Source code for autopilot.hardware


Classes that manage hardware logic.

Each hardware class should be able to operate independently - ie. not
be dependent on a particular task class, etc. Other than that there are
very few design requirements:

* Every class should have a .release() method that releases any system
  resources in use by the object, eg. objects that use pigpio must have
  their `pigpio.pi` client stopped; LEDs should be explicitly turned off.
* The very minimal class attributes are described in the :class:`Hardware` metaclass.
* Hardware methods are typically called in their own threads, so care should
  be taken to make any long-running operations internally threadsafe.

    This software was primarily developed for the Raspberry Pi, which
    has `two types of numbering schemes <>`_ ,
    "board" numbering based on physical position and "bcm" numbering
    based on the broadcom chip numbering scheme.

    Board numbering is easier to use, but `pigpio <>`_
    , which we use as a bridge between Python and the GPIOs, uses the BCM scheme.
    As such each class that uses the GPIOs takes a board number as its argument
    and converts it to a BCM number in the __init__ method.

    If there is sufficient demand to make this more flexible, we can implement
    an additional `pref` to set the numbering scheme, but the current solution
    works without getting too muddy.

    In order to use pigpio, the pigpio daemon must be running. See `the docs <>`_
    Usually :class:`~.core.pilot.Pilot` s should be started by the bash script or systemd service
    generated by :mod:`.setup.setup_pilot`, which starts pigpiod.

from autopilot import prefs
from autopilot.core.networking import Net_Node
from datetime import datetime
import os
import logging

# FIXME: Hardcoding names of metaclasses, should have some better system of denoting which classes can be instantiated
# directly for setup and prefs management.
META_CLASS_NAMES = ['Hardware', 'Camera', 'GPIO', 'Directory_Writer', 'Video_Writer']

# pigpio only uses BCM numbers, we need to translate them
# See
     3: 2,   5: 3,   7: 4,   8: 14, 10: 15,
    11: 17, 12: 18, 13: 27, 15: 22, 16: 23,
    18: 24, 19: 10, 21: 9,  22: 25, 23: 11,
    24: 8,  26: 7,  29: 5,  31: 6,  32: 12,
    33: 13, 35: 19, 36: 16, 37: 26, 38: 20,
    40: 21
dict: Mapping from board (physical) numbering to BCM numbering. 

See `this pinout <>`_.

Hardware objects take board numbered pins and convert them to BCM 
numbers for use with `pigpio`.

BCM_TO_BOARD = dict([reversed(i) for i in BOARD_TO_BCM.items()])
dict: The inverse of :const:`BOARD_TO_BCM`.

[docs]class Hardware(object): """ Generic class inherited by all hardware. Should not be instantiated on its own (but it won't do anything bad so go nuts i guess). Primarily for the purpose of defining necessary attributes. Also defines `__del__` to call `release()` so objects are always released even if not explicitly. Attributes: is_trigger (bool): Is this object a discrete event input device? or, will this device be used to trigger some event? If `True`, will be given a callback by :class:`.Task`, and :meth:`.assign_cb` must be redefined. pin (int): The BCM pin used by this device, or None if no pin is used. type (str): What is this device known as in `.prefs`? Not required. input (bool): Is this an input device? output (bool): Is this an output device? """ # metaclass for hardware objects is_trigger = False pin = None type = "" # what are we known as in prefs? input = False output = False def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): if name: = name else: try: = self.get_name() except: Warning('wasnt passed name and couldnt find from prefs for object: {}'.format(self.__str__)) = None self.logger = None self.log_handler = None self.log_formatter = None self.listens = {} self.node = None self.init_logging()
[docs] def release(self): """ Every hardware device needs to redefine `release()`, and must * Safely unload any system resources used by the object, and * Return the object to a neutral state - eg. LEDs turn off. When not redefined, a warning is given. """ Exception('The release method was not overridden by the subclass!')
[docs] def assign_cb(self, trigger_fn): """ Every hardware device that is a :attr:`~Hardware.trigger` must redefine this to accept a function (typically :meth:`.Task.handle_trigger`) that is called when that trigger is activated. When not redefined, a warning is given. """ if self.is_trigger: Exception("The assign_cb method was not overridden by the subclass!")
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Usually Hardware is only instantiated with its pin number, but we can get its name from prefs """ # TODO: Unify identification of hardware types across prefs and hardware objects try: our_type = prefs.HARDWARE[self.type] except KeyError: our_type = prefs.HARDWARE[self.__class__.__name__] for name, pin in our_type.items(): if == pin: return name elif isinstance(pin, dict): if == pin['pin']: return name
[docs] def init_logging(self): """ Initialize logging to a timestamped file in `prefs.LOGDIR` . The logger name will be `'node.{id}'` . """ #FIXME: Just copying and pasting from net node, should implement logging uniformly across hw objects timestr ='%y%m%d_%H%M%S') log_file = os.path.join(prefs.LOGDIR, '{}_{}.log'.format(, timestr)) self.logger = logging.getLogger('hardware.{}'.format( self.log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) self.log_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s : %(message)s") self.log_handler.setFormatter(self.log_formatter) self.logger.addHandler(self.log_handler) if hasattr(prefs, 'LOGLEVEL'): loglevel = getattr(logging, prefs.LOGLEVEL) else: loglevel = logging.WARNING self.logger.setLevel(loglevel)'{} Logging Initiated'.format(
[docs] def init_networking(self, listens=None, **kwargs): """ Spawn a :class:`.Net_Node` to :attr:`Hardware.node` for streaming or networked command Args: listens (dict): Dictionary mapping message keys to handling methods **kwargs: Passed to :class:`.Net_Node` Returns: """ if not listens: listens = self.listens self.node = Net_Node(, upstream=prefs.NAME, port=prefs.MSGPORT, listens=listens, instance=False, **kwargs #upstream_ip=prefs.TERMINALIP, #daemon=False )
def __del__(self): self.release()