Source code for

Abstraction layer around subject data storage files
import threading
import datetime
import json
import uuid
import warnings
import typing
from typing import Union, Optional
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import queue

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tables
from tables.tableextension import Row
from tables.nodes import filenode

import autopilot
from autopilot import prefs
from import Table
from import Subject_Structure, Protocol_Status, Hashes, History, Weights
from import Biography
from import Protocol_Group
from autopilot.core.loggers import init_logger

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from autopilot.tasks.graduation import Graduation

# suppress pytables natural name warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=tables.NaturalNameWarning)

[docs]class Subject(object): """ Class for managing one subject's data and protocol. Creates a :mod:`tables` hdf5 file in `prefs.get('DATADIR')` with the general structure:: / root |--- current (tables.filenode) storing the current task as serialized JSON |--- data (group) | |--- task_name (group) | |--- S##_step_name | | |--- trial_data | | |--- continuous_data | |--- ... |--- history (group) | |--- hashes - history of git commit hashes | |--- history - history of changes: protocols assigned, params changed, etc. | |--- weights - history of pre and post-task weights | |--- past_protocols (group) - stash past protocol params on reassign | |--- date_protocol_name - tables.filenode of a previous protocol's params. | |--- ... |--- info - group with biographical information as attributes Attributes: name (str): Subject ID file (str): Path to hdf5 file - usually `{prefs.get('DATADIR')}/{}.h5` current_trial (int): number of current trial running (bool): Flag that signals whether the subject is currently running a task or not. data_queue (:class:`queue.Queue`): Queue to dump data while running task did_graduate (:class:`threading.Event`): Event used to signal if the subject has graduated the current step """ _VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, name: str=None, dir: Optional[Path] = None, file: Optional[Path] = None, structure: Subject_Structure = Subject_Structure()): """ Args: name (str): subject ID dir (str): path where the .h5 file is located, if `None`, `prefs.get('DATADIR')` is used file (str): load a subject from a filename. if `None`, ignored. structure (:class:`.Subject_Schema`): Structure to use with this subject. """ self.structure = structure self._lock = threading.Lock() # -------------------------------------------------- # Find subject .h5 file # -------------------------------------------------- if file: file = Path(file) if not name: name = file.stem else: if not name: raise FileNotFoundError('Need to either pass a name or a file, how else would we find the .h5 file?') if dir: dir = Path(dir) else: dir = Path(prefs.get('DATADIR')) file = dir / (name + '.h5') = name self.logger = init_logger(self) self.file = file if not self.file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Subject file {str(self.file)} does not exist!") # make sure we have the expected structure with self._h5f() as h5f: self.structure.make(h5f) self._session_uuid = None # Is the subject currently running (ie. we expect data to be incoming) # Used to keep the subject object alive, otherwise we close the file whenever we don't need it self.running = False # We use a threading queue to dump data into a kept-alive h5f file self.data_queue = None self._thread = None self.did_graduate = threading.Event() with self._h5f() as h5f: # Every time we are initialized we stash the git hash history_row = h5f.root.history.hashes.row history_row['time'] = self._get_timestamp() try: history_row['hash'] = prefs.get('HASH') # FIXME: less implicit way of getting hash plz except AttributeError: history_row['hash'] = '' history_row.append() do_update = False if 'current' in h5f.root: do_update = True if do_update: self.logger.warning('Detected an old subject format, trying to update...') try: self._update_structure() except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Unable to update! Got exception:\n{e}")
