, 0xC0) # magnetometer if mag: self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.magnet, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_M, 0x00) # set default ranges for sensors self.accel_range = accel_range self.gyro_scale = self.GYROSCALE_245DPS # turn on gyro hpf self.gyro_filter = gyro_hpf # instantiate kalman self.kalman_mode = kalman_mode if self.kalman_mode in ('both', 'accel'): self.kalman = IMU_Orientation() else: self.kalman = IMU_Orientation(use_kalman=False) # load calibration if 'accelerometer' in self.calibration.keys(): self._accel_sphere = Spheroid(target=(9.8,9.8,9.8,0,0,0), source = self.calibration['accelerometer']['spheroid']) @property def accel_range(self): """The accelerometer range. Must be one of: - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.ACCELRANGE_2G` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.ACCELRANGE_4G` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.ACCELRANGE_8G` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.ACCELRANGE_16G` """ reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG6_XL) return (reg & 0b00011000) & 0xFF @accel_range.setter def accel_range(self, val): assert val in (self.ACCELRANGE_2G, self.ACCELRANGE_4G, self.ACCELRANGE_8G, self.ACCELRANGE_16G) reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG6_XL) reg = (reg & ~(0b00011000)) & 0xFF reg |= val self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG6_XL, reg) if val == self.ACCELRANGE_2G: self._accel_mg_lsb = self._ACCEL_MG_LSB_2G elif val == self.ACCELRANGE_4G: self._accel_mg_lsb = self._ACCEL_MG_LSB_4G elif val == self.ACCELRANGE_8G: self._accel_mg_lsb = self._ACCEL_MG_LSB_8G elif val == self.ACCELRANGE_16G: self._accel_mg_lsb = self._ACCEL_MG_LSB_16G @property def mag_gain(self): """The magnetometer gain. Must be a value of: - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.MAGGAIN_4GAUSS` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.MAGGAIN_8GAUSS` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.MAGGAIN_12GAUSS` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.MAGGAIN_16GAUSS` """ reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.magnet, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_M) return (reg & 0b01100000) & 0xFF @mag_gain.setter def mag_gain(self, val): assert val in (self.MAGGAIN_4GAUSS, self.MAGGAIN_8GAUSS, self.MAGGAIN_12GAUSS, self.MAGGAIN_16GAUSS) reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.magnet, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_M) reg = (reg & ~(0b01100000)) & 0xFF reg |= val self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.magnet, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_M, reg) if val == self.MAGGAIN_4GAUSS: self._mag_mgauss_lsb = self._MAG_MGAUSS_4GAUSS elif val == self.MAGGAIN_8GAUSS: self._mag_mgauss_lsb = self._MAG_MGAUSS_8GAUSS elif val == self.MAGGAIN_12GAUSS: self._mag_mgauss_lsb = self._MAG_MGAUSS_12GAUSS elif val == self.MAGGAIN_16GAUSS: self._mag_mgauss_lsb = self._MAG_MGAUSS_16GAUSS @property def gyro_scale(self): """The gyroscope scale. Must be a value of: - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.GYROSCALE_245DPS` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.GYROSCALE_500DPS` - :attr:`I2C_9DOF.GYROSCALE_2000DPS` """ reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G) return (reg & 0b00011000) & 0xFF @gyro_scale.setter def gyro_scale(self, val): assert val in (self.GYROSCALE_245DPS, self.GYROSCALE_500DPS, self.GYROSCALE_2000DPS) reg = self.pig.i2c_read_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G) reg = (reg & ~(0b00011000)) & 0xFF reg |= val self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG1_G, reg) if val == self.GYROSCALE_245DPS: self._gyro_dps_digit = self._GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_245DPS elif val == self.GYROSCALE_500DPS: self._gyro_dps_digit = self._GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_500DPS elif val == self.GYROSCALE_2000DPS: self._gyro_dps_digit = self._GYRO_DPS_DIGIT_2000DPS @property def gyro_filter(self) -> typing.Union[int, float, bool]: """ Set the high-pass filter for the gyroscope. .. note:: the frequency of a given binary flag is