Source code for autopilot.stim.sound.jackclient

Client that dumps samples directly to the jack client with the :mod:`jack` package.

.. note::

    The latest version of raspiOS (bullseye) causes a lot of problems with the Jack audio that we have not figured out a workaround for.
    If you intend to use sound, we recommend sticking with Buster for now (available from their `legacy downloads <>`_ section).

import typing
from itertools import cycle
import multiprocessing as mp
import queue as queue
import numpy as np
from copy import copy
from queue import Empty
import time
from threading import Thread
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from autopilot.stim.sound.base import Jack_Sound

# importing configures environment variables necessary for importing jack-client module below
import autopilot
from autopilot import external
from autopilot.core.loggers import init_logger

    import jack
except (OSError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    print('jack library not found! sounds unavailable')

from autopilot import prefs

# allows us to access the audio server and some sound attributes
:class:`.JackClient`: After initializing, JackClient will register itself with this variable.

FS = None
int: Sampling rate of the active server

int: Blocksize, or the amount of samples processed by jack per each :meth:`.JackClient.process` call.

QUEUE = None
:class:`multiprocessing.Queue`: Queue to be loaded with frames of BLOCKSIZE audio.

PLAY = None
:class:`multiprocessing.Event`: Event used to trigger loading samples from `QUEUE`, ie. playing.

STOP = None
:class:`multiprocessing.Event`: Event that is triggered on the end of buffered audio.

    NOT an event used to stop audio.

Q_LOCK = None
:class:`multiprocessing.Lock`: Lock that enforces a single writer to the `QUEUE` at a time.

:class:`multiprocessing.Event`: Event that (when set) signals the sound server should play some sound continuously rather than remain silent by default (eg. play a background sound).


:class:`multiprocessing.Queue`: Queue that 

:class:`multiprocessing.Event`: Event flag that is set when frames dropped into the CONTINUOUS_QUEUE should be looped (eg. in the case of stationary background noise),
otherwise they are played and then discarded (ie. the sound is continuously generating and submitting samples)