[docs] @contextmanager def _h5f(self, lock:bool=True) -> tables.file.File: """ Context manager for access to hdf5 file. Args: lock (bool): Lock the file while it is open, only use ``False`` for operations that are read-only: there should only ever be one write operation at a time. Examples: with self._h5f as h5f: # ... do hdf5 stuff Returns: function wrapped with contextmanager that will open the hdf file """ # @contextmanager # def _h5f_context() -> tables.file.File: if lock: with self._lock: try: h5f = tables.open_file(str(self.file), mode="r+") yield h5f finally: h5f.flush() h5f.close() else: try: h5f = tables.open_file(str(self.file), mode="r") yield h5f finally: h5f.flush() h5f.close()
# return _h5f_context() @property def info(self) -> Biography: """ Subject biographical information """ with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: info = h5f.get_node( biodict = {} for k in info._v_attrs._f_list(): biodict[k] = info._v_attrs[k] return Biography(**biodict) @property def bio(self) -> Biography: """ Subject biographical information (alias for :meth:`.info`) """ return @property def protocol(self) -> Union[Protocol_Status, None]: with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: protocol = h5f.get_node(self.structure.protocol.path) protocoldict = {} for k in protocol._v_attrs._f_list(): protocoldict[k] = protocol._v_attrs[k] if 'protocol' in protocol: protocol_node = h5f.get_node(self.structure.protocol.path + '/protocol') protocol_node = filenode.open_node(protocol_node) protocoldict['protocol'] = json.loads(protocol_node.readall()) protocol_node.close() if len(protocoldict) == 0: return None else: return Protocol_Status(**protocoldict) @protocol.setter def protocol(self, protocol:Protocol_Status): if self.protocol is not None and protocol.protocol != self.protocol.protocol: archive_name = f"{self._get_timestamp(simple=True)}_{self.protocol_name}" self._write_attrs('/history/past_protocols/' + archive_name, self.protocol.dict()) self.logger.debug(f"Stashed old protocol details in {'/history/past_protocols/' + archive_name}") # check for differences diffs = [] if self.protocol is None: diffs.append('protocol') diffs.append('step') else: if protocol.protocol_name != self.protocol_name: diffs.append('protocol') if protocol.step != self.step: diffs.append('step') for diff in diffs: if diff == 'protocol': self.update_history('protocol', protocol.protocol_name, value=protocol.protocol) elif diff == 'step': self.update_history('step', name=protocol.protocol[protocol.step]['step_name'], value=protocol.step) with self._h5f() as h5f: protocol_node = h5f.get_node(self.structure.protocol.path) for k, v in protocol.dict().items(): if k == 'protocol': if 'protocol' in protocol_node: h5f.remove_node(self.structure.protocol.path + '/protocol') protocol_filenode = filenode.new_node(h5f, where=self.structure.protocol.path, name='protocol') protocol_filenode.write(json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')) else: protocol_node._v_attrs[k] = v # make sure that we have the required protocol structure try: self._make_protocol_structure(protocol.protocol_name, protocol.protocol) except ValueError as e: if 'Could not find subclass of' in str(e): task_name = str(e).split(' ')[-1].rstrip('!') self.logger.error(f"When attempting to make protocol data structure, could not find the task type {task_name}. If it's in a plugin, make sure that the plugin is in your plugin directory. The protocol has been assigned, but you will need to have the task code present to run it.") else: raise e"Saved new protocol status {protocol}") @property def protocol_name(self) -> str: return self.protocol.protocol_name @property def current_trial(self) -> int: return self.protocol.current_trial @current_trial.setter def current_trial(self, current_trial:int): protocol = self.protocol protocol.current_trial = current_trial self.protocol = protocol @property def session(self) -> int: return self.protocol.session @session.setter def session(self, session: int): protocol = self.protocol protocol.session = session self.protocol = protocol @property def step(self) -> int: return self.protocol.step @step.setter def step(self, step: int): protocol = self.protocol protocol.step = step self.protocol = protocol @property def task(self) -> dict: return self.protocol.protocol[self.step] @property def session_uuid(self) -> str: if self._session_uuid is None: self._session_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) return self._session_uuid @property def history(self) -> History: return self._read_table('/history/history', History) @property def hashes(self) -> Hashes: return self._read_table('/history/hashes', Hashes) @property def weights(self) -> Weights: return self._read_table('/history/weights', Weights) def _write_attrs(self, path: str, attrs:dict): with self._h5f() as