dependent on the output frequency (952Hz by default, changing frequency is not currently exposed in this object). See Table 52 of `the sensor datasheet <>`_ for more. Args: gyro_filter (int, float, False): Filter frequency (in :attr:`.GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF`) or False to disable Returns: float, bool: current HPF cutoff or ``False`` if disabled """ return self._gyro_filter @gyro_filter.setter def gyro_filter(self, gyro_filter: float): if gyro_filter and gyro_filter not in self.GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF.keys(): self.logger.exception(f'Cannot set gyro HPF to value other than one of {list(self.GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF.keys())} or False, got {gyro_filter}') return # turn on HPF/set to particular frequency if gyro_filter: # configure signal chain to take signal after HPF # See Figure 28 in sensor datasheet self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_G, 0b0101) # configure filter filt = 0b01000000 | self.GYRO_HPF_CUTOFF[gyro_filter] self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_G, filt) self._gyro_filter = gyro_filter else: # None or False, turn HPF off self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG2_G, 0b0000) self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_CTRL_REG3_G, 0b00000000) self._gyro_filter = False @property def gyro_polarity(self): return self._gyro_polarity @gyro_polarity.setter def gyro_polarity(self, gyro_polarity): # construct binary command in a rl shitty way lol cmd = 0b0 for axis in gyro_polarity: cmd |= 0b1 << (5-axis) self.pig.i2c_write_byte_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_ORIENT_CFG_G, cmd) self._gyro_polarity = gyro_polarity @property def acceleration(self): """ The calibrated x, y, z acceleration in m/s^2 Returns: accel (tuple): x, y, z acceleration """ # taking some code from the pigpio examples # # and adapting with the sparkfun code in main docstring (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_XL, 6) if s >= 0: self._acceleration[:] = np.squeeze(np.frombuffer(b, '<3h') * self._accel_mg_lsb / 1000.0 * self._SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD) else: self.logger.exception(f'Got pigpio exception code {s}, returning last reading') if self._accel_sphere is not None: # return calibrated accelerometer readings return self._accel_sphere.process(self._acceleration.copy()) else: return self._acceleration.copy() @property def magnetic(self): """ The magnetometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of gauss values. Returns: (tuple): x, y, z gauss values """ (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.magnet, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_M, 6) if s >= 0: self._mag[:] = np.squeeze(np.frombuffer(b, '<3h') * self._mag_mgauss_lsb / 1000.0) return self._mag.copy() else: self.logger.exception(f'Got pigpio exception code {s}') return self._mag.copy() @property def gyro(self): """ The gyroscope X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of degrees/second values. """ (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_G, 6) if s>=0: self._gyro[:] = np.squeeze(np.frombuffer(b, '<3h') * self._gyro_dps_digit) return self._gyro.copy() else: self.logger.exception(f'Got pigpio exception code {s}') return self._gyro.copy() @property def rotation(self): """ Return roll (rotation around x axis) and pitch (rotation around y axis) computed from the accelerometer Uses :class:`.transform.geometry.IMU_Orientation` to fuse accelerometer and gyroscope with Kalman filter Returns: np.ndarray - [roll, pitch] """ # read gyro and accelerometer together # s, b = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_G, 12) if self.kalman_mode == "both": # read gyro (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_G, 6) if s >= 0: self._gyro[:] = np.squeeze(np.frombuffer(b, '<3h') * self._gyro_dps_digit) else: self.logger.exception(f'Got pigpio exception code getting gyro {s}') # read accelerometer (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_OUT_X_L_XL, 6) if s >= 0: self._acceleration[:] = np.squeeze( np.frombuffer(b, '<3h') * self._accel_mg_lsb / 1000.0 * self._SENSORS_GRAVITY_STANDARD) else: self.logger.exception(f'Got pigpio exception code getting accelerometer {s}') if self.kalman_mode == 'both': return self.kalman.process((self._acceleration.copy(), self._gyro.copy())) else: return self.kalman.process(self._acceleration.copy()) @property def temperature(self): """ Returns: float: Temperature in Degrees C """ (s, b) = self.pig.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.accel, 0x80 | self._REGISTER_TEMP_OUT_L, 2) # buf = b temp = ((b[1] << 8) | b[0]) >> 4 temp = self._twos_comp(temp, 12) return 27.5 + temp/16