[docs]class JackClient(mp.Process): """ Client that dumps frames of audio directly into a running jackd client. See the :meth:`.process` method to see how the client works in detail, but as a narrative overview: * The client interacts with a running jackd daemon, typically launched with :func:`.external.start_jackd` The jackd process is configured with the ``JACKDSTRING`` pref, which by default is built from other parameters like the ``FS`` sampling rate et al. * :class:`multiprocessing.Event` objects are used to synchronize state within the client, eg. the play event signals that the client should begin to pull frames from the sound queue * :class:`multiprocessing.Queue` objects are used to send samples to the client, specifically chunks samples with length ``BLOCKSIZE`` * The general pattern of using both together is to load a queue with chunks of samples and then set the play event. * Jackd will call the ``process`` method repeatedly, within which this class will check the state of the event flags and pull from the appropriate queues to load the samples into jackd's audio buffer When first initialized, sets module level variables above, which are the public hooks to use the client. Within autopilot, the module-level variables are used, but if using the jackclient or sound system outside of a typical autopilot context, you can instantiate a JackClient and then pass it to sounds as ``jack_client``. Args: name (str): name of client, default "jack_client" outchannels (list): Optionally manually pass outchannels rather than getting from prefs. A list of integers corresponding to output channels to initialize. if ``None`` (default), get ``'OUTCHANNELS'`` from prefs Attributes: q (:class:`~.multiprocessing.Queue`): Queue that stores buffered frames of audio q_lock (:class:`~.multiprocessing.Lock`): Lock that manages access to the Queue play_evt (:class:`multiprocessing.Event`): Event used to trigger loading samples from `QUEUE`, ie. playing. stop_evt (:class:`multiprocessing.Event`): Event that is triggered on the end of buffered audio. quit_evt (:class:`multiprocessing.Event`): Event that causes the process to be terminated. client (:class:`jack.Client`): Client to interface with jackd blocksize (int): The blocksize - ie. samples processed per :meth:`.JackClient.process` call. fs (int): Sampling rate of client zero_arr (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): cached array of zeroes used to fill jackd pipe when not processing audio. continuous_cycle (:class:`itertools.cycle`): cycle of frames used for continuous sounds mono_output (bool): ``True`` or ``False`` depending on if the number of output channels is 1 or >1, respectively. detected and set in :meth:`.JackClient.boot_server` , initialized to ``True`` (which is hopefully harmless) """ def __init__(self, name='jack_client', outchannels: typing.Optional[list] = None, debug_timing:bool=False): """ Args: name: """ super(JackClient, self).__init__() # TODO: If global client variable is set, just return that one. = name if outchannels is None: self.outchannels = prefs.get('OUTCHANNELS') else: self.outchannels = outchannels #self.pipe = pipe self.q = mp.Queue() self.q_lock = mp.Lock() self.play_evt = mp.Event() self.stop_evt = mp.Event() self.quit_evt = mp.Event() self.play_started = mp.Event() """set after the first frame of a sound is buffered, used to keep track internally when sounds are started and stopped.""" # we make a client that dies now so we can stash the fs and etc. self.client = jack.Client( self.blocksize = self.client.blocksize self.fs = self.client.samplerate self.zero_arr = np.zeros((self.blocksize,1),dtype='float32') # a few objects that control continuous/background sound. # see descriptions in module variables self.continuous = mp.Event() self.continuous_q = mp.Queue() self.continuous_loop = mp.Event() self.continuous_cycle = None self.continuous.clear() self.continuous_loop.clear() self._continuous_sound = None # type: typing.Optional['Jack_Sound'] self._continuous_dehydrated = None # store the frames of the continuous sound and cycle through them if set in continous mode self.continuous_cycle = None # Something calls process() before boot_server(), so this has to # be initialized self.mono_output = True # store a reference to us and our values in the module globals()['SERVER'] = self globals()['FS'] = copy(self.fs) globals()['BLOCKSIZE'] = copy(self.blocksize) globals()['QUEUE'] = self.q globals()['Q_LOCK'] = self.q_lock globals()['PLAY'] = self.play_evt globals()['STOP'] = self.stop_evt globals()['CONTINUOUS'] = self.continuous globals()['CONTINUOUS_QUEUE'] = self.continuous_q globals()['CONTINUOUS_LOOP'] = self.continuous_loop self.logger = init_logger(self) if self.fs != prefs.get('FS'): self.logger.warning( f"Sampling rate was set to {prefs.get('FS')} in prefs, but the jack audio daemon is running at {self.fs}. \ Check that jackd was not already running, and is being correctly started by autopilot (see autopilot.external)") self.debug_timing = debug_timing self.querythread = None self.wait_until = None self.alsa_nperiods = prefs.get('ALSA_NPERIODS') if self.alsa_nperiods is None: self.alsa_nperiods = 1