h5f: try: node = h5f.get_node(path) except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError: pathpieces = path.split('/') parent = '/' + '/'.join(pathpieces[:-1]) node = h5f.create_group(parent, pathpieces[-1], title=pathpieces[-1], createparents=True) for k, v in attrs.items(): node._v_attrs[k] = v h5f.flush() def _read_table(self, path:str, table:typing.Type[Table]) -> typing.Union[Table,pd.DataFrame]: with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: tab = h5f.get_node(path).read() # type: np.ndarray # unpack table to a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tab) for col in df.columns: if df[col].dtype == 'O': df[col] = df[col].str.decode("utf-8") try: return table(**df.to_dict(orient='list')) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f"Could not make table from loaded data, returning dataframe") return df
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, bio:Biography, structure: Optional[Subject_Structure] = Subject_Structure(), path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> 'Subject': """ Create a new subject file, make its structure, and populate its :class:`` . Args: bio (:class:``): A collection of biographical information about the subject! Stored as attributes within `/info` structure (Optional[:class:`~.models.subject.Subject_Structure`]): The structure of tables and groups to use when creating this Subject. **Note:** This is not currently saved with the subject file, so if using a nonstandard structure, it needs to be passed every time on init. Sorry! path (Optional[:class:`pathlib.Path`]): Path of created file. If ``None``, make a file within the ``DATADIR`` within the user directory (typically ``~/autopilot/data``) using the subject ID as the filename. (eg. ``~/autopilot/data/{id}.h5``) Returns: :class:`.Subject` , Newly Created. """ if path is None: path = Path(prefs.get('DATADIR')).resolve() / ( + '.h5') else: path = Path(path) assert path.suffix == '.h5' if path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"A subject file for {} already exists at {path}!") # use the open_file command directly here because we use mode="w" h5f = tables.open_file(filename=str(path), mode='w') # make basic structure structure.make(h5f) info_node = h5f.get_node( for k, v in bio.dict().items(): info_node._v_attrs[k] = v # compatibility - double `id` as name info_node._v_attrs['name'] = h5f.root._v_attrs['VERSION'] = cls._VERSION h5f.close() return Subject(, file=path)
[docs] def update_history(self, type, name:str, value:typing.Any, step=None): """ Update the history table when changes are made to the subject's protocol. The current protocol is flushed to the past_protocols group and an updated filenode is created. Note: This **only** updates the history table, and does not make the changes itself. Args: type (str): What type of change is being made? Can be one of * 'param' - a parameter of one task stage * 'step' - the step of the current protocol * 'protocol' - the whole protocol is being updated. name (str): the name of either the parameter being changed or the new protocol value (str): the value that the parameter or step is being changed to, or the protocol dictionary flattened to a string. step (int): When type is 'param', changes the parameter at a particular step, otherwise the current step is used. """'Updating subject {} history - type: {type}, name: {name}, value: {value}, step: {step}') # Make sure the updates are written to the subject file # Check that we're all strings in here if not isinstance(type, str): type = str(type) if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) # log the change with self._h5f() as h5f: history_row = h5f.root.history.history.row history_row['time'] = self._get_timestamp(simple=True) history_row['type'] = type history_row['name'] = name history_row['value'] = value history_row.append()
[docs] def _find_protocol(self, protocol:typing.Union[Path, str, typing.List[dict]], protocol_name: Optional[str]=None) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[dict]]: """ Resolve a protocol from a name, path, etc. into a list of dictionaries Returns: tuple of (protocol_name, protocol) """ if isinstance(protocol, str): # check if it's just a json encoded dictionary try: protocol = json.loads(protocol) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # try it as a path if not protocol.endswith('.json'): protocol += '.json' protocol = Path(protocol) if isinstance(protocol, Path): if not protocol.exists(): if protocol.is_absolute(): protocol = protocol.relative_to(prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')) else: protocol = Path(prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')) / protocol if not protocol.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find protocol file {protocol}!") protocol_name = protocol.stem with open(protocol, 'r') as pfile: protocol = json.load(pfile) elif isinstance(protocol, list): if protocol_name is None: raise ValueError(f"If passed protocol as a list of dictionaries, need to also pass protocol_name") return protocol_name, protocol