[docs] def calibrate(self, what: str ="accelerometer", samples: int= 10000, sample_dur:typing.Optional[float] = None) -> dict: """ Calibrate sensor readings to correct for bias and scale errors .. note:: Currently only calibrating the accelerometer is implemented. The accelerometer is calibrated by rotating the sensor slowly in all three rotational dimensions in such a way that minimizes linear acceleration (not due to gravity). A perfect sensor would output a sphere of points centered at 0 Args: what (str): which sensor is to be calibrated (currentlty only "accelerometer" implemented) samples (int): number of samples that should be used to compute the calibration sample_dur (float): number of seconds to sample for, overrides ``samples`` if not None (default) Returns: dict: calibration dictionary (also saved to disk using :attr:`.Hardware.calibration` ) """ readings = [] if what == "accelerometer":'Calibrating motion sensor -- rotate it in all three dimensions slowly!') if sample_dur is not None: start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < sample_dur: readings.append(self.accel) else: n = 0 while n < samples: readings.append(self.accel) readings = np.row_stack(readings) # fit a spheroid transformation from the read samples self._accel_sphere = Spheroid(target=(9.8,9.8,9.8,0,0,0), fit=readings, bounds=((5,5,5,-10, -10, -10),(15,15,15,10,10,10))) cal_dict = { 'accelerometer':{ 'spheroid': self._accel_sphere.source, 'n_samples': int(readings.shape[0]), 'timestamp': } } self.calibration = cal_dict else: self.logger.exception(f'Dont know how to calibrate {what}, only accelerometer calibration is implemented')
def _twos_comp(self, val, bits): # Convert an unsigned integer in 2's compliment form of the specified bit # length to its signed integer value and return it. if val & (1 << (bits - 1)) != 0: return val - (1 << bits) return val
[docs]class MLX90640(Camera): """ A MLX90640 Temperature sensor. Args: fps (int): Acquisition framerate, must be one of :attr:`MLX90640.ALLOWED_FPS` integrate_frames (int): Number of frames to average over interpolate (int): Interpolation multiplier -- 3 "increases the resolution" 3x **kwargs: passed to :class:`.Camera` Attributes: shape (tuple): :attr:`~MLX90640.SHAPE_SENSOR integrate_frames (int): Number of frames to average over interpolate (int): Interpolation multiplier -- 3 "increases the resolution" 3x _grab_event (:class:`threading.Event`): capture thread sets every time it gets a frame, _grab waits every time, keeps us from returning same frame twice This device uses I2C, so must be connected accordingly: - VCC: 3.3V (pin 2) - Ground: (any ground pin - SDA: I2C.1 SDA (pin 3) - SCL: I2C.1 SCL (pin 5) Uses a modified version of the `MLX90640 Library <>`_ that is capable of outputting 64fps. You must install the library separately, see the ```` script. Capture works a bit differently from other Cameras -- the :meth:`~MLX90640.capture_init` method spawns a :meth:`~MLX90640._threaded_capture` thread, which continually puts frames in the :attr:`~MLX90640._frames` array which serves as a ring buffer. The :meth:`~MLX90640._grab` method then awaits the :attr:`~MLX90640._grab_event` to be set by the capture thread, and when it is set returns the mean across frames of the ring buffer. .. note:: The setup script modifies the systemwide i2c baudrate to 1MHz, which may interfere with other I2C devices. It can be returned to 400kHz (default) by editing ``/config/boot.txt`` to read ``dtparam=i2c_arm_baudrate=400000`` """ type='MLX90640' ALLOWED_FPS = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) #: FPS must be one of these SHAPE_SENSOR = (32,24) #: (H, W) Output shape of this sensor is always the same. May differ from :attr:`MLX90640.shape` if interpolate >1 def __init__(self, fps=64, integrate_frames = 64, interpolate = 3, **kwargs): """ """ if not MLX90640_LIB: ImportError('the MLX90640 library was not found, please use the script or install manually') super(MLX90640, self).