[docs] def boot_server(self): """ Called by :meth:`` to boot the server upon starting the process. Activates the client and connects it to the physical speaker outputs as determined by `prefs.get('OUTCHANNELS')`. This is the interpretation of OUTCHANNELS: * empty string 'mono' audio: the same sound is always played to all channels. Connect a single virtual outport to every physical channel. If multi-channel sound is provided, raise an error. * a single int (example: J) This is equivalent to [J]. The first virtual outport will be connected to physical channel J. Note this is NOT the same as 'mono', because only one speaker plays, instead of all speakers. * a list (example: [I, J]) The first virtual outport will be connected to physical channel I. The second virtual outport will be connected to physical channel J. And so on. If 1-dimensional sound is provided, play the same to all speakers (like mono mode). If multi-channel sound is provided and the number of channels is different form the length of this list, raise an error. :class:`jack.Client` s can't be kept alive, so this must be called just before processing sample starts. """ ## Parse OUTCHANNELS into listified_outchannels and set `self.mono_output` # This generates `listified_outchannels`, which is always a list # It also sets `self.mono_output` if outchannels is None if self.outchannels == '': # Mono mode listified_outchannels = [] self.mono_output = True elif not isinstance(self.outchannels, list): # Must be a single integer-like thing listified_outchannels = [int(self.outchannels)] self.mono_output = False else: # Already a list listified_outchannels = self.outchannels self.mono_output = False ## Initalize self.client # Initalize a new Client and store some its properties # I believe this is how downstream code knows the sample rate self.client = jack.Client( self.blocksize = self.client.blocksize self.fs = self.client.samplerate # This is used for writing silence self.zero_arr = np.zeros((self.blocksize,1),dtype='float32') # Set the process callback to `self.process` # This gets called on every chunk of audio data self.client.set_process_callback(self.process) # Register virtual outports # This is something we can write data into if self.mono_output: # One single outport self.client.outports.register('out_0') else: # One outport per provided outchannel for n in range(len(listified_outchannels)): self.client.outports.register('out_{}'.format(n)) # Activate the client self.client.activate() self.logger.debug('client activated') ## Hook up the outports (data sinks) to physical ports # Get the actual physical ports that can play sound target_ports = self.client.get_ports( is_physical=True, is_input=True, is_audio=True) # Depends on whether we're in mono mode if self.mono_output: ## Mono mode # Hook up one outport to all channels for target_port in target_ports: self.client.outports[0].connect(target_port) else: ## Not mono mode # Error check if len(listified_outchannels) > len(target_ports): raise ValueError( "cannot connect {} ports, only {} available".format( len(listified_outchannels), len(target_ports),)) # Hook up one outport to each channel for n in range(len(listified_outchannels)): # This is the channel number the user provided in OUTCHANNELS index_of_physical_channel = listified_outchannels[n] # This is the corresponding physical channel # I think this will always be the same as index_of_physical_channel physical_channel = target_ports[index_of_physical_channel] # Connect virtual outport to physical channel self.client.outports[n].connect(physical_channel)
[docs] def run(self): """ Start the process, boot the server, start processing frames and wait for the end. """ self.logger = init_logger(self) self.boot_server() self.logger.debug('server booted') if self.debug_timing: self.querythread = Thread(target=self._query_timebase) self.querythread.start() # we are just holding the process open, so wait to quit try: self.quit_evt.clear() self.quit_evt.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: # just want to kill the process, so just continue from here self.quit_evt.set()
[docs] def quit(self): """ Set the :attr:`.JackClient.quit_evt` """ self.quit_evt.set()
[docs] def process(self, frames): """ Process a frame of audio. If the :attr:`.JackClient.play_evt` is not set, fill port buffers with zeroes. Otherwise, pull frames of audio from the :attr:`.JackClient.q` until it's empty. When it's empty, set the :attr:`.JackClient.stop_evt` and clear the :attr:`.JackClient.play_evt` . Args: frames: number of frames (samples) to be processed. unused. passed by jack client """ if self.debug_timing: state, pos = self.client.transport_query() self.logger.debug(f'inproc - frame_time: {self.client.frame_time}, last_frame_time: {self.client.last_frame_time}, usecs: {pos["usecs"]}, frames: {self.client.frames_since_cycle_start}') ## Switch on whether the play event is set if not self.play_evt.is_set(): # A play event has not been set # Play only if we are in continuous mode, otherwise write zeros ## Switch on whether we are in continuous mode if self.continuous.is_set(): # We are in continuous mode, keep playing # check if the continuous sound has changed, even if we already have one try: to_cycle = self.continuous_q.get_nowait() if self._continuous_dehydrated is None or self._continuous_dehydrated != to_cycle: self._continuous_dehydrated = to_cycle self._continuous_sound = autopilot.hydrate(self._continuous_dehydrated) self.continuous_cycle = self._continuous_sound self.logger.debug(f'got new continuous sound: {self._continuous_dehydrated}') elif self._continuous_dehydrated == to_cycle: self.logger.debug(f'received a new continuous sound, but was identical to old sound. not rehydrating') self.continuous_cycle = self._continuous_sound.iter_continuous() except Empty: if self.continuous_cycle is None: self.logger.exception('told to play continuous sound but nothing in queue, will try again next loop around') self.write_to_outports(self.zero_arr.T) return # Get the data to play data = next(self.continuous_cycle).T # Write self.write_to_outports(data) else: # We are not in continuous mode, play silence # clear continuous sound after it's done if self.continuous_cycle is not None: self.logger.debug('continuous flag cleared') self.continuous_cycle = None # Play zeros data = self.zero_arr.T # Write self.write_to_outports(data) else: # A play event has been set # Play a sound # Try to get data try: data = self.q.get_nowait() if self.debug_timing: self.logger.debug('Got new audio samples') except queue.Empty: data = None self.logger.warning('Queue Empty') ## Switch on whether data is available if data is None: # fill with continuous noise if self.continuous.is_set(): try: data = next(self.continuous_cycle) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f'Continuous mode was set but got exception with continuous queue:\n{e}') data = self.zero_arr else: # Play zeros data = np.zeros(self.blocksize, dtype='float32') # Write data self.write_to_outports(data) # sound is over self.play_evt.clear() # end time is just the start of the next frame?? self.wait_until = self.client.last_frame_time+(self.blocksize*self.alsa_nperiods) # Thread(target=self._wait_for_end, args=(self.client.last_frame_time+self.blocksize,)).start() if self.debug_timing: self.logger.debug(f'Sound has ended, requesting end event at {self.wait_until}') else: ## There is data available if data.shape[0] < self.blocksize: data = self._pad_continuous(data) # sound is over! self.wait_until = self.client.last_frame_time + (self.blocksize*self.alsa_nperiods) + data.shape[0] if self.debug_timing: self.logger.debug( f'Sound has ended, size {data.shape[0]}, requesting end event at {self.wait_until}') self.play_evt.clear() # Write self.write_to_outports(data) # start timer if we haven't yet if self.querythread is None: self.querythread = Thread(target=self._wait_for_end) self.querythread.start()
[docs] def write_to_outports(self, data): """Write the sound in `data` to the outport(s). If self.mono_output: If data is 1-dimensional: Write that data to the single outport, which goes to all speakers. Otherwise, raise an error. If not self.mono_output: If data is 1-dimensional: Write that data to every outport If data is 2-dimensional: Write one column to each outport, raising an error if there is a different number of columns than outports. """ data = data.squeeze() ## Write the output to each outport if self.mono_output: ## Mono mode - Write the same data to all channels if data.ndim == 1: # Write data to one outport, which is hooked up to all channels buff = self.client.outports[0].get_array() buff[:] = data else: # Stereo data provided, this is an error raise ValueError( "pref OUTCHANNELS indicates mono mode, but " "data has shape {}".format(data.shape)) else: ## Multi-channel mode - Write a column to each channel if data.ndim == 1: ## 1-dimensional sound provided # Write the same data to each channel for outport in self.client.outports: buff = outport.get_array() buff[:] = data elif data.ndim == 2: ## Multi-channel sound provided # Error check if data.shape[1] != len(self.client.outports): raise ValueError( "data has {} channels " "but only {} outports in pref OUTCHANNELS".format( data.shape[1], len(self.client.outports))) # Write one column to each channel for n_outport, outport in enumerate(self.client.outports): buff = outport.get_array() buff[:] = data[:, n_outport] else: ## What would a 3d sound even mean? raise ValueError( "data must be 1 or 2d, not {}".format(data.shape))
[docs] def _pad_continuous(self, data:np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ When playing a sound in :meth:`.process`, if we're given a sound that is less than the blocksize, pad it with either silence or the continuous sound Returns: """ # if sound was not padded, fill remaining with continuous sound or silence n_from_end = self.blocksize - data.shape[0] if self.continuous.is_set(): try: cont_data = next(self.continuous_cycle) data = np.concatenate((data, cont_data[-n_from_end:]), axis=0) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(f'Continuous mode was set but got exception with continuous queue:\n{e}') pad_with = [(0, n_from_end)] pad_with.extend([(0, 0) for i in range(len(data.ndim-1))]) data = np.pad(data, pad_with, 'constant') else: pad_with = [(0, n_from_end)] pad_with.extend([(0, 0) for i in range(len(data.ndim - 1))]) data = np.pad(data, pad_with, 'constant') return data
[docs] def _wait_for_end(self): """ Thread that waits for a time (returned by :attr:`jack.Client.frame_time`) passed as ``end_time`` and then sets :attr:`.JackClient.stop_evt` Args: end_time (int): the ``frame_time`` at which to set the event """ try: while self.wait_until is None or self.client.frame_time < self.wait_until: time.sleep(0.000001) finally: if self.debug_timing: self.logger.debug(f'stop event set at f{self.client.frame_time}, requested {self.wait_until}') self.stop_evt.set() self.querythread = None self.wait_until = None
def _query_timebase(self): while not self.quit_evt.is_set(): state, pos = self.client.transport_query() self.logger.debug( f'query thread - frame_time: {self.client.frame_time}, last_frame_time: {self.client.last_frame_time}, usecs: {pos["usecs"]}, frames: {self.client.frames_since_cycle_start}') time.sleep(0.00001)