[docs] def _make_protocol_structure(self, protocol_name:str, protocol:typing.List[dict] ): """ Use a :class:`.Protocol_Group` to make the necessary tables for the given protocol. """ # make protocol structure! protocol_structure = Protocol_Group( protocol_name=protocol_name, protocol=protocol, structure=self.structure ) with self._h5f() as h5f: protocol_structure.make(h5f)
[docs] def assign_protocol(self, protocol:typing.Union[Path, str, typing.List[dict]], step_n:int=0, protocol_name:Optional[str]=None): """ Assign a protocol to the subject. If the subject has a currently assigned task, stashes it with :meth:`~.Subject.stash_current` Creates groups and tables according to the data descriptions in the task class being assigned. eg. as described in :class:`.Task.TrialData`. Updates the history table. Args: protocol (Path, str, dict): the protocol to be assigned. Can be one of * the name of the protocol (its filename minus .json) if it is in `prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')` * filename of the protocol (its filename with .json) if it is in the `prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR')` * the full path and filename of the protocol. * The protocol dictionary serialized to a string * the protocol as a list of dictionaries step_n (int): Which step is being assigned? protocol_name (str): If passing ``protocol`` as a dict, have to give a name to the protocol """ # Protocol will be passed as a .json filename in prefs.get('PROTOCOLDIR') protocol_name, protocol = self._find_protocol(protocol, protocol_name) # check if this is the same protocol as we already have so we don't reset session number if self.protocol is not None and (protocol_name == self.protocol_name) and (step_n == self.step): session = self.session current_trial = self.current_trial self.logger.debug("Keeping existing session and current_trial counts") else: session = 0 current_trial = 0 status = Protocol_Status( current_trial=current_trial, session=session, step=step_n, protocol=protocol, protocol_name=protocol_name, ) # set current status (this will also stash any existing status and update the trial history tables as needed) self.protocol = status
# -------------------------------------------------- # prepare run # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def prepare_run(self) -> dict: """ Prepares the Subject object to receive data while running the task. Gets information about current task, trial number, spawns :class:`~.tasks.graduation.Graduation` object, spawns :attr:`~.Subject.data_queue` and calls :meth:`~.Subject._data_thread`. Returns: Dict: the parameters for the current step, with subject id, step number, current trial, and session number included. """ if self.protocol is None: e = RuntimeError('No task assigned to subject, cant prepare_run. use Subject.assign_protocol or protocol reassignment wizard in the terminal GUI') self.logger.exception(f"{e}") raise e protocol_groups = Protocol_Group( protocol_name = self.protocol_name, protocol = self.protocol.protocol, structure = self.structure ) group_path = protocol_groups.steps[self.step].path trial_table_path = "/".join([group_path, 'trial_data']) # Get current task parameters and handles to tables task_params = self.protocol.protocol[self.step] # increment session and clear session_uuid to ensure uniqueness self.session += 1 self._session_uuid = None ############################## trial_tab = self._trim_trial_to_session(group_path) trial_tab_keys = tuple(trial_tab.dtype.fields.keys()) # get last trial number from trial_table try: self.current_trial = trial_tab['trial_num'][-1]+1 except IndexError: if 'trial_num' not in trial_tab_keys: self.logger.warning('No trial_num column detected in trial data! this is a basic indexing column for trialwise data and should always be present! You might experience unexpected behavior in your data, make sure you check everyhing is as it should be!')'Using current_trial = 0') self.current_trial = 0 continuous_group_path = self._prepare_continuous_data(task_params, group_path) # -------------------------------------------------- # prepare graduation object self.graduation = None if 'graduation' in task_params.keys(): self.graduation = self._prepare_graduation(task_params, trial_tab) # spawn thread to accept data self.data_queue = queue.Queue() self._thread = threading.Thread( target=self._data_thread, args=(self.data_queue, trial_table_path, continuous_group_path) ) self._thread.start() self.running = True # return a completed task parameter dictionary task_params['subject'] = task_params['step'] = int(self.step) task_params['current_trial'] = int(self.current_trial) task_params['session'] = int(self.session) return task_params
def _trim_trial_to_session(self, group_path:str) -> tables.table.Table: with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: # tasks without TrialData will have some default table, so this should always be present trial_table = h5f.get_node(group_path, 'trial_data') ##################################3 # try to filter rows based on contiguous session numbers # session always increments, even when reassigned, so if reassigning, there should be # a discontinuity in session number. # this is more reliable than trying to use timestamps, because they might not always # be present (though they should be) and they might differ from the history timestamps # if a terminal and pilot are on different timezones, for example. slice_start = 0 try: sessions = trial_table.col('session') # first check if our current session is the same or +1 the previous session # otherwise, we have been reassigned and haven't done any trials yet. if len(sessions)>0 and abs(self.session - sessions[-1])>1: slice_start = len(sessions) else: # find any discontinuities # normally continuous sessions should have a diff of 0 or 1 (same or incremented session) discontinuities = np.where(np.logical_or(np.diff(sessions)<0,np.diff(sessions) > 1)) if len(discontinuities) == 0: # fine, use the whole thing pass else: slice_start = discontinuities[-1]+1 except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( f"Couldnt trim data given to graduation objects to current set of sessions, using full data history. got exception\n {e}") trial_tab = return trial_tab def _prepare_continuous_data(self, task_params: dict, group_path:str) -> str: # -------------------------------------------------- # prepare continuous data group group_name = f"session_{self.session}" continuous_group_path = '/'.join([group_path, group_name]) with self._h5f() as h5f: # prepare continuous data group and tables task_class = autopilot.get_task(task_params['task_type']) if hasattr(task_class, 'ContinuousData'): cont_group = h5f.get_node(group_path, 'continuous_data') try: _ = h5f.create_group(cont_group, group_name) except tables.NodeError: pass # fine, already made it return continuous_group_path def _prepare_graduation(self, task_params:dict, trial_tab:tables.table.Table) -> 'Graduation': try: grad_type = task_params['graduation']['type'] grad_params = task_params['graduation']['value'].copy() # add other params asked for by the task class grad_obj = autopilot.get('graduation', grad_type) # type: typing.Type[Graduation] if grad_obj.PARAMS: # these are params that should be set in the protocol settings for param in grad_obj.PARAMS: # if param not in grad_params.keys(): # for now, try to find it in our attributes # but don't overwrite if it already has what it needs in case # of name overlap if hasattr(self, param) and param not in grad_params.keys(): grad_params.update({param: getattr(self, param)}) if grad_obj.COLS: # give requested columns in trial table to graduation object for col in grad_obj.COLS: try: grad_params.update({col: trial_tab[col]}) except KeyError: self.logger.exception(f'Graduation object requested column {col}, but it was not found in the trial table. Graduation will likely be inaccurate!') grad_instance = grad_obj(**grad_params) self.did_graduate.clear() return grad_instance except Exception as e: self.logger.exception( f'Exception in graduation parameter specification, graduation is disabled.