Source code for autopilot.utils.common

Generic utility functions that are used in multiple places in the library that
for now don't have a clear other place to be

import inspect
import importlib
import json
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import pkgutil
import ast
import typing
from typing import Optional, List
from threading import Thread
import numpy as np

[docs]def list_classes(module) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]]: """ List all classes within a module/package without importing by parsing the syntax tree directly with :mod:`ast` . Args: module (module, str): either the imported module to be queried, or its name as a string. if passed a string, attempt to import with :func:`importlib.import_module` Returns: list of tuples [('ClassName', 'module1.module2.ClassName')] a la :func:`inspect.getmembers` """ ret_classes = [] if not inspect.ismodule(module): module = importlib.import_module(module) # First get any members that are defined within the base module itself base_classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) ret_classes.extend([ (bc[0], ".".join([bc[1].__module__, bc[1].__name__])) for bc in base_classes ]) # get the parent directory name and module name, we'll use that mod_path = Path(module.__file__).resolve().parent if '__init__' not in str(Path(module.__file__)): mod_name = ".".join(module.__name__.split('.')[:-1]) else: mod_name = module.__name__ # get names of module files within top-level package submodules = [mod for _, mod, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(mod_path)])] submod_paths = [(mod_path / mod).with_suffix('.py') for mod in submodules] # parse the files to get the names of the classes for submod_name, submod in zip(submodules, submod_paths): with open(submod, 'r') as submod_f: submod_ast = ast.parse( ret_classes.extend([ (, '.'.join([mod_name, submod_name,])) for n in submod_ast.body if isinstance(n, ast.ClassDef) ]) return ret_classes
[docs]def find_class(cls_str:str): """ Given a full package.module.ClassName string, return the relevant class Args: cls_str (str): a full package.module.ClassName string, like ``'autopilot.hardware.Hardware'`` Returns: the class indicated by ``cls_str`` """ # get class and module names first by splitting off final class name class_name = cls_str.split('.')[-1] module_name = '.'.join(cls_str.split('.')[:-1]) # import or get reference to already-imported module if module_name in sys.modules: mod = sys.modules[module_name] else: mod = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(mod, class_name)
[docs]def recurse_subclasses(cls, leaves_only=False) -> list: """ Given some class, find its subclasses recursively See: Args: leaves_only (bool): If True, only include classes that have no further subclasses, if False (default), return all subclasses. Returns: list of subclasses """ all_subclasses = [] for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): if leaves_only: if len(subclass.__subclasses__()) == 0: all_subclasses.append(subclass) else: all_subclasses.append(subclass) all_subclasses.extend(recurse_subclasses(subclass, leaves_only)) return all_subclasses
[docs]class ReturnThread(Thread): """ Thread whose .join() method returns the value from the function thx to """ def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, Verbose=None): Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs, Verbose) self._return = None
[docs] def run(self): if self._Thread__target is not None: self._return = self._Thread__target(*self._Thread__args, **self._Thread__kwargs)
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): Thread.join(self, timeout) return self._return
[docs]def list_subjects(pilot_db=None): """ Given a dictionary of a pilot_db, return the subjects that are in it. Args: pilot_db (dict): a pilot_db. if None tried to load pilot_db with :method:`.load_pilotdb` Returns: subjects (list): a list of currently active subjects """ if pilot_db is None: pilot_db = load_pilotdb() subjects = [] for pilot, values in pilot_db.items(): if 'subjects' in values.keys(): subjects.extend(values['subjects']) return subjects
[docs]def load_pilotdb(file_name=None, reverse=False): """ Try to load the file_db Args: reverse: file_name: Returns: """ if file_name is None: file_name = '/usr/autopilot/pilot_db.json' with open(file_name) as pilot_file: pilot_db = json.load(pilot_file) if reverse: # simplify pilot db pilot_db = {k: v['subjects'] for k, v in pilot_db.items()} pilot_dict = {} for pilot, subjectlist in pilot_db.items(): for ms in subjectlist: pilot_dict[ms] = pilot pilot_db = pilot_dict return pilot_db
[docs]def coerce_discrete(df, col, mapping={'L':0, 'R':1}): """ Coerce a discrete/string column of a pandas dataframe into numeric values Default is to map 'L' to 0 and 'R' to 1 as in the case of Left/Right 2AFC tasks Args: df (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`) : dataframe with the column to transform col (str): name of column mapping (dict): mapping of strings to numbers Returns: df (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`) : transformed dataframe """ for key, val in mapping.items(): df.loc[df[col]==key,col] = val # if blanks, warn and remove if '' in df[col].unique(): n_blanks = sum(df[col]=='') Warning('{} blank rows detected, removing.'.format(n_blanks)) df.drop(df.index[df[col]==''], axis=0, inplace=True) df = df.astype({col:float}) return df
[docs]def find_key_recursive(key, dictionary): """ Find all instances of a key in a dictionary, recursively. Args: key: dictionary: Returns: list """ for k, v in dictionary.items(): if k == key: yield v elif isinstance(v, dict): for result in find_key_recursive(key, v): yield result elif isinstance(v, list): for d in v: for result in find_key_recursive(key, d): yield result
[docs]def find_key_value(dicts:typing.List[dict], key:str, value:str, single=True): """ Find an entry in a list of dictionaries where dict[key] == value. Args: dicts (): key (): value (): single (bool): if ``True`` (default), raise an exception if multiple results are matched """ if not all([isinstance(item, dict) for item in dicts]): raise ValueError(f"Pass me a list of dicts! got {dicts}") matches = [match for match in dicts if match[key] == value] if len(matches)>1 and single: raise IndexError(f"Multiple matches found for key: {key}, value: {value}, got:\n{matches}") elif len(matches) == 1: matches = matches[0] return matches
[docs]def walk_dicts(adict, keys:Optional[List]=None) -> tuple: """ Recursively yield key/value pairs, returning keys as tuples corresponding to the recursive keys in the dict Args: adict (dict): dict to walk over Yields: tuple of key value pairs """ for k, v in adict.items(): if keys is not None: keys.append(k) if isinstance(v, dict): walk_dicts(v, keys) else: yield k, v
[docs]class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Allow json serialization of objects containing numpy arrays. Use like ``json.dump(obj, fp, cls=NumpyEncoder)`` Deserialize with :class:`.NumpyDecoder` References: * * * """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64)): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64)): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray,)): #### This is the fix return { "_kind_": "ndarray", "_value_": obj.tolist() } return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]class NumpyDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """ Allow json deserialization of objects containing numpy arrays. Use like ``json.load(fp, cls=NumpyDecoder)`` Serialize with :class:`.NumpyEncoder` References: * * * """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def object_hook(self, obj): try: kind = obj['_kind_'] if kind == 'ndarray': obj = np.array(obj['_value_']) except (TypeError, KeyError): # normal, just return obj pass return obj