__init__(fps, **kwargs) # frame shape from the sensor is always the same self.shape_sensor = (32, 24) # but output shape is dependent on interpolation self.shape = (self.SHAPE_SENSOR[0]*interpolate, self.SHAPE_SENSOR[1]*interpolate) self._frame_idx = 0 self._frames = None self._integrate_frames = None self._interpolate = None self._cap_thread = None # capture thread sets every time it gets a frame, # _grab waits every time. # keeps us from returning same frame twice self._grab_event = threading.Event() # interpolation properties self._grid_x = None self._grid_y = None self._points = list(product(range(self.shape_sensor[0]), range(self.shape_sensor[1]))) # set attributes self.integrate_frames = integrate_frames self.interpolate = interpolate @property def fps(self): return self._fps @fps.setter def fps(self, fps): if fps not in self.ALLOWED_FPS: ValueError('fps must be one of {}, got {}'.format(self.ALLOWED_FPS, fps)) self._fps = fps # resets cam attribute, next time it's called for the fps will be set. self._cam = None @property def integrate_frames(self): return self._integrate_frames @integrate_frames.setter def integrate_frames(self, integrate_frames): self._frames = np.zeros((self.shape_sensor[0], self.shape_sensor[1], integrate_frames)) self._integrate_frames = integrate_frames @property def interpolate(self): return self._interpolate @interpolate.setter def interpolate(self, interpolate): if interpolate is not None: self._grid_y, self._grid_x = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 24, 24 * interpolate), np.linspace(0, 32, 32 * interpolate)) self._interpolate = interpolate
[docs] def init_cam(self): """ Set the camera object to use our :attr:`MLX90640.fps` """ return mlx_cam.setup(self.fps)
[docs] def capture_init(self): """ Spawn a :meth:`~MLX90640._threaded_capture` thread """ self._cap_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._threaded_capture) self._cap_thread.setDaemon(True) self._cap_thread.start()
[docs] def _threaded_capture(self): """ Continually capture frames into the :attr:`~MLX90640._frames` ring buffer Stops when :attr:`~MLX90640.stopping` is set. """ while not self.stopping.is_set(): # store the frame in the ringbuffer # image comes in all wonky and this is a weird combo of instance and module methods... # in order: # get frame, cast as array # reshape using fortran order and transpose # rotate 90 degrees to get normal orientation. self._frames[:, :, self._frame_idx] = np.rot90( np.array( ).reshape( (self.shape_sensor[0], self.shape_sensor[1]), order="F").T ) self._grab_event.set() self._frame_idx = (self._frame_idx + 1) % self.integrate_frames
[docs] def _grab(self): """ Await the :attr:`~MLX90640._grab_event` and then average over the frames stored in :attr:`~MLX90640._frames` Returns: (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`) Averaged and interpolated frame """ ret = self._grab_event.wait(1) if not ret: return None frame = np.mean(self._frames, axis=2) self._grab_event.clear() if self.interpolate is not None: frame = self.interpolate_frame(frame) return self._timestamp(), frame
[docs] def _timestamp(self, frame=None): """ Just gets Python timestamps for now... Returns: str: Isoformatted timestamp from datetime """ return
[docs] def interpolate_frame(self, frame): """ Interpolate frame according to :attr:`~MLX90640.interpolate` using :meth:`scipy.interpolate.griddata` Args: frame (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Frame to interpolate Returns: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Interpolated Frame """ return griddata(self._points, frame.flatten(), (self._grid_x, self._grid_y), method='cubic')
[docs] def release(self): """ Stops the capture thread, cleans up the camera, and calls the superclass release method. """ self.stopping.set() self._cam = None super(MLX90640, self).release()