\ngot error: {e}') # -------------------------------------------------- # Data Thread Private Methods! # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _data_thread(self, queue:queue.Queue, trial_table_path:str, continuous_group_path:str): """ Thread that keeps hdf file open and receives data while task is running. receives data through :attr:`~.Subject.queue` as dictionaries. Data can be partial-trial data (eg. each phase of a trial) as long as the task returns a dict with 'TRIAL_END' as a key at the end of each trial. each dict given to the queue should have the `trial_num`, and this method can properly store data without passing `TRIAL_END` if so. I recommend being explicit, however. Checks graduation state at the end of each trial. Args: queue (:class:`queue.Queue`): passed by :meth:`~.Subject.prepare_run` and used by other objects to pass data to be stored. """ with self._h5f() as h5f: trial_table = h5f.get_node(trial_table_path) trial_row = trial_table.row # try to get continuous data table if any cont_tables = {} cont_rows = {} # start getting data # stop when 'END' gets put in the queue for data in iter(queue.get, 'END'): # wrap everything in try because this thread shouldn't crash try: if 'continuous' in data.keys(): cont_tables, cont_rows = self._save_continuous_data( h5f, data, continuous_group_path, cont_tables, cont_rows ) # continue, the rest is for handling trial data continue # If we get trial data out of order, try and write it back in the correct row. if 'trial_num' in data.keys() and 'trial_num' in trial_row: trial_row = self._sync_trial_row(data['trial_num'], trial_row, trial_table) del data['trial_num'] self._save_trial_data(data, trial_row, trial_table) except Exception as e: # we shouldn't throw any exception in this thread, just log it and move on self.logger.exception(f'exception in data thread: {e}')
def _save_continuous_data(self, h5f: tables.File, data: dict, continuous_group_path:str, cont_tables: typing.Dict[str, tables.table.Table], cont_rows:typing.Dict[str, Row]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Dict[str, tables.table.Table], typing.Dict[str, Row]]: for k, v in data.items(): # if we haven't made a table yet, do it if k not in cont_tables.keys(): new_cont_table = self._make_continuous_table(h5f, continuous_group_path, k, v) cont_tables[k] = new_cont_table cont_rows[k] = new_cont_table.row cont_rows[k][k] = v cont_rows[k]['timestamp'] = data.get('timestamp', cont_rows[k].append() return cont_tables, cont_rows def _make_continuous_table(self, h5f:tables.file.File, continuous_group_path:str, key:str, value:typing.Any) -> tables.table.Table: # make atom for this data try: # if it's a numpy array... col_atom = tables.Atom.from_type(, value.shape) except AttributeError: temp_array = np.array(value) col_atom = tables.Atom.from_type(, temp_array.shape) return h5f.create_table(continuous_group_path, key, description={ key: tables.Col.from_atom(col_atom), 'timestamp': tables.StringCol(256) }) def _save_trial_data(self, data:dict, trial_row:Row, trial_table:tables.table.Table): for k, v in data.items(): # some bug where some columns are not always detected, # rather than failing out here, just log error if k in ('TRIAL_END',): continue try: if trial_row[k] is not None: self.logger.warning( f"Received two values for key, making new row.: {k} and trial row: {trial_row.nrow}, existing value: {trial_row[k]}, new value: {v}") self._increment_trial(trial_row) trial_row[k] = v except KeyError: # TODO: expand trial_table! self.logger.exception(f"Trial data dropped because no column for key: {k}, value: {v}") if 'TRIAL_END' in data.keys() or all([v is not None for v in trial_row.fetch_all_fields()]): self._increment_trial(trial_row) # always flush so that our row iteration routines above will find what they're looking for trial_table.flush() def _sync_trial_row(self, trial_num:int, trial_row:Row, trial_table:tables.table.Table) -> Row: if trial_row['trial_num'] is None: trial_row['trial_num'] = trial_num elif trial_num == trial_row['trial_num'] + 1: self._increment_trial(trial_row) trial_row['trial_num'] = trial_num elif trial_num == trial_row['trial_num']: # fine! we're on the right one pass else: # we're on the wrong row somehow! # find row with this trial number if it exists # this will return a list of rows with matching trial_num. # if it's empty, we didn't receive a TRIAL_END and should create a new row # FIXME: this should also ensure that the trial_num comes from a row with a matching session_uuid other_row = [r for r in trial_table.where(f"trial_num == {trial_num}")] if len(other_row) == 0: # proceed to fill the row below, we got trial data discontinuously somehow self.logger.warning(f"Got discontinuous trial data") self._increment_trial(trial_row) trial_row['trial_num'] = trial_num elif len(other_row) == 1: # return the other row! (if an overwrite is attempted, append and go to next row anyway) trial_row = other_row[0] else: # we have more than one row with this trial_num. # shouldn't happen, but we dont' want to throw any data away self.logger.warning(f'Found multiple rows with same trial_num: {trial_num}') # continue just for data conservancy's sake self._increment_trial(trial_row) trial_row['trial_num'] = trial_num return trial_row def _increment_trial(self, trial_row: Row): self.logger.debug('Trial Incremented') trial_row['session'] = self.session trial_row['session_uuid'] = self.session_uuid if self.graduation: # set our graduation flag, the terminal will get the rest rolling did_graduate = self.graduation.update(trial_row) if did_graduate is True: self.did_graduate.set() trial_row.append()
[docs] def save_data(self, data): """ Alternate and equivalent method of putting data in the queue as `Subject.data_queue.put(data)` Args: data (dict): trial data. each should have a 'trial_num', and a dictionary with key 'TRIAL_END' should be passed at the end of each trial. """ self.data_queue.put(data)
[docs] def stop_run(self): """ puts 'END' in the data_queue, which causes :meth:`~.Subject._data_thread` to end. """ self.data_queue.put('END') self._thread.join(5) self.running = False if self._thread.is_alive(): self.logger.warning('Data thread did not exit')
# -------------------------------------------------- # Data retrieval # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_trial_data(self, step: typing.Union[int, list, str, None] = None ) -> Union[typing.List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]: """ Get trial data from the current task. Args: step (int, list, str, None): Step that should be returned, can be one of * ``None``: All steps (default) * -1: the current step * int: a single step * list: of step numbers or step names (excluding S##_) * string: the name of a step (excluding S##_) Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame`: DataFrame of requested steps' trial data (or list of dataframes). """ try: groups = Protocol_Group(self.protocol_name, self.protocol.protocol) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f"Could not recreate data descriptions from protocol, likely because a plugin is missing or has not been imported. Attempting to recreate from pytables description, but this might not be fully accurate. check AUTOPLUGIN and that the plugin is in the plugin directory.") groups = None step_names = [s['step_name'].lower() for s in self.protocol.protocol] # convert input into a list of integers if isinstance(step, int): if step == -1: # the current step step = self.step steps = [step] elif isinstance(step, list): steps = [] for s in step: try: # check if it's an integer steps.append(int(s)) except ValueError: # must be a step name! steps.append(step_names.index(s.lower())) elif isinstance(step, str): # get index from step name! steps = [step_names.index(step.lower())] else: # get all steps steps = list(range(len(self.protocol.protocol))) ret = [self._get_step_data(i, groups) for i in steps] if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret
[docs] def _get_step_data(self, step:int, groups:Optional[Protocol_Group]=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get individual step data, using the protocol group if given, otherwise try and recover from pytables description """ # find the table if groups: path = groups.steps[step].path + '/trial_data' data_table = groups.steps[step].trial_data else: group_path = f"/data/{self.protocol_name}" with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: step_groups = sorted(h5f.get_node(group_path)._v_children.keys()) path = f"{group_path}/{step_groups[step]}/trial_data" data_node = h5f.get_node(path) # type: tables.table.Table data_table = Table.from_pytables_description(data_node.description) # get the data from the table! data = self._read_table(path, data_table) if isinstance(data, Table): data = data.to_df() return data
[docs] def _get_timestamp(self, simple=False): # type: (bool) -> str """ Makes a timestamp. Args: simple (bool): if True: returns as format '%y%m%d-%H%M%S', eg '190201-170811' if False: returns in isoformat, eg. '2019-02-01T17:08:02.058808' Returns: basestring """ # Timestamps have two different applications, and thus two different formats: # coarse timestamps that should be human-readable # fine timestamps for data analysis that don't need to be if simple: return'%y%m%d-%H%M%S') else: return
[docs] def get_weight(self, which='last', include_baseline=False): """ Gets start and stop weights. TODO: add ability to get weights by session number, dates, and ranges. Args: which (str): if 'last', gets most recent weights. Otherwise returns all weights. include_baseline (bool): if True, includes baseline and minimum mass. Returns: dict """ # get either the last start/stop weights, optionally including baseline # TODO: Get by session weights = {} with self._h5f(lock=False) as h5f: weight_table = h5f.root.history.weights if which == 'last': for column in weight_table.colnames: try: weights[column] =, field=column)[0] except IndexError: weights[column] = None else: for column in weight_table.colnames: try: weights[column] = except IndexError: weights[column] = None if include_baseline is True: try: baseline = float(['baseline_mass']) except KeyError: baseline = 0.0 minimum = baseline*0.8 weights['baseline_mass'] = baseline weights['minimum_mass'] = minimum return weights
[docs] def set_weight(self, date, col_name, new_value): """ Updates an existing weight in the weight table. TODO: Yes, i know this is bad. Merge with update_weights Args: date (str): date in the 'simple' format, %y%m%d-%H%M%S col_name ('start', 'stop'): are we updating a pre-task or post-task weight? new_value (float): New mass. """ with self._h5f() as h5f: weight_table = h5f.root.history.weights # there should only be one matching row since it includes seconds for row in weight_table.where('date == b"{}"'.format(date)): row[col_name] = new_value row.update()
[docs] def update_weights(self, start=None, stop=None): """ Store either a starting or stopping mass. `start` and `stop` can be passed simultaneously, `start` can be given in one call and `stop` in a later call, but `stop` should not be given before `start`. Args: start (float): Mass before running task in grams stop (float): Mass after running task in grams. """ with self._h5f() as h5f: if start is not None: weight_row = h5f.root.history.weights.row weight_row['date'] = self._get_timestamp(simple=True) weight_row['session'] = self.session weight_row['start'] = float(start) weight_row.append() elif stop is not None: # TODO: Make this more robust - don't assume we got a start weight h5f.root.history.weights.cols.stop[-1] = stop else: self.logger.warning("Need either a start or a stop weight")
[docs] def _graduate(self): """ Increase the current step by one, unless it is the last step. """ if len(self.protocol.protocol)<=self.step+1: self.logger.warning('Tried to _graduate from the last step!\n Task has {} steps and we are on {}'.format(len(self.protocol.protocol), self.step+1)) return # increment step, update_history should handle the rest self.step += 1
[docs] def _update_structure(self): """ Update old formats to new ones """ backup = self.file.with_stem(self.file.stem + f"_backup-{}") append_int = 1 while backup.exists(): backup = self.file.with_stem(self.file.stem + f"_backup-{}-{append_int}") append_int += 1 self.logger.warning(f'Attempting to update structure, making a backup to {str(backup)}') shutil.copy(str(self.file), str(backup)) protocol = None with self._h5f() as h5f: if 'current' in h5f.root: protocol = _update_current(h5f) if protocol is not None: self.protocol = protocol with self._h5f() as h5f: h5f.remove_node('/current') self.logger.debug("Removed current node")
[docs]def _update_current(h5f) -> Protocol_Status: """Update the old 'current' filenode to the new Protocol Status""" current_node = filenode.open_node(h5f.root.current) protocol_string = current_node.readall() protocol = json.loads(protocol_string) step = current_node.attrs['step'] protocol_name = current_node.attrs['protocol_name'] current_trial = 0 session = 0 got_protocol = False try: group_stx = Protocol_Group(protocol_name=protocol_name, protocol=protocol) active_step = group_stx.steps[step] trial_tab = h5f.get_node(active_step.path, 'trial_data') got_protocol = True except ValueError: print("Couldnt find task, not able to retrieve data from trial table. Using zeros for current trial and session") if got_protocol: try: current_trial = trial_tab['trial_num'][-1] except: print('Coudlnt get current trial, using 0') current_trial = 0 try: session =['session'] except: print('couldnt get session from metadata') if got_protocol: print('getting session from trial table') try: session = trial_tab['session'][-1] except: print('couldnt get session from trial table, using 0') session = 0 status = Protocol_Status( current_trial=current_trial, protocol=protocol, step=step, session=session, protocol_name=protocol_name ) return status